[R.I.P.] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Juggernaut version - R.I.P. thx to "balancing" policy
I am following this guide for the 2nd league. I love this build. I have both the Juggernaut and the elementalist versions now I am playing with. From what I an tell, the Juggernaut seems safer and does a bit more damage at the cost of not having a few quality of life abilities the elementalist has. At what level of gem or char does the elementalist pass the Juggernaut is ability? My Elementalist is a little lower level, but I am not feeling that much extra power or survivability playing them. I do not have a cool down belt as yet (need the stats and resists from my current one), but I have all of the rest of the gear (minus a few jewels, but I do have the two "keep golem alive" ones). I really wanted to see if I could get the Elementalist one up and running (yea, having to reroll those ele reflect maps was starting to get annoying), but I feel so much safer and stronger with the Juggernaut. Am I doing something wrong, or do I just need a few more levels and higher level gems? (both of my char are using the same gear except I have the alpha howl on the elementalist to get the mana to fast the golems with all purities up), and a few jewels and one ring different. Thanks |
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" Gifts from above is an Anarchy League exclusive, so you're pretty safe ;) Also, since there are no more 35ex Uniques, Trash to Treasure is down to about 6ex or so. Still not sure if that's worth it :D |
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Whats the best way for me to get the CDR shaper belt buy any belt and keep chancing it? Chancing will reroll any property not just the shaper one?
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" You dont use chance orbs at all, that would be used for trying to get a specific unique which you are not. Asfar as crafting the belt you have 2 choices, you can use 1000s, and I do mean 1000s of alteration orbs to try and isolate tier 1 CDRS (16-20%) and a tier 1 prefix of your choice, I would aim for life (90-99), if you eventually get those 2 rolls you then use a regal orb to make it rare and add a 3rd roll and you pray its decent, if not you scour and start over. This option lets you use the multiple crafted mod and gives you a bit more control over the rolls. The 2nd option is to simply use an alchemy orb on the belt and just start using chaos orbs on it, 1 after another. You can get fancy with master mods like cannot change prefixes and scouring it, exalting it etc but you are looking at a massive investment for that route. I personally prefer the alteration orb route to have more control but it took me about 18,000 for my belt alone. The rings however can be purchased for a realistic price in good tier 1 roll combos, like 5-10ex. The belts however are just impossible unless you get very lucky and someone doesnt know the value. Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Mar 21, 2018, 10:44:35 PM
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I havent crafted anything in this game so was just not sure how to do it
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ran a few labs hoping to get discharge enchant to make me feel better for using over 2k fusings to try to 6l my kingsguard....was about to quit the league and move to standard (ive used rughly 2400 fusing no joke) but this makes me feel a bit better
if anyone has discharge damage devotos maybe we can work something out Last edited by Goresplattered138#5299 on Mar 21, 2018, 11:36:08 PM
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" SSF? Last edited by lumpsumhero#2631 on Mar 21, 2018, 11:43:01 PM
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" Ikr, its so annoying, ill buy perfect roll Devotos, 65dex 25chaos and like 197-200% armor and ill get all the uber rare enchants too EXCEPT the one I want, I mean I have the discharge but I want it on a perfect helm. I end up having to list the perfect helm and wait for it to sell then find another 1 b/c im not going to waste a 5-20ex enchant, happens to me too. |
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Np, step one is to get the proper base item, you need a shaped belt item level 84 or higher to be able to even roll tier 1 cooldown speed.
You then use an orb of transmutation to make it magic (blue). Now when you begin spamming alteration orbs you can only get 2 rolls maximum, 1 suffix and 1 prefix. However many times you will only get 1 suffix or 1 prefix so if you get a nice prefix you then use an orb of augmentation to add the second roll. Cooldown speed is a suffix, life is the prefix you ideally want. You will want to google Poe.Affix for detailed lists of everything and the required item levels to get you started. If you are lucky enough to isolate the 2 rolls you want you then use a regal orb to add a 3rd roll and make the item rare. From that point if you have Eleron at lv8 you can spend 2 exalted to add "can have multiple crafted mods" and you can then add 2 more crafted rolls of your choice, keep in mind that the multiple roll counts as an suffix. It sounds confusing but once you get going youll get the hang of it. Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Mar 22, 2018, 12:47:36 AM
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All my god gear is for sale atm on standard, jewels, shaped items etc. Just check poe.goods or hit me up in game.
I love this build but ive been playing it for nearly 6 months, I have to force myself to do something different at this point. The watchers eye is already gone though, majority still here so lemme know, not trying to swindle anyone its just alot of my stuff is perfectly rolled and very rare so wanted to give folks here a heads up 1st, thanks, good luck with the build, hands down my favorite. |
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