[2.6] Cospri's Forge Lacerate Slayer - Fast clearspeed - Farming Shaper, Guardians, Uber Atziri -

Noichiro wrote:
Like I said I'm rather new, so I don't really understand how the threshold for CWDT works, really no idea what level to use. Lowest level sounds best to me because more procs?

Active gems linked to CWDT track damage taken from hits (not DoTs) until they hit the threshold, at which point they activate and are put on a .25 second CD during which they don't track damage.

If you are using only IC and no endurance charges this pretty much means you are best off using a lvl 1 CWDT with a lvl 3 IC. If you are using something like Flame Golem as well, you might want to level the CWDT so that you can have a higher level golem than 3. I use flame golem and IC like you do so for me I felt like lvl 7 CWDT with lvl 9 golem and IC was a reasonable compromise. Lvl 7 CWDT has a 1k damage threshold so it procs fairly often and lvl 9 flame golem has 17% increased damage and a bit more life than the lvl 3 one.

Other levels of CWDT that make sense would be 5 and 9 because flame golem gains an extra % of increased damage at 7 and 11.
Well, I want to thank you for your effort Euploid. Started yesterday, level 71 now, going well. I'm a little concerned about how well it will scale later but looks like I'd be wrong. I wanted a build that can do all content not fast map clearer+ cant do Shaper/Guardians.
35k paper dps atm with frenzy stacks and totem out

I'm hesitant to replace the ele damage on my belt as it's worth a few chaos as is,I'd put movement speed on it.

My Gloves are garbage, pushing for 73 so I can slap on

I wish I could use Haemophilia but I don't think much of losing life and resists.

Also, is there anyway to stop your character from spinning around attacking in random directions? It's a lot like Sunder in that respect. Force stop doesnt help beyond of course forcing you to stay in place, and what your mouse curser is on doesn't matter, he will spin around if surrounded.

Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on May 22, 2017, 3:21:12 PM
DamageIncorporated wrote:

Also, is there anyway to stop your character from spinning around attacking in random directions? It's a lot like Sunder in that respect. Force stop doesnt help beyond of course forcing you to stay in place, and what your mouse curser is on doesn't matter, he will spin around if surrounded.


Glad you're enjoying the build :)

As for your question, multistrike's 2nd and 3rd attack automatically selects valid targets in range, meaning the targeting is random and you can't really do anything about it apart from getting more attack speed for it to feel a little better. You can somewhat offset it with positioning by trying to make sure all enemies in range are in the same general direction from you.

Cleave also feels a bit better with multistrike than lacerate because it locks you in place for a shorter time and the initial arc of its attack is wider.
Last edited by Euploid#7589 on May 22, 2017, 5:21:32 PM
aha that explains it, thank you.
Euploid wrote:
Noichiro wrote:
Like I said I'm rather new, so I don't really understand how the threshold for CWDT works, really no idea what level to use. Lowest level sounds best to me because more procs?

Active gems linked to CWDT track damage taken from hits (not DoTs) until they hit the threshold, at which point they activate and are put on a .25 second CD during which they don't track damage.

If you are using only IC and no endurance charges this pretty much means you are best off using a lvl 1 CWDT with a lvl 3 IC. If you are using something like Flame Golem as well, you might want to level the CWDT so that you can have a higher level golem than 3. I use flame golem and IC like you do so for me I felt like lvl 7 CWDT with lvl 9 golem and IC was a reasonable compromise. Lvl 7 CWDT has a 1k damage threshold so it procs fairly often and lvl 9 flame golem has 17% increased damage and a bit more life than the lvl 3 one.

Other levels of CWDT that make sense would be 5 and 9 because flame golem gains an extra % of increased damage at 7 and 11.

Thanks for clearing that up, I'll just use a level 1 CWDT and 3 IC then, as for the flame golem, if that outlevels the required level for CWDT I would just have to self-cast it.
^ yes you would have to self cast it but trust me, golem with CWDT is a good QOL thing. remembering to keep it up is kinda a drag and it dies a lot.
I gotta say after nearing level 80, this is pretty glass cannon and is getting pretty old pretty quick. Keep getting insta gibbed and WTF WRECKED. Clear speed is somewhere between bad and OK but survivability is really bad. I can't imagine doing any Guardians or Shaper without basically ignoring the OP guide and making fundamental changes.
Walk up to a pack drop totem and pop:

And go SQUISH. Has happened more than once with fairly typical map mods in Shaped Strands. I don't see how a couple hundred more HP is going to help a whole lot ( a few more levels), and hard hitting bosses are extremely cringe.

