BEASTfilter for 3.21 Crucible - comprehensive loot filter, 4 presets, PC/Console

Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 15, 2021, 12:12:33 PM
BEASTfilter v5.8.1 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST

BEASTfilter v5.8.1 - updated presets for PC and Consoles (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client)

v5.8.1 update

* Re-tieried currencies, fragments, incubators, divination cards, etc

+ Maven's Invitations are now tiered: t1 tradable (uncharted), t2 tradable (regional), t3 quest (regional)

* Watchstones filtering reworked and with improved tiering:
+ 2 tiers of unique watchstones: t1 - region-specific, t2 - ivory (various sirus-only drops)
+ 2 tiers of craftable watchstones: t1 - Titanium, t2 - Platinum and Chromium

+ Added special highlight (applied only if item would be filtered out otherwise) for regular items with Abyssal socket, which may drop only in "New Vastir" region when "Votive Hoard" atlas passive is applied

* Strict preset and Lowest Currency option once again will hide low-value harbinger shards, as it did few versions ago. It wasn't needed that much back then, but now it surely is, since with new Atlas Passives there can be lots of Harbinger activity in maps

+ Added special higlight for Starter Weapons (Twilight Strand) for non-starter Presets, so you don't need to switch to Starter preset while leveling another character in a league

* Few minor filtering improvements
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 29, 2021, 3:59:00 PM
v5.9 update for Ultimatum League

+ Added and tiered new Currency items, Incubators, Map Fragments and Misc Map Items
+ Added 6 new Base Types with special base highlight
+ Added new Unique Abyss Jewels with tier 2 highlight
* Updated list of Divination Cards with new announced ones, temporarily counted as tier 3 since their result and value is unknown for now
* Leather Belt is back in chance bases list (you can chance Headhunter now at anytime anywhere with no need for Zana's mod), which is still turn off by default (you can customize this at FilterBlast)
* Some minor fixes and optimizations

BEASTfilter v5.9 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST

BEASTfilter - presets for PC and Consoles (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client)

* Presets at PoE website will be updated few hours before PoE patches for a new league, but you can follow them now and will automatically get new version at the launch

** Presets for Consoles will be updated when new league will launch on them (usually this is a week after the launch on PC)
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Apr 15, 2021, 11:02:49 PM
v5.9.1 update

+ Added customization option to show non-corrupted Identified Rare Items for all base types, this is on by default for all presets in this league, since Ultimatums often reward with identified rares generated with well-rolled system
* Changed highlight of Breach Rings to mid-tier since they are now may worth 1c+ due new vendor recipe (full inventory of Breach Rings grants special Grasping Mail body armour with random exclusive mod)
+ Added customization option to disable highlight of regular 6-socket items (so now they are hidden by default in Strict preset)
* Updated tiers of new Divination Cards
* Some minor tweaks

BEASTfilter - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST

BEASTfilter - presets for PC and Consoles (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client)
Life is short - deal with it
Love this filter.

Do you know why it shows up out of order in-game?

2 3 and 4 are in order followed by 1.

livejamie wrote:
Love this filter.

Do you know why it shows up out of order in-game?

2 3 and 4 are in order followed by 1.

Thanks! I guess they are ordered by internal id or time of initial creation in poe profile. Sadly there is no way to change the order without messing up subscribers. Gotta ask devs if they could make sorting by name in the game/profiles or add Sort field to profile filters, not sure if they'll bother with such minor issue.
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Apr 21, 2021, 6:23:08 AM
v5.10 update for Expedition League

+ Added new Currency items: Expedition Artifacts as tier 5 (similar higlight as for Perandus Coins), others as tier 3 (like Chaos orb), the tiers may be updated later when market values settle up.
+ Added highlight for Expedition Logbooks, similar to Heist Blueprints, but a bit different with yellow beam and minimap icon.
+ Added new Expedition Base Types of Helmets, Gloves and Boots with special base highlight.
+ New Flasks Base Types have regular Utility flask highlight
* Updated list of Divination Cards with new announced ones, temporarily as tier 3 since their result and value is unknown for now.
* Identified rare items, unfit for special filtering cases, now are hidden by default (but can be changed to Show in customization options), since there's no Ultimatums this time.
* Some minor changes and tweaks, mostly related to GGG's changes of item basetypes and classes.

BEASTfilter v5.10 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST

BEASTfilter - presets for PC and Consoles (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client)

** Presets for Consoles will be updated when new league will launch on them (usually this is a week after the launch on PC)
Life is short - deal with it
So apparently Tencent got mad enough at GGG for them to give the players some much-needed buffs for Scourge, so I might attempt this league. Can I count on an update to the filter when it launches? c:
I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
This has been my favorite filter for many leagues so I hope to see an update for this one.
v5.11 update for SCOURGE League

Filter supports all new stuff of 3.16 Scourge update

* Added all new curency onto different tiers, their tiering will be updated later when market values will settle up.
* Removed Expedition artifacts from the filter, since now they will not be tradeble and will auto-pickup.
* Updated list of Divination Cards with new announced ones, those with preview added to different tiers, others were temporarily added as tier 3 since their result and value is unknown for now.
* Added highlight for Blight-Ravaged and Scourged maps.
* Added new map fragments: Flawless Breachstones, Unrelenting Timeless Emblems and Expedition Scarabs. Updated tiers of all map fragments and removed unactual ones (Perandus no longer in the game).
* Added bases of some new uniques to Valuable Uniques higlight.
* Added highlight for drops of Scourged rare items - no sound, but with orange icon and temporary beam.
* Added experimental higlight for endgame armor pieces with extra-high build-in defence values (using new BaseDefencePercentile filtering feature). For now it will trigger only for bases with drop level >= 60, item level >= 84, and base defence percentile >= 90. Let me know if you'll notice any issues with this feature.
* Minor tweaks and fixes.

BEASTfilter v5.11 - visual preview and customization at FilterBLAST

BEASTfilter - presets for PC and Consoles (click "Follow" to add desired filter to your account and the game client)

** Presets for Consoles will be updated when new league will launch on them (usually this is a week after the launch on PC)
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Oct 27, 2021, 12:59:38 PM

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