[2.6] LHC Rank #17 - Righteous Fire - Juggernaut

boof wrote:
Going to give this build a go, been looking and thinking about an RF build for a while, and really glad to see a successful one in lhc of the jug variety.

While I have the currency to get everything needed, I came across the suggestion in this thread of using Singularity, and looking at it couldn't for the life of me figure out why you'd spring for a Doryani's (save for a bit of attack speed) when you could get this for a chaos. Then saw this on the wiki:

(60-80)% increased Damage against Hindered Enemies is a conditional modifier and it doesn't affect damage over time.

Are they mistaken, or are you guys? I don't mind springing for a Doryani's, but why waste 80c right?

One question I had is, of all the rf builds I've looked at, no one seems to be using the Wise Oak flask. Seems like a really good option as it can help bring up resistance to eleweakness cap, and be a nice dps boost. Am I overlooking something?

What's your opinion on running a Forbidden Taste for a health flask? Seems like it was made for a build like this.

And one more thing, how important is a warding flask? I'd really like to go without one, and vulnerability seems to be the most dangerous thing, but if you're able to run a vuln map (even if it is sketchy), it shouldn't be too bad as a short duration curse?

Thanks if you find the time to answer some of this.

I've never tested Singularity, but if it's on the wiki I usually assume its right. Even if singularity does work with damage over time, the attack speed difference you mentioned would be very noticeable (1.25 vs ~1.6). With shield charge, attack speed effects the down time in between charges (time from when you finish one, until you can start a new one).

As for the wise oak, the best feature of the flask is unusable for righteous fire. Damage over time does not penetrate, only things that hit can penetrate.

Forbidden taste is certainly an option, I just prefer the seething divine flasks that take less charges, and then I don't have to worry about the chaos damage. I never really tested it though, and will now that you mentioned it.

I always like to run with a warding flask. Vuln, now that I've played more, actually isn't that sketchy. As long as endurance charges are up you have nothing to worry about. However, there are some situations that scare me. For example, in a ele weakness map, getting hit by flammability curse would wreck you (unless you happen to be flamm AND ele weak capped). It might not be necessary, but that's how I feel about it.

fryderyknicze wrote:
Hey, i love this build, altho no regen and - rezistances are pure hardcore for me. Annyoing as hell.

I thought my gloves will be fine, but im afraid I need to change them with amulet for something with hp, so i wont stay at 8,5k hp.

Any ideas what I can change more? Ofcourse ill invest in more essences soon. Was really unlucky with rolls.

My iteams:

Also I thought about buying wise oak. Im trying to max this character. Shame that no regen and - rezists pop up so much on maps. Any way to make it less painfull?

That's a beautiful marble amulet, other than the life. Yeah, the main thing you can upgrade is the life rolls on most pieces. The helm will prob be the hardest one, since essence of horror rolling can get expensive. Yes I would definitely replace the gloves with a good rare.

As for wise oak, as I just now replied to another guy, the best feature of the flask is the penetration, and that doesn't work with righteous fire (or any DOTs).

Nothing is going to make NO regen less painful, for obvious reasons lol. -max can actually be done if you grab a ruby flask and keep endurance charges up. If I was in softcore I would run these all the time that way. You can do the same with less regen, so it's only really NO regen that is just not doable in softcore.
Last edited by Nerdicide#2522 on Apr 11, 2017, 11:40:08 AM
Dratino wrote:
Hey! I enjoy your build its very fun to play. Im using it on softcore and i recorded my uber lab run:
Check this out if you want.
Any suggestions what can i upgrade in my gear?

I'm glad you're having fun with it :). Your gear is all pretty good, so your at the stage where upgrading starts becoming expensive. Here's a few suggestions...

-Helmet with righteous fire damage enchant, and rolled with essence of horror until T1 Life

-Marble amulet with similar stats as your current one (good luck lol)

-Kaom's heart corrupted with +1 max resistances

-Boot enchant with 2% life regen when hit recently (only if you plan to do harder stuff. Anything t1-t15 your enchant is fine for, or maybe even better since you can clear faster)
Last edited by Nerdicide#2522 on Apr 11, 2017, 11:48:32 AM
Nerdicide wrote:
Dratino wrote:
Hey! I enjoy your build its very fun to play. Im using it on softcore and i recorded my uber lab run:
Check this out if you want.
Any suggestions what can i upgrade in my gear?

I'm glad you're having fun with it :). Your gear is all pretty good, so your at the stage where upgrading starts becoming expensive. Here's a few suggestions...