Needing to stop and dance /move kills clear speed and this build doesnt have much room before falling into awful clear speed territory.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on May 23, 2017, 6:37:36 PM
DamageIncorporated wrote:
I gotta say after nearing level 80, this is pretty glass cannon and is getting pretty old pretty quick. Keep getting insta gibbed and WTF WRECKED. Clear speed is somewhere between bad and OK but survivability is really bad. I can't imagine doing any Guardians or Shaper without basically ignoring the OP guide and making fundamental changes.
Walk up to a pack drop totem and pop:

And go SQUISH. Has happened more than once with fairly typical map mods in Shaped Strands. I don't see how a couple hundred more HP is going to help a whole lot ( a few more levels), and hard hitting bosses are extremely cringe.

Needing to stop and dance /move kills clear speed and this build doesnt have much room before falling into awful clear speed territory.

I'd appreciate it if you could make your character public so I can have a look at it.
Done, thank you.
DamageIncorporated wrote:
I gotta say after nearing level 80, this is pretty glass cannon and is getting pretty old pretty quick. Keep getting insta gibbed and WTF WRECKED. Clear speed is somewhere between bad and OK but survivability is really bad. I can't imagine doing any Guardians or Shaper without basically ignoring the OP guide and making fundamental changes.
Walk up to a pack drop totem and pop:

And go SQUISH. Has happened more than once with fairly typical map mods in Shaped Strands. I don't see how a couple hundred more HP is going to help a whole lot ( a few more levels), and hard hitting bosses are extremely cringe.

Needing to stop and dance /move kills clear speed and this build doesnt have much room before falling into awful clear speed territory.

I have some points, I want to stress that my intention is not to be condescending or whatever even if some of the things I mention might be obvious to you. Your experience is your own and if you're not getting what you want out of the build I obviously can't tell you that you're wrong. Hopefully you can make it work, I still feel this build is quite strong and for me it is very fun to play.

1. I'll just start by saying that trying to clear a map with monster level 78 as a lvl 76 character usually doesn't go well. That being said your gear is pretty good so it's not like doing higher level maps should be impossible, but still I think you are setting the bar a bit high.

2. Finishing ascendancy helps a lot with clearspeed. You are also missing a jewel slot where you could get more attack speed and life. If you are capped on resists those are the most important stats you can get from jewels. The stopping to dance that you mention really does get a lot better with more attack speed.

3. Apart from fortify, temporal chains is the strongest layer of defense this build has for mapping, and the best way to make it stronger is with quality. Your gem has no quality on it and your enhance is lvl 1. I always recommend buying a level 3 enhance to use until you can afford a lvl 4. Lvl 3 enhance is cheap and the benefit of not having to level one from scratch while using it is immense. If you put quality on your curse gem and get a lvl 3 enhance, I think mapping will feel a lot better.

4. Lion's roar would give you more damage than Atziri's Promise and it is also good defensively. If you want to use a quicksilver I would just replace atziri's promise with it, otherwise you could replace the quicksilver. I always just leap slam to move, that's why I never use a quicksilver flask. On the subject of flasks, you should roll bubbling or seething on your life flask. You also don't need bleed immunity on a flask because of your ascendancy.

5. You might benefit from getting more leech. I haven't tested it much, but I'm starting to think Vitality Void would be a really good defensive addition to the build. Pathing to it would also allow you to skip mana leech on gear to get a better jewel. You can try speccing out of Executioner to pick it up if you want to try it now. Executioner is not very efficient anyway, I've been thinking about rewriting the passive tree with this change.

P.S. Just to make sure nothing changed I did a few strands on my character after reading your post. It is still the same, clearspeed is a bit worse than it used to be in Breach because of the AoE changes, but I never went below half hp and it took me 2 or 3 minutes to clear each one.

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