Lightning Strike

support gems work off all damage, gear and passives that give leech only work on physical. the mods list what damage types they work on, all if not specific.
Anyone ever tried a lightning strike build that uses a fast weapon in conjunction with elemental damage mods on rings and such? Curious.
IGN: Iolar
BRavich wrote:
Anyone ever tried a lightning strike build that uses a fast weapon in conjunction with elemental damage mods on rings and such? Curious.

Like almost every build? There's more 1H+Shield or DW builds that rely on lightning strike than 2H. Specifically, Lightning Strike is the only "real" aoe claws and daggers get. Whirling Blades too but it has its fair share of issues. My LS witch is in Merciless and does fine, dagger+shield, fairly fast attack, using Wrath and Anger and some dmg on gear, mostly bank on attackspeed and flat dmg modifiers than big dmg. Also crit, since daggers and all.
I tried using Iron Grip with LS, it doesnt seem to be working at all.
The point of IG is to use the strength bonus dmg and apply it to projectiles, am i right?
So with 300str and based on one single shot, i should be able to see a difference with or without the gem. Except i didnt see one. (i dont speak about dps like in the caracter window but how much life i removed on a random monster, with the projectile only, not the melee attack.)
How is that possible? I thought GGG confirmed the combination possible.
Last edited by Pepiniere on Feb 3, 2013, 11:21:04 AM
How much Physical damage are you dealing, and what kind of damage range do you have? If you've mostly stacked flat Elemental damage bonuses on gear, you won't see a very large relative difference. If you use it with a big ol' two-hand weapon, it should be quite noticable.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 3, 2013, 11:29:20 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
How much Physical damage are you dealing, and what kind of damage range do you have? If you've mostly stacked flat Elemental damage bonuses on gear, you won't see a very large relative difference. If you use it with a big ol' two-hand weapon, it should be quite noticable.

It is currently showing 106-186 physical on LS tooltip using a 1hander(65-113).
I have both elemental (50%) and physical (50%) dmg in my tree and some physical on equipement.
I tried with a 2hand mace(77-144) and still noticed any difference. Do i need even more physical dmg? I thought 300str = 60% more physical due to iron grip.
game only displays melee hit, not the projectile hit(s). so of course the dps listing won't change.
I know that already, but Vipermagi asked me numbers. I only base my assumptions visually, ie i'm looking at a merciless random monster's hp bar after hitting it once at range. Then i swap gems and hit another of the same kind with full hp and compare. So far i didn't see any differences. I'll try to take screenshots sometime.
Does anyone know if we could see the projectiles dmg in a tooltip in near future?
Last edited by Pepiniere on Feb 3, 2013, 2:53:21 PM
With the damage variance you need more than a few hits to get a conclusive test. Also the damage difference is fairly small, you already have +110% if I understand correctly, so you do 210%, going from 210% to 270% isn't a huge jump, especially when considering the fairly low base value(80-100ish dmg).
Obstructed by every object, incapable of going over fences/through gates that are littered every where (prison/temple levels), wide arc makes the ability redundant in narrow hallways (half the game) unless you're standing in a group of mobs. Isn't very functional until you've propped it up with several (mana intensive) gems and traits.

Please consider making the ability ride over/around objects or ricochet like spark.

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