[2.6] Toxic Aegis - CwC Chaos Flurry Gladiator
To the posts above, i leveled this build as facebreakers (Shield charge+1 totem) with added phys in every slot, it was the fastest/easiest lvling EVER, just change some points to %phys and you are good to go.
Lab is also a joke, did Uber lab at lvl 75 with 4k hp. Just a little tip i have for anyone attempting Rigwald, i facetanked double boss in t15 easily, but be warned when he turns to wolf form you better have a duration bleed removal flask or run for your life : ). This is my dogsh.. gear at lvl 91 :
I have to upgrade pmuch everything but it was very good to start with, will spend some $$ on improving the weapon first and then change the rest. Last edited by tkbowned#4130 on Dec 27, 2016, 6:21:47 PM
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Awesome build .. made one and now he is lv68 , even managed to get a gemini claw with AS rolled .. only need dmg over time mod from leo , help :<
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Would not call that Gear Shit at all ;) And ye i would recommend having a Duration Bleed Flask at all times, heavy bleeds is one of the most dangerous things in the game for this build! @Panoptica I am online now, seems you have missed me by some hours. Just try to msg me when you are online again. And don´t worry to much, the DoT Mod isn´t that much of a big Deal! Its a nice thing to have but it won´t make or break the build. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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thanks a lot for the help brah , much appreciated :) cant wait to reach lv72 for the claws :)
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Hello there!
I love this build. Just finished it and started running tier 1-3 maps without problems. Although i tried to do a zana daily quest and figured that the boss was very hard to kill because of the reflect damage or whatever. Should i worry about reflect mobs with this build? Maybe u should make a list or something in the guide so newbies like myself would know which type of mobs/bosses i should avoid :) I also have close to 30k armour which is great and gives me alot of damage reduction. Since i am a newbie i was wondering how does damage reduction exactly work in Poe? Thx in advance and keep up the good work :) |
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Happy to hear you like the build! Reflect should be not a Problem at all. This build deals mostly Chaos Damage that can´t bve Reflected. As i don´t know which Boss it was i guess it was a Promenade map with the Lightning Thorns Sorceress? You have to move out of the Circle that she casts on the Ground. I don´t even know what it exactly does but if you stay inside it it kills you after some time. Other things that you should avoid are Bleeds and Burns, but you can have a Flasks to combat these. (See Flask section in the build guide) Other things are One Shot Moves, there are just to many different ones to list them all. Some famous ones are Vaal Slam, Dominus Slam, Atziri Double Flameblast, Malachai Slam, Minotaur Tunnel Slam or Phoenix Explosion. 30k Armour is great. We mostly use it to make use of the unique Ttrait on Aegis, not the reduction it offers. The reduction you see in your Character Sheet is only a estimated reduction. It really does not tell much as it is calculated for a Auto Attack of a white Mob of your level. If you want to know more about that you can read the very long Wiki Article about it. In short: Armour does help alot less against big hits but is pretty op vs. small hits. Also note that it only works vs. Physical damage. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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Upgraded every item + crafted a decent Sai+ Riped all my gems >: (.
Stats at 93: 29k Armour, 6400 hp, 1400ES. Changed my tree a bit to get more HP, final form will have around 7400hp at max lvl. Still a lot of room for upgrades,and i want that added chaos Sai and +1gems Aegis for grace+determination :). Thanks OP for this awesome build. |
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Well can't say anything about tankiness... IT IS!!! Uberlab with 3.7k HP is the best proove. But OMG it is soooo fking slow! I had to use some other char to clear fast "in time missions" like breach lord reaching then relog with this char and slooooowly but 100% garantee kill Breach lord or any Boss higher tier 12. If we could only have High DPS attack skill it would the BEST build this league
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Nice Gear! Do you plan on leveling it to 100? @madziee I cleard all Breachlords including Breach exept Chayulla. Uul Netol can be a bit tight on time when you get blocked by Bonewalls... but when i do the Elemental ones i don´t even look at the timer, never failed one even if i loot while clearing. Maybe try getting abit faster Weapon with atleast crafted Attackspeed. Or use Vaal Haste. Maybe you also Channel to long, you dont need to 6 Stack for each pack. Could also get a lvl 20 Bladefall, levels matter alot on Spells. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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@madziee HUGE DMG comes from gems lvls, i tried some breach lords at lvl 19 gems and the timer was at almost 2minutes when i reached the boss room.
Also Tul for example died in 10-15sec, more than with my LL ED i rerolled this league. I even cut out the dmg cluster below duelist leech cause it wasnt needed. Another example i can give you... Daresso t15, you can make him insta change phases with this build. GEM LEVELS is the key, 6l and cospris aswell. @ZweihundertMorder I would like to, i wont be playing anything else this league tbh, nothing that catches my eye except this build : ), and its nice for once playing my favourite item (Aegis) with some REAL damage, gonna abuse it before it gets rekt next league. Last edited by tkbowned#4130 on Dec 30, 2016, 5:14:50 PM
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