[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam
first off, amazing guide and support! thinking of doing this HC but i got some question regarding the life leech / avatar of fire Will you still be able to leech, or how does it work when it is only fire damage? Or would it be better to skip the AoF / Xoph amulet and go for another amulet, to keep the leech up, since its important for HC..? Other i will go with a belly of the beast for some extra survivability i guess. Thanks a lot! |
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" Going for Kaom's heart is not advisible as you will give up too much damage + a 4L setup for that 420+ life. ______________________________________________________________________________ " You get the leech from Vitality Void cluster located at the bottom part of the tree. The leech comes from all damage so you will be able to leech from fire damage. Going Xoph's Blood is pretty safe because you no longer fear physical reflect. A ruby flask is enough to handle elemental reflect as long as you have your fire resistance cap. The new Primeval Force cluster (bottom right side of the tree) provides an additional 10% elemental reflect reduction which further helps on handling the reflect damage. Besides Belly, you can also look at Daresso's Defiance. This chest provides you free endurance charge, onslaught and good amount of armour. And for HC play, I would also advice to get all endurance charges. The 2 charges are all within 2 skill point reach. You can take a look at this tree for HC game play. |
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SSF here, any way around the Dying Sun for surviving reflect? Is a regular Ruby flask enough?
Last edited by Sythen#0931 on Mar 13, 2017, 6:44:39 AM
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Hey kira. How would you compare the ancestral warchief setup vs cwdt setup?
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" You don't have to use Dying Sun to counter elemental reflect. A Ruby flask is more than enough. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ " I will go for Ancestral Warchief any day. For this build, I prefer manual casting Enduring Cry for the endurance charges over Immortal Call. The thing that can kill you (1 shot death) will still kill you even if you have Immortal Call. You only start benefiting from Immortal Call when you have around 7 charges. Achievable from +1 belt and Death's Door boots and taking up +2 charge from the skill tree. |
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With XOPH BLOOD AMU, the Link for Ancestral Warchief + concentration effect should be + WED instead of melee phys if your going with ele focus. Before instead of WED it was melee phys and WED gave me more dps.
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Is it possible to play this build with a Scion ? i would go for Slayer -> Raider in ascendency
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Well this gonna be long but i hope u can take some time to read and give me some advice xD
First this is my current gear : I'm looking for better rings and belt but they work for now. First thing i have to say that this is a build ( at least mine ) that allows u to have a 5 sec fight with Izaro (maybe with Vinktar ). I did some full key run this morning at lv 83 and 5k3 HP. His normal attacks take like 1/3 or most 1/2 my life pool but i can leech back quite fast. But when it comes to big hit i have to dodge or he'll 1 shot me. Is that happen to everyone or just me ? In conclusion every fight is pretty fast but i can't make any mistake if i want to survive. Second, i use fire pen in my 6L setup so my fire resistence penetration is 67%. Additional fire pen from the tree is 13%, flammability - 42% enemy's resistence. So i wanna ask will all of them add up and even make enemy's resistence turns to minus ? or just 0 is the limit ? I even plan to use : to push the penetration even further because i want to kill izaro as fast as possible. So what's is your oppinion about this setup ? Would u prefer fire pen gem + wise oak flask or fortify and normal flask setup ? Note : I have 39k DPS with inc aoe and fire pen ( 60k DPS with conc) and 42k DPS with fortify and inc aoe ( 64k with conc ).I have only 4k5 armor so i wanna ask what's your defence stats. I don't even think of using devoto because my HP is already low. How can u achieve such amount of HP ? I have enduring cry in my setup but to be honest i don't use it because i hate kiting around and spam EC till full endurence charges. I'm thinking of using rallying cry instead. Last problem is i have to take 2 additional mana leech nodes to be able to leech enough ( which i did tell u before ). I can't think of any solution for this :( So i hope u can take a look and tell me what i'm doing wrong so i can fix it and give me some advice to improve my build.(My profile is open ) Tks in advance !!! Edit : Why don't u recommend VoV in flask setup ? i mean we'll lose a bit dmg because of lightning convert but isn't 50% more dmg is juicy ? Correct me if i'm wrong. Last edited by huyakf1997#1905 on Mar 13, 2017, 10:55:02 AM
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Uber izaro can only one shot this build if you dont kill the statues that come out of the floor and buff him. you can only kill the statue that has a beam of light going to izaro. kill all statues before you cyclone on top of him. once statues are down you can face tank even the big attack.
twitch.tv/VtuberLunartuna Last edited by Lunartuna#7274 on Mar 13, 2017, 11:34:42 AM
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" Yes. Weapon Elemental Damage will give more damage if you are using Xoph's Blood. I have updated the guide. Thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ " Scion should work but the leech and culling strike is not as great compared to Slayer. ______________________________________________________________________________ " From your skill tree, you are missing Iron Grip. This key stone is mandatory as it will greatly buff Molten Burst damage. You should replace Vessel of Vinktar flask with a Ruby flask as it makes you take more damage (unless you have anti shock flask) and you gain very little benefit from it. Vinktar is not recommended because of Avatar of Fire. 50% of elemental damage gets converted to fire and you will need that anti shock flask. Too much hassle in my view. :) I have ~3000 armour and 20% physical damage reduction on my standard guy. He has 6200+ life using Elemental Overload skill tree. Devoto helm is great for the build because it gives you 16% IAS and 20% movement. This build greatly benefits from it. I would suggest you to gain more levels, and upgrade your gears as you progress on. Also remember to 20% quality your gems. They provide significant boost to damage. On the topic of mana issues, use a mana pot. I do use one that comes with anti freeze. You can check the flask setup in the guide for reference. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ " Not true. The only time that Uber Izaro can be a problem is Charge Disruptors. Everything else you can do full key runs without much issues. :) |
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