Legacy League Challenges and Rewards

rip life
Nice challenges, but not happy with portal reward tho, the rest is ok.
I like the list, and I like it more because people are complaining. None of these are especially tough. The end game challenge one is going to suck but the rest aint too bad.
Footprints are useless. Weapon's effect is decent, if not for its flying sparks effect. Simply glowing would be better. Portal is boring.
I like the old school portal, fitting for legacy league.
I really like the challenges, I might actually try to get 36 for once. Really want that oldschool portal.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Those are without a doubt the most disappointing rewards ever, even with the nostalgia factor. Thanks, now i won't feel so compelled to complete 36 challenges. Still weird, because i remember reading you were going to try to make them MORE interesting in the future ?
Well, at least the challenge league itself is cool and also allows for some more unique challenges.
This footprints looks nice. Weapon effect... not horrible? Portal looks so... fresh (no)?

And at last - end game grind is disgusting. 4? GGG are you serious? You think someone solo can farm enough sets for 50 Rigwald's or Pale Council's?
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
the missing padding-bottom on "kill these warband leaders" triggers my ocd :>
Curdi wrote:
Ultima Thule? Is that a Bal-Sagoth reference?

I sure hope it is a Bal-Sagoth reference.

gotta be shittin me. that term has been used since ANCIENT TIMES, meaning the lands today called Norway.

but yeah, totally a reference to apparently a band formed in 1989 LOL
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Last edited by LMTR14#6725 on Feb 28, 2017, 3:02:27 AM

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