BEASTfilter for 3.21 Crucible - comprehensive loot filter, 4 presets, PC/Console
BEASTfilter v5.6c - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST
BEASTfilter v5.6c - updated presets for PC 5.6c update: * Added higlight for new "Seed Enhancer" items (currently same for all types, may change in next update when their functionality will be better known): white text on green background, with yellow raindrop minimap icon and yellow beam. Life is short - deal with it Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jul 13, 2020, 8:44:56 AM
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Life is short - deal with it
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Me once more! Three minor suggestions.
• Five-links shouldn't be highlighted for their usefulness anymore in the endgame, I think. Six-sockets (worth 7 Jews) surely are worth being pointed out, but by the time a player gets to low mapping, five-links have run their course. Globally, a five-link anything isn't even worth one Chaos once the first week of a league is over. I think they should be hidden once Orbs of Transmutation are (area level 80, I think, using Endgame version of the filter) or maybe even sooner (at least with the Endgame branch of the filter). • Please give Leather Belts some kind of different formatting again. I'm *not* saying they shouldn't be hidden, but with Alt key pressed (all items shown), they should still stand out. This league is a Nemesis rotation, so it'd be dandy if I could easily spot them among all the other items (only with the Alt key pressed, as said). • Speaking of belts, I feel that Rustic Sash should be removed from the bad belt base types? Especially with the latest changes to Warcries, phys. builds remain pretty popular, and Rustic Sashes should be at least in the same tier as Studded Belts. Something like this belt base type tier list: Stygian Vise > Vanguard Belt, Crystal Belt > Rustic Sash, Leather Belt, Heavy Belt > Chain Belt, Cloth Belt, Studded Belt. I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
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BEASTfilter v5.7 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST
BEASTfilter v5.7 - updated presets for PC v5.7 update for Heist League + Added highlights for Heist items: Currency, Contracts, Blueprints, Targets, Trinkets, Rogue's gear types (Cloak, Brooch, Tool, Gear). + Heist progression items (Contracts, Blueprints, Targets) have "Cross" minimap icon. * Contracts: text and icons for quest contracts are green, for tradeble contracts - red. * Blueprints: blue text and icons with dim brown backgrond color based on league's theme. * Targets: white text and yellow icons with dim brown backgrond color based on league's theme. + Heist gear items (Trinkets, Cloak, Brooch, Tool, Gear) have "Pentagon" minimap icon and dark red background color based on league's theme. * Trinkets - yellow text and icons. * Rogue's gear types: Cloak, Brooch, Tool, Gear - blue text and icons. + Added highlights for Heist rewards (most of them have sound of multi-value drop since their market value are not known yet): * Replica Uniques - similar to regular uniques but with orange text, icons and beams * Enchanted Weapons and Body Armours - similar to other enchanted item types (special purple background, green hexagon icon), with more noticable size * Experimented Base Types - have special purple background, green hexagon icons for most items (yellow/red circles for amulets/rings), big text size and constant green beam effect * Alternate Quality Gems - similar to valuable gems, but with cyan icons and beams * Tiered new divination cards (value of 4 of them is still unknown so they temporarily put into tier 3) * Updated tiers of Map Fragments * Rustic Sash added to good base types list of Belts * Fixed some cases where items for chromatic recipe would have incorrect highlight during leveling with Starter preset * Removed Harvest seeds and enhancers from the filter (as they are no longer obtainable) * Bases for chancing are now disabled by default in all presets to simplify gameplay for most players, but can be turned on and tweaked at FilterBLAST * Bases for chancing now have highlight when ALT is pressed if they are hidden by default * Changed default chance bases list: "Leather Belt" (for those who want to chance Headhunter using Zana's Nemesis mapdevice mod) Have a good heists, exiles! Life is short - deal with it Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Sep 18, 2020, 2:31:25 PM
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BEASTfilter v5.7.1 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST
BEASTfilter v5.7.1 - updated presets for PC v5.7.1 update * Changed sounds for heist Contracts, Blueprints and Targets * Blueprints now have only temporary beam effect * Added highlight for unique heist-specific items (unique contracts are confirmed, but who know what else may drop?) * Alternate Quality Gems now have slightly different highlights (by sizes and sounds) based on 3 quality types. Type 3 also has constant beam effect. * Fixed text color on leveling magic items in Starter preset (was cyan instead of blue) * Fractured items suddenly drops again and seems to be a common drop in heists, so their beam effect is now temporary Life is short - deal with it
