How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Worked yesterday on my survivability. I'm like at 4600 health right now. All my resists are maxed. But, I forgot that I get 4% resists for each Endurance Charge. And I pretty much have six charges on my at all times.

Made myself a new chestpiece:

I doubt I'll ever see a 5 or 6 link. Oh well.

Also swapped out Warlords Mark for Enfeeble. I can't tell which is better.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
5L is pretty easy. Get Vor up in your hideout and buy stacks of fusings. You'll 5L in less than a week worth of play. Might even 6L if you get lucky. Get yourself two 6S armors and try on the better of the two while wearing the lessor.

2nd one I've found. I'm just going to stare at it while I have a smoke, last time finding it was more enjoyable than using it, so going to just savor the moment xD
MonstaMunch wrote:
Zrevnur wrote:
MonstaMunch wrote:

Have read some of your posts and am somewhat curious: Why do you play/prefer ES builds?

I play life builds too, but at the moment I'm sticking to Occultist or Berserker. I do so because I feel they give me the best chance of survival.

A lot of people complain about dying to lag and dc's. I live in Cambodia so I've never played a game where I don't suffer from heavy lag, pingspikes etc, it's literally third world internet. See that 1.4k pingspike in the screenshot? Totally normal. In every game I play, I have to take it into consideration for what I'm building. In the case of PoE, having a wicked ward occultist with as much faster start of es recharge as possible, enfeeble+temp chains, and a full cwdt setup is about as "lagproof" as you can be.

Berserker is slightly less safe from a shitty internet perspective. The Cloaked in Savegry with VP combo only protects you if you are connected and synced enough to be attacking whatever is hitting you. If you suddenly DC or your ping spikes to 2k+, it does nothing to help you. Conversely, Wicked Ward keeps doing its thing for the few seconds between dcing and the game exiting.
I just want to live long enough to farm some cool shit so I have something to rebuild towards when I die. When that happens you end up in a perfectly sustainable and satisfying cycle of death and rebirth :)

Have you ever tried a "tanky" build? Sth like life/armour(10K+)/evasion(10K+)/block(50%+) Gladiator with regen + cwdt/chill+leech+curse + minion distraction + ECs + fortify?
In my experience this kind of build setup is very "forgiving" (connection problems or player error) in white/yellow maps.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
Hmm.. if I want to make ES build


awave wrote:
what i meant about being potentially unlucky is that since you only had one suffix on that bow, if you crafted "cannot roll attack mods" (making it two suffixes) you could accidently roll another suffix instead of +1 gems with your exalt, making your +3 still possible, but 1 EX more expensive to make. anyhow grats on the bow though! also, ive been running just about any leaguestone, whatever i feel like at the moment, and was running domination for awhile. also i ran with 170-180% rarity and was alching 90% of maps and chiseling T6-T7+ so it was part that and part getting lucky having those Gulls drop.

Ok, thx. Would have used that extra exalt on it anyway so it wasnt a drawback for me.


TrichocereusSP wrote:
Does anyone know if Bowyer's Dream card is realistically farmable?

Probably not (realistically farmable).

TrichocereusSP wrote:
Is there any card for 6L bow other than the Bowyer's Dream?

There is also 'The Procupine'. Dont know if it is farmable. Item level is 50 so only limited crafting is possible.

Thank you for the information. The drop restriction is a little bit not encouraging (The Hedge Maze on Merciless difficulty) but I will see if that card has a reasonable drop rate by farming 30 min.
Zrevnur wrote:

Ya, I'm not a fan of armor, I think it's a waste of time generally speaking. I've been an outspoken proponent of EV for as long as I can remember, and I use fortify+blind with shield charge on pretty much any build I can. I haven't tried much in the way of minion distractions but I often use decoy totems. Regen is great, but so is Zealot's Oath ;)

To be clear though, the fb totem and bv beserker builds I did this league were both life based. I have nothing against it, I just think wicked ward occultist is the safest setup in the game right now when it comes to issues of lag and dc.

In other news, I used the key. Shouldn't have bothered :(
Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on Apr 25, 2017, 7:19:51 AM
Might be a stupid question, but is it possible to get Doon Cuebiyari with chance orb? There are two unique vaal scepters, the other one being Doryani's Catalyst, which is Atziri only drop.

I think it should be possible, but just wanted to be sure before spamming those orbs...
Steamr0ller wrote:
Might be a stupid question, but is it possible to get Doon Cuebiyari with chance orb? There are two unique vaal scepters, the other one being Doryani's Catalyst, which is Atziri only drop.

I think it should be possible, but just wanted to be sure before spamming those orbs...

Yep it is.

Munsta - Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. I consider these a dick move by GGG.
Last edited by gathor#3449 on Apr 25, 2017, 2:07:35 PM
Me new belt, it filled my resists where i had most missings.
good god can we kill this already...
I dont see any any key!

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