[2.6] - The Stampede! (Abberath's Fury build) Insane Clear Speed - 1 shot guardians!
" Here is the thing, you are dumping ure straightforward damage for burn damage with Rapid Decay which decreases ure clear speed and you are dumping your survival with vinktar into the ground. Currently i am at 700-7.7k lightning and 3.5k-7k Fire with Abberath (+ some cold), thats how much damage and leech you are lacking by not putting in Added Light. Crystal belt is for exactly one reason - Reduced Flasked Charges affix because you want to run quicksilver + silver instead of Atziri's and for Vinktars, i ll write about it later today when i give my 2 cents about this build perfomance in 2.6. Flammability chant is the only option for this build i THINK, ive been busy grinding instead of purely theorycrafting. Gull is crazy good if you run alone. Pricyness is not a problem for me, i am 100 in temp, i ll post pure maths when i am done with it now when i have time. There are no issues with reflect for me running added light added cold and aoe with 14k tooltip in hideout unflasked. My Vinktars is permanently up. You dont need to spec into reduced reflect, this build straight up does not have the damage output to kill itself even when you are not looking with 8.1k ES. |
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Here are my thoughts about this build's performance in 2.6 as Elementalist in its current iteration strictly from the speed map clearing and farming point of view.
Today i did hit lvl 100 in Legacy with a very slightly modified version of Stampede placing at top25 competing with Vaal Sparkers, Vaal Fireballers, Cospri Discharges and KB Pathfinders. Clear speed for its cost is as insane as promised. Stampede competes with top tier Sparkers, Pathfinders and Discharges ( not open maps ) until they get Skyforth + Haste combo which costs more than this entire build combined so thats reasonable, only at that point they get ahead. Vaal Fireball is unreachable sadly. I dont know how much smoother this build was before 2.6 as i didnt play it before, but in Legacy with Dying Sun it feels fantastic in any map tier. Up to about t15 absolutely everything dies just by me running through it top speed with occasional t13+ rare stone golems not dying instantly. High Tier bosses like Rigwald may require some timing with igniting conflux + Pendulum which after 2.6 is not a problem since they stand still until you get close to them, Kaom just bends over like usual etc. I feel like proposed flask setup needs to be changed though for Chemists Quick of Adrenaline + Grounding Onslaught while Atziri's dropped out entirely at point you can afford Dying Sun. The damage difference from atziri is not that noticeable once your build gets about 10k tooltip but oh boy you start flying with that flask combo compared to just Quick of Grounding. The difference is night and day and can make up for a minute in linear maps. This is average Strand for example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxzcjta5x4c I also feel like now that Vaal Disci is RIP, faster casting should be moved in it's place, it smoothens your gameplay quite a bit, i wouldnt use golem instead because faster casting is about 2.5 times better. Gull is a very solid option for this build if you still want to use Atziri's because you will be moving slow enough to get benefit from shrines instead of skipping them. Running Gull with double moveflasks was not an option sadly. Overall its an amazing build for grinding and i am more than glad that i chose it for Legacy. 10/10. |
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" I probably should have added that I played the build last season with great success and was not as afraid as some other people to try it with the reduced area of effect that 2.6 brought us. You sound to me as if I was arguing my version was better, best or superior to yours. I am not even comparing, though. I tweaked it to try something else and you can read up on my reasoning in my previous posts. So thanks again for your suggestion to steer back into what I played last league and what SimpleSim suggested in the first place but it is not what I was looking for. :D Just for clarification: Added Lightning Damage - the gem that would increase my leech amount - is not green and therefore not a replacement for Rapid Decay in my current setup. If I should by accident 4-off color those boots I might try it. Reducing my clear speed? Not entirely agreeing on that one, the burn spreads far as you should know yourself and If I spread stronger burn I do not even have to run through every single pack. While I do not want to compare or compete I assume there are cases where I clear faster than you do. :D Thanks again for your feedback but please do get the hint that I was not shooting for "best variant for 2.6" - instead I was just shooting for a variant. GZ on 100, wish I had the time to compete. |
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Im doing this build, atm lvl 70 and its seems very powerful
You can check my items in my profile |
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" Would you mind linking a tree for level 90? Would like to do this build but for some reason the one in the guide is bugged. :/ Also, do you need two separate flame golem gems to get the double effect? I thought you only got one buff per golem? Character limit of 300 characters exceeded Content can not exceed 5 lines in length Last edited by Darksagex#5293 on Mar 22, 2017, 4:56:16 AM
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I feel that this cant do Guardians anymore (with the Vaal Discipline nerf) =/
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My video running shaped mesa t10 |
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I am trying a version of this build this league. It's life based, and has several key differences from the other builds in this thread:
1) martyr of innocence -- massive amounts of flat fire spell damage 2) 2x mokou's embrace and eye of innocence -- lots of fire damage, ignite chance, leech while ignited With a high ignite chance, this combination of items gives you permanent 2% life leech, lots of damage, and immunity to freeze and chill. But since I don't have a shield and rings with % ES, I decided to go life instead of low-life. It's pretty tough to get enough ES to be tanky without a shield/ES rings, especially since abberath's has almost no stats. And you'd also have to need some way to get stun immunity other than the ring/amulet slots. Then I tried to abuse the "take 25 damage when you ignite an enemy" mechanic as much as possible. I took paragon of calamity, for permanent 40% increased fire damage, and 8% reduced fire damage taken. I'm using ylfeban's trickery, which is basically free vinktars every 5 seconds (since you already have leech from eye of innocence). Plus it gives a lot of flat spell damage. To get some more ignite chance/tankiness, I'm using cloak of flame. With wise oak and paragon of calamity, I get 28% reduced fire damage taken, and 20% of physical damage is taken as fire, so you can reduce the physical damage you take by a significant amount. I'm also chill/freeze immune when ignited, which is all Apart from that, the rest of the build is more or less the same. Anger, HoI, HoT for damage. 4L vrf setup for bosses/tanky rare mobs. Cont dest, added cold, added light, inc aoe on the abberath's. For martyr of innocence, I decided to go with two setups: (1) inc crit strikes, inc aoe, added accuracy, and (2) curse on hit, ele weakness, enfeeble. (1) is there to proc elemental overload all the time with the vengeance in martyr of innocence (which triggers every time it comes off cooldown due to the constant hits you're taking from eye of innocence). (2) is there to curse enemies every 1.2 seconds (or less, if you get a helm enchant for vengeance cd). Here's the tree I'm following: I haven't had much time to play lately, so I'm currently only at level 77, doing high yellow maps, and haven't done uber lab yet. My tooltip is 6.5k dps, 8k in combat, and probably can go up a bit more when I get some levels/uber lab. Here are my items: |
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" www.poeurl.com/bde4 Build i used for 90, would switch out of Influence for another 3x damage affix jewel when you hit desired level and ready to die. I used one flame golem, second is just a gem i was leveling. Last edited by IMBrewmaster#0051 on Mar 24, 2017, 3:40:34 AM
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Any chance of a skill tree update and some updates for 2.6 if you're still maintaining the guide?
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