Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" Well again. According to the stats you want to use to look at balance Archers are far worse. So they should be buffed before melee, considering that their representation is even less. There is only a single weapon based Archer, while there are 3 Melees. Also weapon avaibility seems not an issue, because all those Warchief-Totems seem to get their weapons (and yes they are all using weapons, not FB). Not to mention that the equip on all of those chars is so expensive that they can easily get a Toptier weapon if they decide to, so weapon avaibility is hardly an issue there, not to mention again that with Binos there is a good dagger, I assume a lot of those Warchief users started with a cheaper weapon or FB as well and transitioned into maces or whatever they are using later. " Well it does, however the issue is that Warchief deals so much damage that it is better to just not use a regular melee attack and instead use two totems. If those totems would be weaker and more support oriented they would be good. And again I don't see a reason not to use one on a melee, so they do work, however your normal skill looks kinda weak vs. them. " Again what's about Archers, they are objectively worse by your definition. So while melee is still fairly close to non-remote, non-BV builds archers seem to be further off. And of course with small arenas and a rather low HP pool HC players don't feel confident on an archer, exspecially considering that to reach decent EHP you need to rely on evasion, because Iron Will takes away a lot of your defenses. So you likely end up with a Coil. I said before that balancing for HC is stupid, but if you do it you should be consequent about it. According to your prefered stat Melee isn't all that weak, toning down the powerful skills would be enough and even with a small nerf Blade Flurry would still be as powerful as Lacerate or Earthquake, so if they can compete, why shouldn't Blade Flurry be able to. |
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I cant believe the lack of imagination some people have, BF is the equivalent of diablos 7 sided strike. The only difference is that diablo wants you to use multiple abilities, PoE is about min maxing a build. They cant just let your character disappear and zip all over the screen while taking no damage.
Oh wait, theres Flicker Strike which is essentially the same thing but no one complains about that not being a skill where you walk up and smack someone in the face. I mean how can a guy the size of the marauder and the IQ of a Pudding Snack teleport? Perhaps its a shadow ability because hes found a way to make shadow clones of himself or hes having some sort of out of body experience that makes him move incredibly fast. Anyone who says a skill needs to be nerfed because they lack the creativity to understand a skill can GTFO. |
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Because you know, flicker strike never puts you in danger, you never touch any mob right ? Not like volatile is a thing. PS : why so mad ? SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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It will get nerfed because that's how GGG work: one league overpowered meta, next patch nerf to the ground.
but in my opinion it should never have been called "melee". that's an insult. there are ranged skills with less AoE and safety distance. not to mention more attack and impact animation. why not actually buff melee as a mechanic? make big marauder break faces with big hammer and duelist carve his initials on some ugly thing's arse? too much work. too much balance effort. too many hard decisions. two years too late. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Nov 29, 2016, 4:06:53 PM
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" "Objectively worse by your definition", it's not "my definition", they ARE OBJECTIVELY WORSE. Unless your argument is that there are simply not that many people using bows, in which case you would confirm by comparing top #'s to overall league total. I suspect for melee there are A LOT of people playing melee and only that one EQ and 2 lacerate was up there. But feel free to verify on your own. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. |
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I Believe the melee tag is there so It can't be used with things like totem's and other things that can support spell based attacks .
Also I believe a good way to help balance out all this would be to make all ascendant class's be same as Scion ! |
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" Or it's just there to be a band-aid for melees .... Let's note something else : Wih such AOE, and CI being the trend, you can easily : - melee phys - mele dmg on full life - conc effect - inc area That's 3 very strong MORE multiplier on a 5L setup, and you can switch inc AREA for another damage support againt bosses if ever needed. And the next one could be either inc AS or added fire depending on the character I guess. Like, the scaling is just huge on such setups, casters don't scale that well from gems imho. Hell even projecile don't have that much scaling ... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 29, 2016, 9:43:38 PM
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You wouldn't want Conc Effect on it though, exspecially now with the changes.
But yes both Melee Damage Supports and Inc. AoE is pretty reasonable and also means you can just switch it with reave whenever you want, you can even switch one of the Melee Damage Supports for Multistrike if you want faster stacks. Using Crit gems is also a high likelyhood and if you are using a shield you might even get away with using Volls, since it is easy to color and would be a good fit for an assassin. Otherwise Faster Attacks works good, Hypothermia often does good work with Hatred and a Vortex for bosses and depending on the weapons you are using even Bloodlust could be an option. |
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" Didn't know the patch notes were out yet, I'm going to check them now lol. Well it has been tuned down a bit, it is still probably pretty strong, so we'll see. Seems like more than correct to me. Edit : Still seems pretty op actually, less than before of course. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 29, 2016, 11:01:14 PM
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Remember that time I said a caster gem would be new meta?
Except that it's not even new now, they have failed to balance bv correctly 3 leagues in a row now. Remember that time I said there will be more casters than melee? That there will be more totems than melee? Basically EVERYTHING I SAID? So, while I think Scourge needs a nerf, and the toxic delivery path of assassin, bf barely got touched. Now watch as my last prediction comes true: melee will still suck and bf will be one out of like 2 or 3 in the top 50. With like 15 casters. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 30, 2016, 8:35:27 PM
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