its hard to get one now since its mid to late league...i payed like 200 chaos on mine at the start of the league just to get rid of the link you have to have vorici at level 8
Oh, i see... but i can't find any M.B with ele weak corruption and 3 blues linked ... :/
So i think i'll save the 4 points of "Whispers of Doom" to put in somewhere else, and use a MB with Culling Strike.
Also, how useful is "Conqueror's Eff." ? I feel that i don't need this jewel at all and so, save 3 points of the jewel socket to gain more ES in the tree...
TigerJazz, as someone who has never had a level 8 Vorici, I knew that my only option to get an appropriately linked and colored Elemental Weakness corrupted Midnight Bargain was to corrupt one on my own. I played this same build in Harbinger league and during that league I simply bought out all of the MBs I could find for 1 alch, linked and colored them, and then corrupted them. I think it took me about 30 tries before I got one with EW. I fared a bit better this league and got one within 5 tries. At the time of this writing it looks like there are very few MBs priced at 1 alch on poetrade. Most seem to be about 1 chaos and above. Depending on your budget, though, this could still be a preferable route to purchasing one outright (if one ever shows up) for what I assume would be several exalted. Also, while it is of course preferable to corrupt a MB with the highest "Minions Deal x% Increased Damage" mod that you can find, the dps that mod provides pales in comparison to what the EW corrupt provides. Path of Building puts 1% of the "Increased Damage" mod at about 437 dps for my current character's spectres, meaning the difference between a 15% mod and a 30% mod is about 6,568.5 dps. PoB rates the EW corrupt as granting my spectres an additional 38,249 dps over a MB without it, all other numbers being equal.
Regarding the Conqueror's Efficiency jewel, I see this as entirely necessary for the build to function, especially against Shaper and his guardians. Not only does the jewel provide reduced mana reserved, but it also reduces the mana cost of all of our skills. My current character has a total of 1,117 mana, with only 67 mana unreserved. My current mana costs for desecrate, ball lightning, flesh/bone offering, raise zombie and summon chaos golem (with the help of The Vertex helm) are all below 67 mana. However, without the Conqueror's Efficiency jewel, Path of Building puts my total unreserved mana at just 22 mana. This, coupled with the increased cost of all of my skills would make it so that I could not cast most of my skills with all of my auras active. This becomes increasingly important during the Shaper/guardian fights as you will need to desecrate and bone offering repeatedly in order to keep your spectres alive.
edit: fixed "More" to "Increased" oops. Also, yeah, I guess if you had a friend or someone you trust that has vorici 8 you could have them recolor. I have no friends, though. It's really sad. :(
Last edited by ILjXYZ#6959 on Jan 11, 2018, 7:33:41 PM
Its my first time using a summoner build, and i'm enjoying it! But i have a question: you said we use 2 curses, one is enfeeble, which is the other one?
EDIT: And what about using Soul of Arakaali instead? (because of the ES rec. rate)
Question about curses has been answered, about the arakaali part:
We can not proc the increased recovery rate reliably, as we have to have stopped taking damage over time recently to make it work. But even with we could proc it, Lunaris' "Avoid Projectiles that have chained" would still outshine it.
Its my first time using a summoner build, and i'm enjoying it! But i have a question: you said we use 2 curses, one is enfeeble, which is the other one?
EDIT: And what about using Soul of Arakaali instead? (because of the ES rec. rate)
I believe the second curse is lvl 10 elemental weakness by corrupting your midnight bargain
Oh, i see... but i can't find any M.B with ele weak corruption and 3 blues linked ... :/
So i think i'll save the 4 points of "Whispers of Doom" to put in somewhere else, and use a MB with Culling Strike.
Also, how useful is "Conqueror's Eff." ? I feel that i don't need this jewel at all and so, save 3 points of the jewel socket to gain more ES in the tree...
ILjXYZ already gave a good answer (it should be mentioned however that Midnight Bargain does not grant a "more" modifier, just "increased"!), i just want to add that in order to get a 3B linked Midnight Bargain with the Ele weakness corruption you can also ask someone you trust to color and link your MB. Even if there is noone in your friend list who has vorici 8 there are plenty of people who do mastercraft services and in my experience they do not scam you. A lot of them have a thread in the forum you can check before giving them your item, so you can see if anyone got scammed by the person recently or if he is trustworthy. In case you do not want to do that you can also hit me up in game, my vorici should be 8 in a few days, i will link the item for you if you want - i think anyone who ever asked me for help in game will tell you that i do not scam people. I also have an ele weakness bargain with random sockets laying around which only waits for my vorici to hit 8.^^
Last edited by xxWolf#7174 on Jan 12, 2018, 6:26:36 AM
its hard to get one now since its mid to late league...i payed like 200 chaos on mine at the start of the league just to get rid of the link you have to have vorici at level 8
@wolf...the last points...just ES?
