Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee

Legatus1982 wrote:
Lol @ dual wield assassin life build in HC

You really do know nothing indeed.
Etup ripped to DD with 10k ES buffer ( 1H + shield, Obviously ).
You could have least tried to inform yourself before, now you look ridiculous.

Etup is still 4th even dead, and will still be in the top 50 for a while.
With the lack of information that you have, it's also literally not possible for you to know what all characters are playing by the way, like half of the profiles are private.
Your prediction ? What about the EQ builds in there ? => don't make me (us) laugh lol.

Also would you have the kindnest to explain how DW is worse than 2H ?
Let's see ....

[Removed by Support]
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by CJ_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2016, 11:35:16 PM
Fruz wrote:
Legatus1982 wrote:
Lol @ dual wield assassin life build in HC

You really do know nothing indeed.
Etup ripped to DD with 10k ES buffer ( 1H + shield, Obviously ).
You could have least tried to inform yourself before, now you look ridiculous.

Etup is still 4th even dead, and will still be in the top 50 for a while.
With the lack of information that you have, it's also literally not possible for you to know what all characters are playing by the way, like half of the profiles are private.
Your prediction ? What about the EQ builds in there ? => don't make me (us) laugh lol.

Also would you have the kindnest to explain how DW is worse than 2H ?
Let's see ....

[Removed by Support]

Unravelling Horror doesn't have DD. He died to multiple large scaling hits. What was that thing you said about trying to stay informed?
Deliver pain exquisite
_Tiem wrote:
Unravelling Horror doesn't have DD. He died to multiple large scaling hits. What was that thing you said about trying to stay informed?

Nice try ... or not.
There were blue experimentors right next to the boss.
You have not seen it at all.

"What was that thing you said about trying to stay informed?"
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 6, 2016, 8:28:15 AM
_Tiem wrote:

Unravelling Horror doesn't have DD. He died to multiple large scaling hits. What was that thing you said about trying to stay informed?

He dies to 2 hits, that come with very short interval (too short to react), first hit drops him to ~3k ES (from ~10k), and second kills him. Guess, what happens to 95% of life characters (who have no more that 7k HP) there? True OneShot!
There was no telegraphed attack or something, that should be manually avoided. He just fought with boss at melee range (cause he's playing melee character) and was insta-gibbed. IC didnt helped him, so i assume the damage was elemental, not physical.
To survive this shit, Etup should've had 14k+ ES... It's possible for ES build, especially if add some sort of mitigaton on top of that. But life build stands no chance here.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Fruz wrote:
Thank you for showing your lack of knowledge on basic mechanics, really.

Let me put it in a more simple way :

pre nerf FB : FB + spell echo
post nerf FB : FB + faster casting

efficienty : roughly the same.

You got it now ?


Fb echo compatibility REMOVED


This is literally the simplest concept I can possibly try to explain to someone, it's a buff
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
MortalKombat3 wrote:

To survive this shit, Etup should've had 14k+ ES... It's possible for ES build, especially if add some sort of mitigaton on top of that. But life build stands no chance here.

You mean like say... if he had a shield?


In any case I predicted that as an assassin char dual wielding as life he would die. The fact that he switched to es meant he should have lived a bit longer but hes still dw assassin and still died. Result is 2bfs in top 50, well within and in fact below the 15% I predicted as the max we would ever see even pre nerf.

And I had mentioned also that there would be streamers doing bf and not many others, shocker 2 of the 4 guys doing bf were major streamers.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 6, 2016, 12:27:50 PM
I just stopped in to point out that "doesn't suck like typical melee" is a false premise as BF is not melee in anything but name so the real title should be: BF is not OP compared to other ranged and spell skills like it.

Ranged and Spell skills are largely more powerful even the AOE ones than melee skills even if we didn't compensate for the fact that melee skills are far more dangerous to use and require far more investment in defenses.

I now return you to your arguing over a false premise.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
The fact that he switched to es meant he should have lived a bit longer but hes still dw assassin and still died.

He is still not DW. He used a shield, you could argue that a 430 ES shield is not good enough, but then again, hardly anything is in the situation he was in.

Personally, I think that the [nerfed] AoE on Blade Flurry is unplayable..

Which is why I rerolled Frost Blades.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Sheriff_K wrote:
Personally, I think that the [nerfed] AoE on Blade Flurry is unplayable..

Which is why I rerolled Frost Blades.

You should at least put in the effort to switch out Blade Flurry on your char if you set it to public :P

Right now the Binos price alone shows the popularity, which is the main reason I didn't choose it as a starter, however I made the wrong assumption that nobody would use those golem jewels :P, so I had to do Flameblast, although I should have done my normal RF-Totem thing which I always do as a starter or a Juggernaut.

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