[3.0] IMMORTAL Berserk, Mjolner Discharge, 4 links, Shaper/Uber Atziri/Ulab
" Why do you need to swap a jewel out? I've managed to maintain my APS for cyclone to not require the switch and if I'm worried to hit 5 per second for trash I just run silver flask. |
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" I mistyped. GEM. I meant gem (Faster Attacks & Culling Strike), not jewel. I'm not worried about trash at all. I don't even run an onslaught flask. Don't need it. Anything that needs 5 discharges/second will be triggering both my attack speed boosts. IGN: Yolowanda
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" Ok but why do you need to gem swap even? Don't you run culling on your shield charge? I have mine as shield charge/fa/cull so it's faster and can be used to finish things off. |
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" Nope. When I'm not running hard bosses (not Shaper or Uber Atziri), I run leap slam. For hard bossing I use a different-colored shield with Righteous Fire in it. IGN: Yolowanda
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What do you guys think about the
Null and Void Legion Gloves For this build I want rampage :o |
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" Why would you want to give up str/5 worth of spell damage from iron will for rampage... |
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@ _KaOtiC_
Is there a reason why you went with CWDT + Ele weakness instead of Blasphemy + enfeeble or ele weakness? Is the extra nodes out value having a Ele weakness or Enfeeble up at all time against bosses like Atziri/Shaper/Guardians vs only procing Ele weakness for more damage? |
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" I have elemental weakness on hit vaal'd repentance, I just suggest people use it as cwdt to save 4 build points until you can get some gloves which gives you enough to take the extra power charge on the right side(which yes 90% uptime curse and getting about 20-30k more damage per discharge>a slightly stronger curse since all bosses have big curse reductions they are barely affected by curses). For the bosses that matter it will be up as soon as you are hit(90%+ of the time). Second curse really isn't worth it at all, enfeeble wont save you from 1 shots like shaper slam and such, maybe might make some really bad rolled Minotaurs less risky but for everything else 7k life is fine to facetank. All my deaths since like level 60s are to crap det dead from spider forrest map boss on her minion zombie, not finding chimera in the smoke fast enough or messing about with rf on shaper. Edit: Did a few shapers got flask and boots but forgot to record so did another one. A Few silly deaths, sometimes it's hard to get out of slam with shield charge in time when in the middle of a longer cyclone. One silly death when I went to the clone instead of him during beam. Discharge really makes it hard to see slams coming might have to play shaper without mtx on I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwMOFlcaTQw Last edited by _KaOtiC_#1652 on Sep 14, 2017, 4:01:11 AM
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I just Vaal a reduced 2%sp Repentance and get lv11 CoH elemental weakness. Could anyone please tell me the price? Not really gonna sell it just want know(already have 14% one with CoH ele weakness). Thanks
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Regarding The Wise Oak. Do I need to balance all resistances to the same value? Because this would be a real pita (I guess this would be most efficient)?
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