Developer Questions and Answers

What is the current plan for languages? I read about a german portation quite a while ago. Sure it won't be at a high place on the list of priorities, but i would be a nice QoL. :)
why dont make particle redution for better FPS?
Can i hope for double strike buff/treshold jewel? I love this simple skill and would love to make a working character with it but it is just good enough. It feels so great to use it with multistrike and high attackspeed.
As a computer science masters student and a programmer in the games industry I am always curious about different techniques used.

Do you do systems simulations on multiple spec variations to determine balance? Do you use Machine Learning to grow the tree/balance stats or to find anomalies? Any other systems automations you guys use?
Will we ever be able to zoom out farther?
Why did you nerf Call of the Brotherhood and will there be additional methods for converting light to cold in the future?
Global 1 is cancer.
By agreeing to these terms of use, you acknowledge that bugs are like cool and stuff
and that you will bow to the Mealworm king when he ascends the throne.
Question 1: Have there been any new ideas about Fairgraves thrown about since the last Q&A?

Question 2: Are there any ideas in any stage of development about additional ascendancy classes?

Question 3: Why are you guys so awesome? I mean, come on! 6 new acts? That's incredible!
On the first day of gaming, RNG brought for me: one Flame Hellion of Frost on The Rocky Climb.
unfortunately trading is a huge part of the game. it can be really annoying when players are often afk or just ignoring messages. is there a plan to fully automate trading so i can buy/sell stuff right out of the stash?
any idea/project to port the game to dx12 or/and vulkan?
Will there ever be a system in place, like the current "first to" and "death" notices that occasionally tell us about other significant happenings in the world?

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