Either that or an additional jewel socket. jewel socket grants a mix of damage, utillity and ES, ES (surprise) more ES.
Just recently picked up a Hall of grandmasters map. Is there any way for us to do this map solo or would i have to find someone with a specific build to clear it for me?
I kinda swapped around some stuff and ended up with this
i was thinking about staying midnight bargain and 2 curses + 1 spectre but no movementskill = slower mapclear since u cant zoom around
or go with what i am right now, losing 1 spectre and both curses but gaining a pretty fast shieldcarge (+stun) + fortify + faster movement around the map = faster clearing
i ended up sticking with the scourge variant for mapping since 3 solar guards are more than enough to clear everything within a split-second.
if u wanna go bosskilling (ie. shaper, uber itzaro/ atziri/ shaper/ elder/ whatever) i would switch to fire eaters + slower proj + pierce? in order to burn down bosses quickly
in my opinion, since u dont need more damage, shieldcharge+fortify and the ability to move around quickly and get out of dangerous situations instantly is > than a 4th spectre and 2 curses (most bosses are immune to curses either way or even reflect them - so ud have to run blasphemy+curse)
another option could be the scourge and linking blasphemy/TC/Enfeeble into it, ending up with another great layer of defense, but still losing the 4th spectre, no movementskill and no fortify.
wall of text, what do u guys think?
edit for atmosphere01:
swap out your 6L spectres for a scorching ray setup for the max block characters in HoGM
Last edited by FinestHC#3833 on Jan 12, 2018, 4:07:48 AM
I kinda swapped around some stuff and ended up with this
i was thinking about staying midnight bargain and 2 curses + 1 spectre but no movementskill = slower mapclear since u cant zoom around
or go with what i am right now, losing 1 spectre and both curses but gaining a pretty fast shieldcarge (+stun) + fortify + faster movement around the map = faster clearing
i ended up sticking with the scourge variant for mapping since 3 solar guards are more than enough to clear everything within a split-second.
if u wanna go bosskilling (ie. shaper, uber itzaro/ atziri/ shaper/ elder/ whatever) i would switch to fire eaters + slower proj + pierce? in order to burn down bosses quickly
in my opinion, since u dont need more damage, shieldcharge+fortify and the ability to move around quickly and get out of dangerous situations instantly is > than a 4th spectre and 2 curses (most bosses are immune to curses either way or even reflect them - so ud have to run blasphemy+curse)
another option could be the scourge and linking blasphemy/TC/Enfeeble into it, ending up with another great layer of defense, but still losing the 4th spectre, no movementskill and no fortify.
wall of text, what do u guys think?
edit for atmosphere01:
swap out your 6L spectres for a scorching ray setup for the max block characters in HoGM
Then you can use one ring with +Lightning or +cold damage to Attacks, and aply Elemental Equilibrium with your Shield Charge. With this comp you lose Increased Duration, Vaal Discipline and Arctic Armour And some flat ES, but you gain 2 curses in blasphemy. Maybe with one offensive curse, you don't need The Scourge, than can change for Brightbreak for more mobility speed. And for remember, Temporal Chains its top OP with Blasphemy, you never change If you start use this.
If you don't need to use Anger, let me know, because I have other sugestion without anger.
Edit: also you don't need Conqueror's Efficiency If you use, then you can use one flat ES jewel, for mitigate ES you lose for change helmet.
Last edited by Felozial#4868 on Jan 12, 2018, 10:28:20 AM
First time playing summoner, and really enjoying the build. Did red elder without any problems, minotaur down aswell.. However I feel really squishy. Any suggestions besides I need some more levels? Also what should be prio on my tree going forward? Sitting at 6,7k es atm
Thanks alot for the build and getting me into this! :)
Edit: Got a few levels up to 86, got to 7k es, killed shaper without any troubles.
Gear (Suggestions welcome)
Last edited by LynXx_#0723 on Jan 14, 2018, 7:05:03 AM