Donald Trump and US politics

JNF wrote:
Kellog wrote:

No idea what this means, Hilary won the popular vote by ~2 million.

Particularly popular with non-citizens.

"Three professors at Old Dominion University — Mr. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha and David C. Earnest — took these answers, did further research and extrapolated that of a 19.4 million estimate of adult noncitizens, about 620,000 were illegally registered to vote in the 2008 presidential election. Using other measuring tools, they said, the actual number of noncitizen voters could be as low as 38,000 and as high as 2.8 million.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported in 2012 that there are 22 million noncitizens in the country. The group comprises illegal immigrants and people in the U.S. legally on a visa or permanent resident green card. Of this 22 million, 20 million were 18 or older, the U.S. voting age requirement."


Trouble with Trump supporters, they believe everything they are told by loons like Alex Jones, and corrupt organisations like Brietbart and Fox News.

Regardless, you probably won't believe this as it goes against the wacky narrative you lot seem compelled to follow.

Edit: For the record, I'm not a Democrat and Hilary is't important any more - hint, she's not the President!
Last edited by Kellog on Nov 16, 2017, 12:30:46 AM
Kellog wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:

Second one of these I've seen:

If their "handwriting expert" is of the same caliber as the clown that wrote the letter, I'd have serious doubts about their credibility.

The link you put up has "WarOnDumb" saying the handwriting matches. He is fundamentally wrong. It isn't a matter of just slightly different style, either. Had WarOnDumb studied and practiced writing Chinese he would know that the stroke order is wrong. When you know what to look for, it is glaringly obvious. The hand movements to make the two signatures are quite different.


Straight out of the play-book used on /r/The_Deluded

Shall we wait for the real experts...

It's not a play book, it is the difference betwen an equal sign and a plus sign. It is why I have signed my name in Chinese and English for a long time - it makes it difficult to forge if you don't know the stroke order.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
DalaiLama wrote:
It's not a play book, it is the difference betwen an equal sign and a plus sign. It is why I have signed my name in Chinese and English for a long time - it makes it difficult to forge if you don't know the stroke order.

You do realise signatures can change over time? The way I signed my name 40 years ago has no bearing on how my signature looks now. Anyway, let's wait for the experts.
Destructodave wrote:
Thankfully, the presidency isn't decided by just the people who live in California and New York.

Your hatred of democracy is disgusting. Everyone's vote should be equally counted. All voices should be equally weighted in an election. The presidency should be decided by all Americans without unfairly favoring those who live inside certain arbitrary shapes drawn in the dirt.

Holding a megaphone to the votes of certain Americans is a gross injustice that any decent, honest person would be against. Why aren't you against it?
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
JNF wrote:

Do you need therapy or something?
Last edited by Kellog on Nov 16, 2017, 1:00:49 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:

So what does this person have to say?

"I also came to an uncomfortable but firm conclusion:"

The language already tells us this is a feelz before facts person...

His conclusion: "the judge is lying, and the accusers are telling the truth."

"The only acceptable answer"

Absolutism. Let the logical fallacies begin!

"But the judge said he didn’t “remember anything like that.”

Come on …

What man wouldn’t remember if, while in his 30s, he dated a 10th grader? That’s not something that slips one’s mind."

So, according to our him, if Moore did date a 10th grader, he would or should remember it.

If he didn't date one, why would he remember? You might remember what you ate at a fancy restaurant, but not remember what you didn't eat. This is why people who try to tell a fake story get caught in the lies. They can't remember what supposedly happened because it didn't happen.

Moore could be lying about not remembering, but this 'logic' isn't persuasive.

"Second, Beverly Young Nelson’s news conference earlier this week was overwhelmingly credible."

No proof or logic on this, just an opinion, which he is entitled to, but that doesn't make it proof anymore than someone saying Moore's news conference was overwhelmingly credible.

"I may not believe everything written in the Washington Post,"

If he believes half of it, he's got his head in the fake news sand. It probably isn't his fault. Many people don't realize how they are being duped by the MSM.

"but I do believe my own eyes and ears. And on Monday afternoon I witnessed an incredibly brave and convincing woman ."

Restating that he believes her, no rationale for why. Well, there is the 'incredibly brave' which is a feelz reason.

He then goes on to describe more "Feelz" reasons, putting them in big blocks.

"It only matters that it happened, or at least I believe that it happened."

Same argument, no rationale.

"(Side note: Leave Mrs. Nelson alone. Any “man” who harasses this lady isn’t worthy of the title.)"

Please don't question the witness!

Further we see the hypocrisy in full display here:

"I will not … cannot, in fact … vote for Roy Moore.


This causes me anguish beyond measure because I know what the immediate consequences may bean extreme pro-choice Democrat being elected to the United States Senate who could hold the deciding vote to confirm the next one or two justices.

But the conservative movement isn’t about individuals. It’s about ideas."

So is he concerned about lives or about ideas? Is it the idea of pro-choice that bothers him more than the actual practice of killing unborn babies?

From a few of his other articles, he appears to have internal conflicts. He has yet to realize that the perfect is the enemy of the good.

His heart might be in the right place, but I wouldn't let this person lead me anywhere.


One of your more bizarre posts. Well done.
The Republican Party has hated democracy for the past 30 years. They have worked tirelessly to undermine it every way that they can. They have been very smart in their efforts to dismantle the two party system; much smarter than the Democrats. What they got with Trump though is an administration whose goal is to dismantle the USA and rebuild it into a corporate oligarchy.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
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