-Helmet with righteous fire damage enchant, and rolled with essence of horror until T1 Life

-Marble amulet with similar stats as your current one (good luck lol)

-Kaom's heart corrupted with +1 max resistances

-Boot enchant with 2% life regen when hit recently (only if you plan to do harder stuff. Anything t1-t15 your enchant is fine for, or maybe even better since you can clear faster)

Thanks for your reply. I'll try to get RF enchant on my helmet. Today i also killed all guardians it was pretty easy. Now i will grind till 95 lvl to get another jewel socket and try shaper :)
Last edited by Dratino#1355 on Apr 11, 2017, 12:49:17 PM
A few quick follow up questions. On SC would a legacy saffells be possible or do you give up too much sustain?

What's the most efficient way to get both RF enchant and essence of horror enchant on a Helm? Can you roll essence of horrors without disrupting the RF enchant? Thanks

Nerdicide wrote:

I've never tested Singularity, but if it's on the wiki I usually assume its right. Even if singularity does work with damage over time, the attack speed difference you mentioned would be very noticeable (1.25 vs ~1.6). With shield charge, attack speed effects the down time in between charges (time from when you finish one, until you can start a new one).

Ah right, I'm so used to leap slam and whirling where the base speed doesn't matter.

Nerdicide wrote:

As for the wise oak, the best feature of the flask is unusable for righteous fire. Damage over time does not penetrate, only things that hit can penetrate.

Did not know that, it makes sense now.

Nerdicide wrote:

I always like to run with a warding flask. Vuln, now that I've played more, actually isn't that sketchy. As long as endurance charges are up you have nothing to worry about. However, there are some situations that scare me. For example, in a ele weakness map, getting hit by flammability curse would wreck you (unless you happen to be flamm AND ele weak capped). It might not be necessary, but that's how I feel about it.

True, there are always a few of those rare situations that you have to be prepared for, but I plan on running a ruby flask so it might work out. Thanks a lot for the answers!
I read this build cant do breach lords? or has that changed with better gear?

I am looking for a very tanky build that can do all end game content, and this seems good but will the damage be enough for end game?

Also i tried a RF build a few months ago and it felt like i had no sustain, like i got hit and i wouldnt get life back cuz RF was taking my life regen
I haven't seen this mentioned in this thread yet, so what are your thoughts on the recently buffed Death's Door? It comes equipped with almost ideal RF stats, a decent amount of res for a unique, and +1 endurance charge. And its downside matters a lot less in a build where youre effectively immune to freeze, chill, and ignite.

(This is of course assuming that cost isn't a factor...I know it's expensive right now)

So i updated my build a bit. Altho i do feel like im king of ripping sometimes. Bought the Wise Oak already, so I guess ill sell them.

Tried to roll better amulet han the one I had, but was less lucky than with first one. Ill buy 21 gems, maybe it will help a bit. Guess I cant get any better. Ive spend like 20 essences for last helmet and I got pissed off hard, so for now, I wont try my luck.

Atm trying to get as much chaos res as possible. As to flasks - sometimes shit goes really off the hook, so I guess ill add 3 flasks. Tried that 4,5ex flask before, but I didnt really feel big difference.

For now, thats my flasks

Ill change those three to ruby i guess. Altho I start to feel that I wont get as much tanky as on ES build :< Whitch is a big shame, because I love maruders.
Hello, this build seems interesting and fun but the leveling section is... pretty short. Now I know it's a HC guide so maybe you just assume people know their stuff, but too bad for me I decided I'd play this as my second PoE character ever. In Softcore of course - I've already died a few times by the end of Normal so that kind of thing explains why I don't really plan on doing HC for a while. So I have three main questions :
1) What should the leveling, pre-RF gear look like ? Right now I have the two Lifesprigs, Tabula Rasa for armor, Wanderlust for boots, Goldrim for head, Meginord's Girdle for belt, random armor gauntlets I got from a Cruel Act1 quest and a bunch of resists and stats bonuses on rings and amulet (all rare picked up while leveling). And I just don't know what to improve - I'm feeling pretty frail right now, Cruel Brutus nearly one-shotted me.
2) Apart from the 6L Flameblast totem setup, what should my other gems be ? I have some Shield Charge and Enduring Cry mostly here to start leveling them up, I also picked up a Stone Golem who is doing some nice work facetanking mobs so that I can stay back. Apart from that I don't really have anything on any slot - should I pick up a Purity of Fire already maybe ? Feels like I'm never out of mana anymore anyway.
3) Just how do you play the "Dual Flameblast Totem" part really ? Not having any direct damage (due to the keystone passive) feels a bit weird. I don't really know what to do during fights anymore, so since I'm kinda frail I end up running around a lot trying to avoid enemy skills and making sure totems are up all the time. Is this right, or am I missing something else that I should be doing during fights ? Normal Dominus took a pretty damn long time to beat with that strategy, although now that I have all the proper support gems in place for Flameblast it seems I'm having less DPS issues.

I know that's not about the main part of the build but hopefully you can still help a noob out. :)

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