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Life is short - deal with it
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Let's do this again before 3.13 hits! Who cares about the next expansion, Harvest is going core. Let's just hope they don't ruin it with nerfs. <3
• Coral rings (+Max life implicit) can also be good base types, yes? Like the resistance ones? A +100 max life ring is juicy and can be quite valuable. • In the same vein that Leather Belts stand out now when temporarily disabling the filter with Alt, can you make Divine Life Flasks (both Normal and Magic) have the same formatting? Don't even need to be visible in end-game areas by default (like the Leather Belts), but I'd love to see them easily when pressing Alt. I craft them into a nice, steady Chaos income. • Make rogue NPC equips less prevalent based on their tier. In endgame Heists (80+), all but level 5 equipment should be hidden by default. • Maybe make items with veiled mods slightly less dominant. Once you've unlocked all the veiled mods for crafting, they're just junk. I'm not saying hide, but just one less tier of visibility would be great so they appear less important than e.g. Fractured items. • Certain bases can become quite valuable with the right item level. Any helmet of 86+, for instance, is a potential +3 to Socketed Minion Gems, which should be shown in some way in the less aggressive versions of the filter, regardless of rarity (Normal, Magic, Rare) or 'bad' base types. Astral Plates can also roll nicely from 85+ and should stand out somehow. Edit: I took the liberty to implement the Heist NPCs' equipment stuff myself. Here it is:
# Rogue's gear: Heist Cloak / Brooch / Tool / Gear
Show BaseType "Foliate Brooch" # Foliate Brooch is the only one that needs ilvl 84 to access all modifiers ItemLevel >= 84 SetFontSize 43 SetBackgroundColor 76 8 13 # Heist Gear SetBorderColor 220 192 170 # Heist Gear MinimapIcon 0 Blue Pentagon PlayEffect Blue Temp PlayAlertSound 4 200 DisableDropSound Show BaseType "Whisper-woven Cloak" "Master Lockpick" "Steel Bracers" "Thaumaturgical Sensing Charm" "Azurite Flashpowder" "Thaumaturgical Ward" "Grandmaster Keyring" "Silkweave Sole" "Regicide Disguise Kit" "Thaumetic Blowtorch" "Obsidian Sharpening Stone" "Precise Arrowhead" "Burst Band" ItemLevel >= 83 SetFontSize 43 SetBackgroundColor 76 8 13 # Heist Gear SetBorderColor 220 192 170 # Heist Gear MinimapIcon 0 Blue Pentagon PlayEffect Blue Temp PlayAlertSound 4 200 DisableDropSound Hide Class "Heist" SetFontSize 43 SetBackgroundColor 76 8 13 # Heist Gear SetBorderColor 220 192 170 # Heist Gear #MinimapIcon 0 Blue Pentagon #PlayEffect Blue Temp #PlayAlertSound 4 200 DisableDropSound I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash. Last edited by Infinal#1713 on Dec 11, 2020, 4:52:26 PM
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Do your filters go by 1,2,3,4 in levels of strictness? Where #4 strict lategame is the strictest filter?
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" They do. One difference between 2 ('regular') and 3 ('lategame') is that 3 no longer lists 3- and 4-linked RGBs for the Chromatic vendor recipe. 4 also doesn't show potentially bases anymore, for example. I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
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BEASTfilter v5.8 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST
BEASTfilter v5.8 - updated presets for PC (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client) v5.8 update for Ritual League and Echoes of the Atlas expansion + Added new Currency items, Watchstones, Map Fragments and Misc Map Items + Added new divinations cards, most are temporarily counted as tier 3 until they will be revealed during the league + Added highlight for Ritual Base Types, they are only obtainable from Ritual Rewards screen, but in case you somehow accidentally will drop them this highlight will help to not lose an item + New tiered filtering for Heist Rogue's equipment, including rare combo of top itemlevel but low skill requirement tools for Giana, Vinderi and Karst which will help to get their benefits on their non-profile jobs * increased minimum font size of highlighted items from 20 to 24 * Coral Ring is removed from bad bases, it's not that bad like some other rings, but close :) * Endgame Life, Mana and Utility Flasks now keep their original highlight when ALT is pressed to view hidden items * Bases for chancing are still disabled by default, but default bases list is now "Sapphire Flask" (Taste of Hate) in case someone wants to try his luck without too much distruction on more common and big bases (like Occultist's Vestment), since there will be no Nemesis Zana mod this league. * Some minor highlight style and size tweaks Stay Sane and saFe, Exiles! :) Life is short - deal with it Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 15, 2021, 12:05:21 PM
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