[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)
3.2 Update...
Stunning/Freezing Bosses Collage: ![]() It's been a while, I know... I had to take a break, because I was just not enjoying Bestiary, but since the latest patch things seemed improved, so I'm back! ;) Anyway... if you've been taking a look at my 3.2 TecJugg toon, you'll have noticed I've been making a lot of changes. Most of the work has been focused on cleaning up and optimizing the build for end-game content. To that effect let me show you how the toon is looking on Lava Lake trash and Kitava kill with 40% more monster life: Youtube: TectonicJuggernaut - T15 Lava Lake (Stun/Freeze, Trash/Boss Fight, +40% Monster Life) So, what have I changed? After collaborating with a homie (he's doing a variant focusing on perma-stun), I decided to incorporate stun into the build. To that end I made quite a few changes to the tree, basically looking for the most powerful stun related nodes and the changes are looking pretty good! Accompanying this change I've switched from Punishment to Frostbite, which makes the build now stun + freeze/chill pretty much all the time, as you can see in the video above. You'll also notice, I'm swapping Multi-Strike for Ruthless at bosses. This is to gain additional stuns. Over all the build is damned strong for up to T15s, but T16+ single target DPS is still not amazing. I'll keep working on single target, see how I can improve it, but it might require going with a different skill for that, such as Heavy Strike or Molten Strike. If anyone out there has any ideas on how to improve T16+ single target DPS with Tectonic, I'd love to hear your suggestions. Aside from this, FYI I am no longer looking at anyone's PoB exports or fixing toons. My character is public, you can just import it into PoB and if that's not enough for you to figure out what you need to do, I'm sorry, but that's all part of the game and you need to do your homework a bit more. GL! Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 25, 2018, 1:42:09 AM
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" No, it's not a mistake. Both lowbie and high lvl have their benefits. I am doing lowbie because I want more frequent vortex/phase run casts, and a high lvl setup would cast them less. But some people may want to drop phase run and run a high lvl CWDT + golem instead, for example. Personally, I prefer to self-cast my golem. |
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I have a lv97 Juggernaut and I was following a different build for BF centered around a bloodseeker and a stat stick but my PoB dps is trash, 15k and ingame its meh. Its frustrating b/c I made a large investment, if I switch to this build using the BF PoB on page 1 would these 2 items be good to build around?
Picking up a Scourge isnt an problem, I just cant do another stat stick, double T1 and ele pen set me back ALOT. |
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" So, I haven't worked on the Jugg BF, but if you follow my Tectonic guy and switch the main skill to BF and the Abyss Jewels to claws, you can just pick up the cheapest BloodSeeker you can find and continue to use that stat stick. It's better than the one I was using last league: And when you can a Culling Strike seeker: Now, keep in mind the leech is not really going to be amazing with Jugg, if you want that insane leech, you want to go with the Zerker variant. Since the leech in really not that important with Jugg, a Scourge or just the highest pDPS claw you can find: The amulet is fine, just keep in mind the crit is a lost stat with either variant. Zerker is RT and Jugg is EO. This is my old one: GL! EDIT: Also, plug in Nebuloch into PoB and see what it does for you, because it's really very very good. It has a T1 extra elem stat-stick roll, and the x-y phys dmg per endurance is global, +armour, +chaos res, +stun threshold, +elem dmg reduction. Only bad thing is the degen, which I've already mitigated in the build and just sell your stat-stick for a bunch of exalt: Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 25, 2018, 2:50:13 AM
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Ya I was actually able to keep my tree and just simply add 3 skill points you used, the 3 cold conversion points.
By adding those 3 and swapping my BF links to yours my dps quadrupled. This is my tree from the other build; www.poeurl.com/bQUG With those 3 cold points and minor tweaks its a huge improvement, thank you for the help. Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Mar 25, 2018, 4:55:44 AM
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" Hehe you noticed ;) A huge portion of my DPS is coming from just 4 nodes: the 3 to Winter Spirit you mentioned and Elemental Overload. Glad it helped ) GL! |
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Important 3.2 update!!
So, I've made some important changes... But first, let show you a nice collage of stun/freeze locking on T13-15 bosses: Youtube: TectonicJuggernaut - T13-15 Bosses, Lich, Red Beasts (Stun/Freeze locking, Boss Fights) Some of the fights are just me, and some others with my homie who is also running TecJugg but a variant focused more on stun locking. You can see that in some of the fights the boss is so locked that it can't even switch phases unless we stop attacking: ![]() Besides this I also scored this bad boy: 7ex This means I am now running Elemental Weakness + Frostbite + Herald of Ash ;) I also picked up this other bad girl?: 60c In testing that 8% seems enough to be able to keep onslaught up almost 100% of the time on good density. Finally, I Beast crafted my Frostbreath to 30% quality: I feel I can now pretty confidently say that anyone that puts this guy together is going to be very pleasantly pleased with how strong it is: ![]() Still no life flask ;) https://pastebin.com/W0uV2GzK GL! Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 27, 2018, 5:27:35 PM
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Quick video update...
Here's an UNID T15 Reef with Beyond + Bloodlines First, things to look for: 1) It's an unidentified map, so I go in and do a short tap on the first mob I find to test for elemental reflect. We can't do that at all with 100% phys > Elem conversion (60%fire/40%cold). Once I verify it's not reflect, GO GO GO! 2) I bought this bad boy to gain Unholy Might (30% of phys as extra chaos) and have been testing if 3% is enough to keep it up; keep an eye for the buff icon and you'll see it's up pretty often. Once I'm able to find a similar gem with 5% it will be much better. Maybe get 2 with 5% that will be more than the 8% I have on my Onslaught jewel: 3) Speaking of, keep an eye on the Onslaught buff too. It's coming from both RotGut and this jewel: 4) Of course keep an eye out for the Beyond bosses getting taken to school ;) 5) Finally keep an eye out for the healing as I facetank the boss and keep in mind I don't have a life flask. The reason I'm able to do that is a combination of things: + Multi-Strike + Attack Speed + Stunning/Chill/Freezing + Endurance Charges + Regen (tree, pantheon, boot enchant, etc) What everyone saw as the shortcoming of Tectonic Strike, the fact that multi-strike will consume 3 endurance charges, can be turned into an advantage, making it so that every time I attack I am getting healed for 300 life. As you can see it works pretty well, but you can of course choose run to a life flask as a crutch ;) Here it is: Youtube: TectonicJuggernaut - T15 Reef (Boss, Trash, UNID+Beyond+Bloodlines) GL! Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 30, 2018, 12:04:11 AM
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ti pidr :)
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hi folks,
maybe i can get some help here. i'm playing a reave/bf juggernaut variant and i'm sitting currently at 154k reave tooltipdps. my bf tooltip is ~16k. but i have enormous trouble against t1^6 mapbosses. 1 fight last atleast 2mins+. so what could i do to improve my bladeflurry dps? i think i'm doing something wrong but i dont know what :D i'm pressing bf- 6 stacks- release and repeat. maybe u guys and girls can help me out? thanks in advance myn |
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