Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

This will bring a lot of ex Path of Exile players back! Bring it on exile.
This is amazing! I've only been playing the game for 2 leagues now but I've always done Solo Self Found on my own minus trading my items for currency. I like to gear up on my own instead of buying items on etc...

So this is going to lock every character in that league from trading? Or how exactly will that work as far as stopping the SSF character from getting extra currency or items from the stash that other characters have saved into the stash? Or is there going to be a completely separate stash setup for SSF Characters that only SSF Characters can access?

Keep up the good work with adding new content!
Jirai wrote:
Solo Self Found sucks in my opinion especially for people like me that are never lucky....I think this will lead into hate, jealousy and a lot of flamewars in the chat....And I will be one of those flamers if people post their virtual "balls" in the chat....

It's just a separate ladder for people that enjoy different play styles. Just like Hardcore and Softcore ladders. If you're that type of person then flame on...
It's reasons like these I will always keep coming back!

Also why I can say I enjoyed this game 100x more than others, even though I spent lots of money on this game, and profited from others (legally, no RMT)

SSF was always my preferred way of playing, can't wait for the ladder!!
Sweet! But I've been primarily a solo self found player anyway. Everyone I know sucks because they won't play this game......
Will this allow us to play offline?
I like this idea, but Drop rate of certain items need to be increased to allow build diversity.

I always play Solo Self found but there comes a time that i have farmed for X and not found it, so i say fuck it and just buy that one or two item that i need. (unique item)

Beside that love this idea.
MasterAxe wrote:
rararaputin wrote:
This is great. No more rmt, significantly reduced botting(maybe eliminated completely?) And I don't have to deal with trading anymore, flippers, fixers and other crap, yay!

kudos to ggg.

Are you serious? PLayers will bot nonstop for bragging rights at level and gear. I envision this to have many bots, especcially the first couple leagues as it is new.

You are mistaken if you think bots don't get banned. Sure you can risk your main account if you want. Botting is done for rmt(2 of the most serious bots for poe wouldn't exist if there was no money to be made from rmt) and/or accumulating enough currency to buy whatever you want using trade system. Once rmt is not available and you can't even trade for items you want, botting for bragging rights to be #1 is rather silly. I can guarantee that if you bot in dried lake to level 100 you will be banned, the bot will do so many identical actions over and over that it will get nailed.

I've always played SSF since i started the game at 1.0 release, and i don't see what this SSF leage gives new.
If you like SSF and don't want to trade, you just remove chat/spam notifications and don't trade : you have your "SSF league".
Maybe i missed something in the first post ...
SSF for ever :)
Last edited by LoloTwingo#3920 on Jan 24, 2017, 12:56:19 PM
LoloTwingo wrote:
I've always played SSF since i started the game at 1.0 release, and i don't see what this SSF leage gives new.
If you like SSF and don't want to trade, you just remove chat/spam notifications and don't trade : you have your "SSF league".
Maybe i missed something in the first post ...

Some ssf people are competitive(I am), so for me, isolated, same rules ssf with its own ladder is kinda like a race. And I will be participating.

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