FilterBLAST [ 3.20: SANCTUM ] hub with up-to-date filters, visual preview and customization
Sometimes everything breaks down on filterblast.
Like this: I was making some adjustments in greengroove's filter and when i hit save and tried to refresh preview it seems to have malfunctioned. Can you check what the issue is? |
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" Uh, that took me a while to figure this out, since it doesn't produce any errors at all and the issue here in this save (111a27n) that you have incorrect value in Top_rare_armour_and_accessories text field: " That extra " symbol between "Leather Belt" and "Titan Greaves" caused continous unfinished "quotes" which breaks loading proccess. Sadly current implementation of class/basetypes list as textfields is not error-proof and i want to rework it in future, after FilterBlast v2 release. Life is short - deal with it
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" Thanks for figuring it out. I remember now that i was removing some basetypes before it malfunctioned. I wonder if the back button in my web browser would have worked as a means to undo the latest changes. I gave up and never tried that. It could be a work around to save a filter if this happens again. |
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" The back button will return browser to previous save state (url will change) BUT often broswer doesn't reload scripts correctly so you also need to hit "refresh" button after returning "back". Life is short - deal with it
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Do you have the list of the new uniques you have the filter testing against.
Unless I am missing something you just add them manually from the previews before the update is dissected in the database? Edit: Actually you did not enter them, there are a few entries that seem to be lightened up from neversink catch remaining block. An Eye Gouger, not sure why for that one. I thought there were more. Last edited by mqplideste#3572 on Jun 18, 2020, 2:07:50 PM
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" I usually do update uniques manually marking bases in db if they have unique versions, but i do that after i'm done updating everything else before the league and also i do that after a league launch, when it's easier to find info about them. Right now i've updated info for what's known so far. Thanks for spotting that incorrect Goathide Buckler and Eye Gouger "uniques", i've removed them. Dunno how that happened, maybe when i added something based on PoeDB datamines, but i stopped to do that like year ago, since datamines are not reliable. As for your idea on "list of new uniques" - i liked it and added new item set "New uniques" near "All uniques" itemset. Will update it as new ones will be discovered. Life is short - deal with it Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jun 18, 2020, 2:53:51 PM
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You should, like, totes contact the author of that juicy BEASTfilter and encourage them to update their work for Harvest! That'd be right swell.
(I realize you spend most of your time on FilterBLAST rather than your own filter now, Dissolator-kun, and I appreciate that, too. But I've grown to love the BEASTfilter so much, I don't think I can start the new league without it. The others that are already updated for 3.11 seem kinda... meh to me.) I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
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" I've just finished BEASTfilter update, right now you can grab it at FilterBlast. I'll post patchnotes at BEASTfilter thread soon. p.s. You know, i can't update my filter without FilterBlast being updated for Harvest, need to preview and check everything before publishing new version :) So FilterBlast will be always first to update and BeastFilter after that, usually same day as league's launch. Life is short - deal with it
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" Look at that, Christmas came early! Don't gotta get it from FilterBlast 'cuz I'm subscribed to the filter right here with my account. Makes sense. Sorry for pestering you, but I've had a promising filter fall dead on me because the author just up and vanished before. I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
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FilterBLAST is ready for Content update 3.12 and HEIST League!
Life is short - deal with it
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