[2.6] Toxic Aegis - CwC Chaos Flurry Gladiator
I made a surrender + scourge variant of CwC chaos flurry. I have over 400% of double dipping increased damage modifier, so far higher dps than the aegis variant (or even mathil's CI version). Defense is armor (9k) + evasion (9k) + block (54%) + spell block (66%), 6.5k life at lvl 90. I did not bother with iron reflex because armor isn't good for large hits, and I would rather have evasion to avoid high damage projectiles (such as uber atziri spear, or -max extra ele dmg map projectiles). The surrender shield is primarily useful for healing against small frequent spells (such as Esh's orb of storms).
Area damage is very high due to gratuitous violence 10% of life exploded as physical damage. The pure damage modifiers (minion dmg, hidden potential, jewels) increases this by over 400%, which will one shot all packs and even bosses if they're surrounded by champion mobs. I'm still on a 5L and gems can be higher level, but it's good enough for all endgame content already. Gear:
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Ok, so i had a look at this tree... and sorry i don´t want to sound mean but... 1. You don´t have 400% double Dip damage. You have 50% Area Damage and 20% Chaos Damage, 75% from Hidden Potential at the cost of wearing bad Rings + Amulet, 15% minnion and 60% against Bleeding from Ascendancy. All this together comes down to 220, then you get 70% from Scourge so its 290. Then 40% from the Helmet = 330 I also think that hidden potential is a total waste, you could roll Chaos Damage on Rings and Amulet as Flat Value and % Value with Essences. Even with just Screaming Essences you could get 69% Chaos Damage on your 3 Jewlery Slots + crafted Flat Chaos for the Attack. Area Damage, Chaos Damage and global damage does double dip. (with Scourge thats also Minion) If you take Minion Damage on the Jewels you can get some more, but with a normal Variant you can also take Area, Chaos and Damage on Jewels that will also Double Dip. Jewels also can´t Roll Minion Damage + other Damage so its infact less possible damage per jewel. You can also just wear Scourge and Bone Helmet and get that 110% Damage with a Aegis Version. 2. If you don´t take Blocknodes in the Tree why even play Galdiator? You take a wooping 14% Block from the Tree. (+8% Ascendancy + 7% Spell Block) I think especialy taking so few Blocknodes invalidates this on its own. The Damage comes from Scourge and hidden potential for the most part, the tree itself has even less damage. I am open for Variants but in this case i feel like i have to warn others that i think this tree is indeed worse than my Version. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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1. Sorry I wasn't clear, the % increased damage is as follows: Gear: 125 minion damage 75 damage (hidden potential) Tree: 50 area damage 20 damage (we'll take lowest of chaos/physical/dot damage) 30 minion damage Ascendancy: 60 damage (against bleeding enemies) Jewel: 6 sockets, but one is used by hidden potential all of my jewels have life, one generic damage mod, and spell block. If you want to buy life + double damage mods, that's gonna be expensive. That's over 400% of generic increased damage that applies to basically anything (including elemental actually, not that we care). So yes, Scourge's minion dmg account for a significant portion and is compatible with aegis. However essence crafted % chaos damage is not equivalent to hidden potential jewelry. That only scales the chaos portion, you need to scale both phys + chaos (otherwise try using lvl 1 bladefall, more than half of your poison source comes from physical). Also strong flasks like sin's rebirth or atziri's promise scale off of your physical damage (they provide 50% of your chaos on hit damage). 2. I've played maxed block or 60k (brass dome) armor builds in the past. Sadly I've decided that dps was just far more effective in end game content (shaper, uber atziri, chayula in this league). Much of my tree is based on my character from last league that farmed shaper with Eleziel's BoB build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1732324 So instead of obliteration wand to proc chain chaos explosions for trash, I'm scaling gratuitous violence instead. For general clear, you really want large AoE that covers entire screen. That means getting templar and witch nodes (unless if you want to wear carcass jack or use inc aoe all the time for trash clear). I believe the AoE nodes also scales gratuitous violence and blasphemy curse radius. For high single target poison, you need to have duration nodes on the tree + temp chain curse to dps down boss quickly. You're missing over 50% of your poison damage if you don't have those. For most bosses such as elemental breachlords or T15 bosses, they should die around the start of their first attack. I swap to blasphemy vuln + temp chain for boss fights (no point in having grace when bosses don't do anything). I could not fit in AoE and duration nodes, while still going down south for block nodes. I could cap spell block with one reckless defense jewel, but it's unnecessary. I'll probably level until 94 to get 7k life, but even then I would rather take flask nodes than block nodes. Anyways this is just a different variation with hybrid defenses and generic damage scaling. You can achieve similar damage with aegis if you use scourge and get duration node cluster (but AoE may feel like crap still). |
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" I think you missunderstand this. This build does not get Armour because i think Armour is good. It gets armour to "heal" 600-1k ES on each block with Aegis. I might try Temp Chains instead of Enfeeble, i also get Duration nodes with Dirty Techniques and 5% in the Shadow Area. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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running your build op, very happy with it so far. farming t15 no problem.
now i wanna tackle t16 maps, tried minotaur but i feel like i'm not doing enough damage. i'm running a 5L cospri and a sai with added chaos + attackspeed. what would you recommend spending my currency on next? getting the 6th link or making a weapon that has decay + added chaos? and on that note: it should be possible to take a weapon with added chaos, slap on prefixes cannot be changed and then put delirium on it, right? |
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Essences ignore Mastermods to prevent exactly this. Beside that a 6L will be a mcuh higher damage upgrade! I will also make another Video about different Weapons including the Scourge. I honestly don´t know what the best weapon would be so i´ll wait until i tested that ;) Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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I have tried using Rive as my weapon now and take the two +dmg to bleeding nodes.
Feels like the DoT is very good and it is very cheap to buy too. Op may consider adding this as testing weapon too. |
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" see I didn't know that :D thanks for answering. i'm gonna wait for your video and try to get 6L in the meantime. one more thing though. can you explain exactly why blade vortex is better than bladefall for single target? |
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hey could you go in depth about weapon crafting.
tried searching on poe trade for sai with chaos + delirium mod result was 0 in all leagues.. so what i need is from the cheapest version of the weapon to the god tier. example i83 sai + delirium mod + crafted dot etc etc |
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Bladevortex can only get its Stacks up on Singletarget. When you use it for mapping you never get high enough stacks for it to matter. When you are fighting a Boss the fight is long enough that you can get to 15 or more Stacks and then the 20% more Damage per Blade on BV really start to matter. @sharisimo I just finished making another Video about Weapons after realyl long and really confusing tests. I really don´t know what to say but in my new Tests all the Weapons were so close together that i can´t tell which one really is the best. I can tell that a Delirium Weapon with crafted DoT performs really well for the Price and a Scourge also performs really well and does not care as much about efficient Withertotem use as the others. That means that Scourge does not profit as mcuh from Wither Totem as the other options but it performs alot better in situations without the Totem. If you want to see the Video, here is the link: Weapon Test Part 2 Edit: Updated Opening Post with the new Video and changed the Weapon Section alittle. Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jan 2, 2017, 3:57:04 PM
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