Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath

Lame_Schwa wrote:
But one thing is a real turn off. Those stupid sexually objectified goddesses at health and mana indicators. I know there are loads of mobs and NPS's of that sort already, but why make us see that stuff all the time, without any possibility to remove it, either by switching it off, running off in a different direction or by killing it?

I understand and respect your opinion, sir. With respect to your question, I would answer it with another: do we know for a fact that the ability to change the interface skin is not among the additions planned for 3.0? Such an option would not be unwelcome, and I imagine the art team could have lots of fun designing additional skins. How difficult, I wonder, would the coding to enable such be?
White Knight of the Order of Mihoshi Enthusiasts
"Destroyed overnight, or the next one's free."
Never mind
Last edited by HowdyDoodyYabooty#6795 on May 25, 2017, 4:41:23 PM
Firefly00 wrote:
Recognizing that producing all this content needs money, I take this opportunity to again point out that were a Blackguard uniform package to be available for sale, I would purchase it. And then there are the new uniforms shown in trailer and screenshots both.

I had to pause the trailer at 0:14 to get a good look at the armor on those Oriath officers. The design and level of detail on these is incredible. I too would purchase an Oriath supporter pack if these sets ended up in there. Very cool.
I love how the idea of armed guards with an insignia makes everyone scream "OMG THEY'RE REFERENCING NAZIS!!!"

You know who else had armed guards with insignias? Darth Vader. That's right, so let's all boycott and complain about Star Wars while we're at it.
I love how the idea of armed guards with an insignia makes everyone scream "OMG THEY'RE REFERENCING NAZIS!!!"

You know who else had armed guards with insignias? Darth Vader. That's right, so let's all boycott and complain about Star Wars while we're at it.

Get real dude, the empire in star wars is george lucas disturbed version of national socialists.

/""The fact that fascism inspired the look and feel of the Empire is no secret. In fact, Star Wars creator George Lucas even refers to the Imperial officers in The Empire Strikes Back as “Nazis” while giving his commentary of the film. He specifically mentions their militaristic dress, noting, “The Nazis are basically the same costume as we used in the first film and they are designed to be very authoritarian, very empire-like."

In the Star Wars saga, creator George Lucas showed us how the democratic Republic was slowly manipulated into giving unlimited power to the Sith Lord, Chancellor Palpatine. In Revenge of the Sith, Lucas explored the question, “How do you turn over democracy to a tyrant with applause? Not with a coup, but with applause?” Lucas recalls, “That is the story of Caesar, Napoleon, and Hitler.

Everyone in the modern times abuses the crude indoctrinated views of "nazis" to push themself in brighter light or to get advantages in the dumbed down society. To see such boring and poor step from GGG to implement into an arpg was just a very disappointing experience for me and many other people. As i said, get real. I hope GGG removes the badges and the other misshaped art from the expansion. It's completely out of place.
=Licht ist Leben=
Last edited by Hruthgard#5466 on Feb 16, 2017, 10:58:30 PM
And yet you still jumped on getting the new Supporter Pack. Hilarious.
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
OMG! this is awesome!!
And yet you still jumped on getting the new Supporter Pack. Hilarious.

I just have not lost my faith and hope that yet, GGG will change their minds, its 4-6 months away so plenty of time to change some silly graphics. I will decide when then expansion comes out and until then i will have fun as usual with PoE. Get lost.
=Licht ist Leben=
Last edited by Hruthgard#5466 on Feb 17, 2017, 1:12:50 AM
Six new acts.!. but something is still missing...

Will i ever get my dream fulfilled to have nice Pants:0
Last edited by thunderstruck666#4045 on Feb 17, 2017, 1:56:31 AM
Firefly00 wrote:
I understand and respect your opinion, sir. With respect to your question, I would answer it with another: do we know for a fact that the ability to change the interface skin is not among the additions planned for 3.0? Such an option would not be unwelcome, and I imagine the art team could have lots of fun designing additional skins. How difficult, I wonder, would the coding to enable such be?

I really appreciate your considerate response to my post. Thank you. You're right, we don't know it for sure. Probably I was too quick with the conclusion that there will be no escape from that HUD. It's just that there has never been and I thought that they'll stick to this one for a long while as well. If they implement optional interfaces, it would be great indeed. I for one don't even want a variety of new ones. Just let me keep the current lion-skull style.

In many games of the genre, there is no choice whatsoever - you can only have sexualized female characters with hardly any diversity. I love the fact that PoE provides us with a great variety in that respect. Female characters here have significant differences in their anatomy and choice of clothing. The fact that armor has the same visual appearance on both male and female characters also makes PoE stand out, although it's just sensible and it's ridiculous that so many other games make women wear metal bikinis. All in all, the game's genre and aesthetics considered, PoE doesn't have that many problems connected with gender representation. I would really love this aspect of the game not to deteriorate. If GGG would at least give us a choice not to see sexist artwork all the time while playing, it would be greatly appreciated.

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