[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)
" This ^ The Consuming Dark will probably be available as a relic in Legacy in form of the 45% version. If they nerf it at the same time, 30% is the "new legacy" and it would all be very confusing :). |
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" Yep, build will be even more OP |
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Has anyone input this build in path of building to show how much its dps is? I don't particularly trust this 10 million estimate based on shaper's hp.
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" I tried, but it give you only initial hit of 1 activation of 1 mine, and poison from this. I used Battosai31 build and gear (from the community evaluation), and it gives me 11998 average hit, and 28469 dps from 1 stack of poison, and 106761 final damage from full poison duration of 1 stack. Now it's time to math: For simplicity sake lets just add poison and initial hit, cause i don't need it to be that much accurate. 11998+106761=118759 damage from 1 activation of 1 mine. Every next activation have 30% more damage, and we have 5 activations from our headgear: 118759*(1+1.3+1.69+2.197+2.8561)=118759*9.04=1073581 damage from full activation of 1 mine We have 9 mine, so: 1073581*9=9662232 damage from full minefield activation It's about 10kk. Yeah it's not exactly dps, but for some reason path of building only use 1 stack of wither in it's calculation (if someone knows how to change it - tell me please ^_^), so add more damage from wither stacks, also even before first groups of poison expire, you can already activate 2nd groups of minefield, so, 10kk dps is entirely realistic P.S. just notice that there is no diamond flask in gear that i donwnloaded, so i added that now and get 28.5% more damage, so, it's about 12415968 damage per full minefield Of course, it's rough estimate, but it's enough to prove that this build have insane damage. Also, it's not even LL version. With LL it would be more insane Last edited by Med1umentor#6844 on Feb 26, 2017, 5:16:58 AM
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I tried this build a bit on a standard char but without the correct nodes and gear... just to get a feel for the play style. I didn't like the fact that you need to place the mines at your feet. I guess it will be much better with mine laying speed etc but you can't throw them a bit further like with traps. Is it true that with mine nodes it will a lot smoother?
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
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Is this build okay for mapping and or uber lab though?
i see your character has changed to flameblast so im curious as to which you think is better? Ign: FillyRampage / FillyJetstream / FillyOctavia
MLP 4 Life It is my pleasure. |
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" Obviously it's good for uberlab, when you can just leisurely place mines before izaro even appeared, and then oneshot him by clicking key for detonate. Full key run without any problems. For mapping, well... not gonna lie, there are quite a few builds that do that better, cause instead of "place mine - detonate" you can just use skill, also, mine always dropped right before you, so you can't target it well. But don't worry, it have really big aoe, so mapping isn't really an issue, even if it's not a top tier build for that. Last edited by Med1umentor#6844 on Feb 26, 2017, 4:21:45 PM
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" Mate I rerolled my char, flameblast doesn't compare with this build. It's a new discharge/flameblast build i'm trying. The build can do shaper phases in 3 seconds, so it one shots uber izaro. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Feb 26, 2017, 11:44:18 PM
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" You shouldn't trust it, because it's actually more than 10 million due to 40% fire resist on shaper. I managed to do p1 without ad phase on LL version in about 3 secs with wither it could reach 35 million dps + depending on crits. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Feb 27, 2017, 12:03:55 AM
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" Thanks for your analysis, but it's actually 6 pulses not 5 , so I think it's a bit more than 12 million if i'm not mistaken :) I'd have done it if I hadn't stripped the char to try out a new build ^^ |
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