[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam
Is Iron Grip worth taking for the projectile damage part of the weapon?
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Im currently doing this build in Legacy, Its really fun and ive just hit lvl 90. One problem is that sometimes i just die to a random boss and i dont know why. My HP is currently 5700 and was wondering if i used a belly of the beast armour instead of carcass. Would this help or would it reduced clear speed too much?
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Thinking of switching from EQ Slayer to this. Has anyone tried them both and can give some feedback on their thoughts?
IGN PoopyPotter
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Hey. Can you explain the reason behind lion's roar? I'd think the knock-back would make all the meatballs miss, no?
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" really nice flask. really helps for bosses |
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what does running herald of ash, flamm and enfeeble cost mana wise?
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" Yes. Wise Oak flask works great with the build. You just have to ensure your fire resistance is the highest. ______________________________________________________________________________ " Yes. Iron Grip is needed in the build. ______________________________________________________________________________ " Which random boss might that be? If you feel that you needed more health, you can certainly switch to Belly. ______________________________________________________________________________ " The physical damage is huge and it works great against boss that don't get knock back. I also tend to spam it in Tul breaches as I always find Tul to be the toughest due to the chill + freeze. Knock back will be able to help you get out of some nasty situation in Tul. ______________________________________________________________________________ " To run Herald of Ash + Flammability + Enfeeble, you will need Enlighten 4 to be comfortable. You can check out Cospri's skill tree on 4L gem recommendation. The mana reservation with Enlighten 4 will be:( 25 + 35 + 35) * 0.88 = ~84% |
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" The physical damage is huge and it works great against boss that don't get knock back. I also tend to spam it in Tul breaches as I always find Tul to be the toughest due to the chill + freeze. Knock back will be able to help you get out of some nasty situation in Tul. Aight what about against normal Trash? Do I want to swap it out to prevent knock-back and make meatballs miss? |
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A few notes after playing this build into red maps:
- Spiked gloves doesn't benefit molten burst, only gripped gloves does. - Sibyl's Lament is an awesome ring with this build (reflect dmg reduction, wed, added fire dmg, a bit of life). With it and Primeval Force, I don't even notice reflect rares. - Arctic Armour is also worth considering if you're having trouble with reflect. - Any melee damage modifier should be avoided, since Molten Burst is only considered as a projectile (for example jewel mods). Also I have a question: How significant is The Taming for this build (and maybe in general)? I've never quite wrapped my head around that item. Last edited by khoi14021993#7496 on Mar 15, 2017, 9:37:52 PM
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So far so good xD This is the first time i manage to reach the DPS of the post's owner. I'm currenly 87 with only 5k8 HP ( probably 6K after 90 ). So ToH is only for dmg mitigration right ?
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