Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

So now that you've said player opinion is worth more than player interaction, can we get a fixed price, buyout only broker system already?
can't launch the game :/
Standard is already the place where everything goes. What would it hurt to either massively increase crafting/currency drops or provide a cheap way to trade them up in the standard league to see how it turns out? You won't be compromising anything in a league that already has everything from every league there ever was. And it gives solo self found people like me a place to experience the crafting game for real without needing to flip items in town for a few days until I have stacks of it.

I can't speak for every self found player out there but I'd be completely satisfied being able to play my SSF game in standard under a system that gives SSF playstyles the opportunity to experience the same game as someone who trades all day. Bonus if you bring back IIQ and imprinting there as well. It doesn't have to be a part of the new/race leagues though. I just want to experience crafting where I'm actually able to make something useful for once considering how rarely anything useful drops. I've learned to build characters that can derp their way through the big fights by getting really lucky and that gets me by in new leagues. But I'd still love to experience the rest of the game somewhere without needing to become a capitalist. I play the game to play not to be a salesman.
I think this solo self found business is just to test the waters for the upcoming console version which will likely be without multiplayer
Seems like a waste.

Why would you prove to someone you went self found? Kind of defeats the purpose. You're playing a solo game.

Could see the point about console version ... still laughable.

+1 to whatever everyone above has said.

Glad to see development is happening in other fields, just sad it's this direction.

† You were a good man in a bad situation, Fairgraves. †
See what I am currently after here: 1767138
Thanks Chris! 2797098
morbo wrote:
tmaciak wrote:
The only point to play temp league for me, is to get temp league specific uniques and I will not get it playing SSF. I even don't sell much, only some spare crap and do most currency just by farming and converting small farmed currency.

What is the point to play SSF in 3 month temp league timeframe here if you are not streamer playing 10 hours a day? You will not get anything serious in that time.

As I understood it, you can still convert your SSF char toward the end of the league and buy all the league specific items with your SSF wealth. You will have less $$ for not selling things throughout the league, but still.

You know, this feature looks exactly like having this in mind: "we heard that there are ppls who don't like economeh, so let's give them a ghetto to decay in" and say in few month "we added support for SSF and nobody play is, so we are set".

Yes, I don't like economeh, I don't trade and I don't have 10-12 hours per day to burn in game, but it doesn't mean, that I want to level 100th character using 4 link skill in T5 map and call it a day and start anew. And if you don't accept at least one of mentioned "don't" you will nothing interesting here in 3 months.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
I'll check it out. Been playing for years now and just a couple weeks ago I bought something off another player I didn't know for the first time! Otherwise I play pretty much SSF except swapping stuff back and forth with guildmates on occasion. I rarely party even with them and never have with strangers.

This sounds neat, I'll make a toon for it.
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Arcis wrote:
afaik, the main reason people want a SSF league is so the game doesn't have to be balanced around the fact that trading will always be much more efficient than soloing. if there are no additional benefits to playing SSF, i think this has missed the point.

No, i think your missing the point of why people play SSF in the first place.
Whats the Point of going SSF if you are going to trade or party anyway at level 20 or 70? Shouldn't you just go to level 100 if you gonna play SSF? If you know you are gonna trade or party at some Point anyway you might aswell just do a regular character? Right?

But I guess many streamers will play SSF cause they do it anyway.
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Last edited by Akymo86#1956 on Jan 24, 2017, 3:19:52 AM
Will repeat, please add facebreaker (and some other key uniques) divination cards for ssf purposes
Glacial Hammer now has 3-5% Chance to Poison on the character select screen.

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