Essence Stash Tabs

Two suggestions right off the bat,

First a little place for random stuff, Scouring is what comes to mind first for me but there might be other things people want to keep there.

Second the option to opt out of individual Essences for the upgrade all button. Essence of Rage, Essence of Sorrow and Essence of Spite for example I don't want to go past Shrieking most of the time because it doesn't increase the +X to gem level which is what they are mostly used for. I also got in the habit of using Shrieking Essences of Fear on bone helmets all the time just because I didn't mind the slightly lower roll in exchange for three times more tries. I wouldn't want to go out of my way and remove those Essences every time I want to upgrade the rest.

Other than that, huge thanks to the team for doing this!!! It's a great addition to the game and a great thing to make you money (seriously I ran out of things I wanted a while ago and just buy the supporter packs because I want to support you guys and than buy random stuff for the points). People forget all too often that it's stuff like this that keeps the servers and devs up and running.
ill buy it
hope there would be a map stash tab
I would buy this tab as shown in the OP.
give nao
too late, no need.
i am under the impression this game at root is mostly English based. so why oh why have the larger tiers on the left and the small tiers on the inside. i read left to right. please fix
Last edited by Mathus#5581 on Nov 30, 2016, 10:25:59 AM
While we are doing something with tabs...

Each tab needs a "Destroy All Contents" option when right clicking (or at least put this on premium tabs or on tabs that will be deleted when emptied). Gated by a prompt to avoid accidental deletion. This would make clearing tabs after leagues a TON less painful.
I'll get one.

I appreciate it being only 40 points - I recognize you're in a tricky place where you want to provide something for them, but it being any more expensive might taint how people remember Essence league. Would've been cool if it was free, but it'd also be nice if I didn't have to work. :P
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-GGG, 2015
OMFG, i need this, please take my money !
Hmmm, seems like GGG's new strategy is like:

-New league with 60 new currency items
-Sell dedicated currency stash tabs
-Soon a new player will realize they fill up their 4 free stash tabs with garbage in half hour, and has to buy new tabs.

For me this is starting to feel like a korean MMO, utterly shit drop rate, plenty of item to collect that fills up your limited stash space very quickly. Seems like the company can't rely on MTX sales anymore.
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