Donald Trump and US politics

Jennik wrote:
Conservatives have been the racists throughout America's history. They switched from the Democrats to the Republicans long ago.
Name me a single Democratic Congressman, other than Strom Thurmond, who switched from D to R in response to LBJ. Protip: you can't.

Would you describe FDR, father of the US welfare system, as a racist conservative?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Nov 4, 2017, 2:29:34 PM
None of that really matters in the here and now.

Currently, for better or worse, the majority of racists/racist sympathizers are also republican voters.

(No. I am NOT saying all republican voters are racists.) (However, a large portion of Trump voters would certainly fit into the sympathizer group.)
Jennik wrote:
3) It's okay to be white - Again, this is racist trolling. It's not being said to respond to a social pressure. It's a trap laid by racists so that they can say anyone who calls them on their idiocy is the real racist. View this the same way you'd view Sargon of Akkad's "I wouldn't even rape you," because it's the exact same style of shitty, right-wing trolling.

It is unabashedly trolling. It's trying to provoke reactions, and it's apparently really good at it. The part that you are confused about is that the source of the trolling isn't racism, it's a desire to laugh at people that find it offensive.

It's an innocuous statement with the goal of making people call it racist. The more you call it racist, the more it succeeds. As far as I can tell, the only reason you're upset about it is because you can't control yourself.

I assume the meme'll die out soon enough anyway since it isn't attached to anything real. In contrast, BLM is attached to police reform in escalation of force and accountability.
Scrotes, the change was organic, not overnight. It's not like I can point to an exact moment in time when every conservative jumped off that particular cliff. We can all look at the reality we live in today and see them drowning in the ocean, though.

Richard Spencer started the alt-right, not the alt-left.
The KKK endorsed Trump.
All those white-nationalist militia groups are far-right, not far-left.
The right celebrates Confederate generals as heroes, not the left.

I can go on, but we both know there are countless other examples. Trump rode in on a wave of racial hate, with chants of "build the wall" and a plan to ban Muslims. Anyone who refuses to accept a fact as blatant as the right's embrace of racism is in complete denial. It's a willful delusion.

Not every right-winger is racist, but the right's overwhelmingly more racist than the left.
Last edited by Jennik on Nov 4, 2017, 3:03:04 PM
pneuma wrote:
It's an innocuous statement with the goal of making people call it racist. The more you call it racist, the more it succeeds. As far as I can tell, the only reason you're upset about it is because you can't control yourself.

As usual, you are extremely confused. I never called the statement racist, as it's obviously not. I called the people saying it racist. Also, you appear to have confused "talking about a thing" with "being upset about a thing." The conclusion that followed is equally nonsensical. I highly recommend brushing up on those reading comprehension and reasoning skills. They're failing you miserably.
DalaiLama wrote:
deathflower wrote:
Not trolling. We weaponised the law to deal with the most intolerant segments of society, and they keep their mouth shut.

Weaponized the law? Puh-leeze. Abraham Lincoln fought a civil war to take slaves away from the Democrats. You have only to look at LBJ's comments, look at the apathy to the Chicago Shootings or many DNC policies to know that the left is the racist group, who only gives lip service to minorities in order to whip them into a voting frenzy.

We don't have the same history.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Name me a single Democratic Congressman, other than Strom Thurmond, who switched from D to R in response to LBJ. Protip: you can't.

Would you describe FDR, father of the US welfare system, as a racist conservative?

The political parties changes over time.
There are serious issues in the world. Our systems are seriously and utterly fucked. Collectively we have the resources and knowledge to automate virtually everything, but instead we mindlessly consume the medias partisan rhetoric. The US kills 280000 people in military action but the papers shove this major threat of terrorism down our throat... a danger which averages a whooping 11 deaths a year. They rail on about the evils of 'the other' and preach fire and brimstone about how we need to wall off the rest of the world, and never once is the concept of treating people from ALL countries equally brought to our attention.

Sheep, continually distracted by whatever is in front us.

Powerless to do a damn thing.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
SkyCore wrote:
and never once is the concept of treating people from ALL countries equally brought to our attention.

Some people want that. Feel free to join us vegans in actually giving a fuck about our fellow sentient beings and consistently acting like it. Don't let culture and conformity lead to you justifying atrocities by virtue of your victims being different, which is a major problem in the world today.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Jennik wrote:
pneuma wrote:
It's an innocuous statement with the goal of making people call it racist. The more you call it racist, the more it succeeds. As far as I can tell, the only reason you're upset about it is because you can't control yourself.

I called the people saying it racist.

The message is not racist. You agree on this.

The people saying it are not racist for saying it. It's not a racist message, as you already agreed.

What more knowledge do you have? The answer is of course nothing and everything else is your own speculation and projection.

People are laughing about this, and there's no reason to bring such animosity into such a light-hearted topic/thread. Maybe you're just hungry?
pneuma wrote:
Jennik wrote:
pneuma wrote:
It's an innocuous statement with the goal of making people call it racist. The more you call it racist, the more it succeeds. As far as I can tell, the only reason you're upset about it is because you can't control yourself.

I called the people saying it racist.

The message is not racist. You agree on this.

The people saying it are not racist for saying it. It's not a racist message, as you already agreed.

What more knowledge do you have? The answer is of course nothing and everything else is your own speculation and projection.

People are laughing about this, and there's no reason to bring such animosity into such a light-hearted topic/thread. Maybe you're just hungry?

The svastika isn't antisemite on its own, but I think we can agree that anyone using it is. Just because a symbol isn't inherently racist, it doesn't mean that its usage isn't always or nearly always racist.
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