[2.5] CI Witch Scorching Ray CWC Whispering Ice - Version 2.0 Released - Now with more damage!

stoudtlr wrote:
Respecced a level 70 witch to this to try it out and love it. Will definitely be looking to this to try from scratch as my next league starter. One thing I changed from your suggested links was to move flame dash to one of the empty spots with AA and ice golem. In its place I added frost wall to the CWDT links. Works good IMO to keep some space between you and mobs when you get overwhelmed.


EDIT: Just did a yellow level 74 twinned catacombs map at level 72 and never dropped below about 75% ES. The leach in this build is really awesome. Thanks so much OP! I think I've found a new favorite.

Frostwall is a great option to add into the CwDT mix, now that we have open slots for adaption!
I am glad you enjoy the build.
Dreschau wrote:
Mathoddie wrote:

I dont have the private tagged, I checked and updated twice, not sure why it is still on private, sorry.
I can understand it is a bit annoying, but untill it is fixxed, you will have to suffice with what I update in the guide :/, my build is changing a lot because I am testing different things, but I will do my best to keep you all updated.

They're viewable now, you got it.

Also, been thinking, why bother with the str and dex conversion jewels? the str jewel in templar is giving you 80 int, with staff bonus that becomes 94, so it's giving you 9% dmg increase, the dex one by vaal pact is giving you even less than that. you can get a decent triple damage jewel for pretty cheap that would have 35-45% dmg increase in each of those 2 jewel slots and then save those 3 points you spent taking catalyse. unless I'm missing something, doesn't seem worth it.

so many mods on jewels that this build can utilize.

I think you are forgetting the int benefits on icestorm itself, this is what we get from a 10 int note:
10 int = 11.8 int (18 % increase from WI)
10 int = 1-3 BASE damage per shard on icestorm
10 int = 0.015 seconds increased duration on icestorm
10 int = 1 % spell damage

so 94 int adds us with:
9.4 to 28.2 base damage on shards
0.141 seconds duration
9,4 % spell damage
Last edited by Mathoddie#7620 on Dec 12, 2016, 4:13:47 AM
Isdp wrote:
Well done with the writeup dude.

I went a different route tho playing as guardian but yours is quite a lot cheeper.

Bet the build gonna get a lot more attention now that RaizQT is about to shamlessly copy pasta it and most likely "forget" to credit the author.

Good thing I got all the perf gear for my WI already.. and most likely done playing with it anyway. Gonna make some profit.

I've been wondering how this build would work with other ascendancies, but I havn't had the time to theorycraft around them yet, would love to know how it works out!

Did RaizQT make a build like mine? lol, wonder if he have actually seen my guide or he figured it out himself, would be fun to watch other people play it tho', so I don't really mind. I am just glad I can share this fun build with other people.
JoeODanger wrote:
I used pizza totems to farm enough c to get Astramentus and TWI and happened to see this build before I rolled my witch for a regular TWI build; glad I did. This is pretty comedy early on, easily matching ancestral totems in terms of boss samshing while being a lot more fun. Great job!

About the first bandit point, I assume it helped with reaching resists on gear with quite a few uniques? You hardly see many folks grab that particular bandit reward.

Astramentis is a really great item, it definitly is one of the bis items that you can get, it fixes all str, dex problems for levelling and later on + give the most int in the game.
I am glad you decided to take up my build instead of regular WI and I hope you are enjoying it!

I took the bandit quest due the fact that I want int on all of my gear, and sometimes it's hard to get hands on high ES items with int AND resists without becoming too expensive.
I see it as a safety net, to not get totally screwed on resistances.
OP thanks for sharing :D

a few questions:
1. inquisitor vs elementalist: which better for this build?
2. i see your passives are slightly different with usual WI build that focus heavily on int, any reason behind?
How would this build fair in HC and when would you go CI on HC?
Saerah wrote:
OP thanks for sharing :D

a few questions:
1. inquisitor vs elementalist: which better for this build?
2. i see your passives are slightly different with usual WI build that focus heavily on int, any reason behind?

No problem!

1. Elementalist wins the inquisitor vs elementalist war in my opinion.
We are safe from elemental reflect as witch.
We get shock and freeze.
We get an extra golem with nice effects from both.

Inquisitor on the other hand is totally viable and could work just fine. The path I would take is:
Augury of Penitence
Sanctify + Pious Path
Instruments of Virtue and remove flame dash and add leap slam for the cast speed proc.

2. I wouldn't say my build isn't heavily focused on int. I currently sit on 1200, and I will reach more later on.
My build does have a lot more % damage than other WI builds, since I don't think going after unwavering stance is worth it.
One of the reasons I also didn't go only after int, is because we want our scorching ray to do damage also for bosses, and I specced into a lot more ES than normal WI builds, making it safer for HC players.
jeffhardyrulez wrote:
How would this build fair in HC and when would you go CI on HC?

This build is definitly HC viable, and a few other commenters have stated they started their character on hc following this build.
I would spec into CI in the 60-70ish levels most likely(can be a lot earlier) depending on your gear.
I would recommend atleast 4 k ES before speccing it.
viable for hardcore, I'm transitioning into CI at lvl 67(toke life nodes during leveling) currently lvl 67. Been buying gear etc, The prices are going up though on BHC.
will need like 12-15 respecc points which is totally for free (quests)

The leveling is such a easy breeze, the damage is insane early on. Just craft instant heal pots for when you get stunned during misplays/breaches and
ign: ropefly
I've done 10 grandspectrums and the tooltip doesn't come close to what yours is, i have roughly 615~ int (no int on gear other than astramentis),

here's my passive:

I did deathless fire breachlord, I compared my facetank kill speed to yours and you do so much more damage, than I compared my uber lab kill vs yours and even tho you almost get dumpstered by izaro you still wreck him so fast, are 10 spectrums really worse than your setup? (I had flammability for the breach fight too)
Last edited by forzazx6#4479 on Dec 12, 2016, 12:33:35 PM

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