Lightning Strike

Difference where? The estimated damages when you open your character screen, or of the pop-up when you hover over the skill on the tool bar? They should both be calculating the melee hit damage.
If you have included bonuses from strength+passives+skill itself, then your weapon damage values * 164% * 50% should be the min-max values on the character sheet. The last 50% was split off from the lightning damage conversion.
Last edited by zharmad on Jan 29, 2013, 2:44:24 AM
nevermind..i refund the skill and maybe will check it on end game lvls..i double checked it..and of course over the light dmg and results were the same with and without... does reso tech affects it too?
Beta Member Since 2010
I have a huge Problem with lightning strike. I planned to make a build similar to the Javazon in D2. So I picked up all passives that increase my lightning and elemental damage.

Just to find out that I need a weapon with high physical damage to make Lightning arrow any usefull.

So guys what Bow do I need to make the lightning damage? Do I need physical damage on the bow as high as possible lightning arrow would than convert 50% of it to lightning which is then boosted like crazy through my passives.

Or should I balance the bow between physical and Lightning damage?

you want lightning arrow for bow, lighting strike is for melee (although it makes a projectile).

convert based damage gets somewhat more benefit increasing the source damage type (this case physical) but that isn't to say that elemental boosts aren't useless.
I think lightning strike effect needs to bee toned down. It's too bright and particle heavy. Difficult to see what's going on when in party or with multiple projectiles gem
Hellfell wrote:
I think lightning strike effect needs to bee toned down. It's too bright and particle heavy. Difficult to see what's going on when in party or with multiple projectiles gem

Sparks had the same issue, now a lot better, it's basically the brightness that's troublesome. Shock Nova has the same issue but you won't really see anyone use it and it's more localized. Agree that with faster attacks and LMP, LS does blind quite a lot especially on darker maps, when I lvl in felshrine it's quite painful.
I got a question:

If I have both Chaos inoculation and Ghost reaver, will the life gain on hit that I get while attacking with claws add to my ES pool or does that only work with Life leech?
not sure what this has to do with lightning strike, but yes the claw leech will apply to your es via ghost reaver. "life gain on hit" however isn't leeching, so that won't apply to es via ghost reaver.
This ability has some serious hit detection problems. Obv some problems could be attributed to client/server communication but aside from that the lightning projectiles will...

-Stop from iron bars which mobs can shoot magic bolts through
-Graphic shows a hit and stops the bolt but applies no dmg nor continues.
-Can be stopped by apparent graphic foreground. (spear tips with skulls in solaris temple)
-Under situations of low atk speed or recovery (not sure which) bolts will animate but have no effect.
-Bolts will sometimes not occur after a forced standing attack.
-Some corners and clutter stop bolts, though bolt vector is good.

"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Would linked Mana/Life Leech Gems leech for this skill? Sorry I did not want to browse through 22 pages atm, its 1:40 am..

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