Some incentive to play slow attack pace builds

I really like "railgun" builds, so slow but totally devastating hits.
My build is actualy like that, but I wouldnt say its "viable" in long term.
Attack speed builds are much better versus reflect, with my build I could reflect myself 6k+ dmg by hiting single enemy just one time. Taking in account that sometime (most of the time) I dont see enemy with reflect due to offscreen attacks, I will shot him few times in row before I even react. So you would need 6k-18k hp in order to survive that, depending on your reaction speed and mitigations.

(Armor doesnt help at all with such hits, evasion is RNG).
Reflect is definitely an issue with hard single devastating hits.
GGG could add a defensive skill or some passive notable that will help you from one-shot hits and one-shotting yourself. Like perhaps..

Divine Armour
- Damage within 2 seconds of each other that drains 70% or more of your total life and reduce it to 20% or less will trigger Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention
- You cannot be damaged beyond the last 10% of your total life. Life regen, life leech, life flasks and other forms of life gains are cancelled and disabled for the duration of this spell. Spell base duration 1 second. Cooldown 5 seconds.

If CI, this will apply to your ES instead.

Of course this will need to be balanced to prevent it from being abused or being useless. But it would be interesting to see if people can come up with an invincible 10% life toon.

This spell or notable will help from one-shots and massive reflects, but you need to flee, after killing the reflect mob of course. It's maybe an improved Immortal Call, not sure if its OP though.

Or they could make an overhaul to the skills and damage mechanics so that hard and single devastating hits can be possible. In any case I hope to see these builds and be viable in the future.
Filthy Casual Scrub.
"Belief is the strongest metal of them all." - Izaro
Last edited by element274#1105 on Nov 5, 2016, 1:08:13 AM
Doing something about reflect in a more global scale would probably do the game more good.
Also with loging out being a thing here ... no need for one shot preventing mechanics like this, just need to have all the potential one shot telegraphed, and very hard hitting shit not being able to crit imho. But this is another story

ScrotieMcB wrote:

2. Developing slower active skills in this game would fall into the melee trap: when some skills have great range, great AoE, and great speed, giving a skill short range, single target, or slow instantly makes it no longer viable. There's no real route to creating incentives without nerfing the shit out of what the best skills can do now.

Well not all skill clear the whole screen in one attack (yet?lol), it's just a matter of a sec which is already very (I would go with "too" actually ) fast.
So I believe that there can be a sweet spot where you can actually have something that isn't ridiculously crazy high attack speed based still, and still has very good clear speed.

But I see your point yeah.

I also don't like multistrike, it's just .... like it was an attempt to make single target skills more viable maybe, but using any AOE skill with it should not have happened imho =/.

Torturo wrote:

You may try ice crash, it's able to support it with full "more" gem setup.
Damage is very high, is AS independent, the only problem is that if it's a crit build you'll have serious problems with reflect.

Didn't think about ice crash, never actually tried it, thanks for the idea.

DDusk wrote:
Imagine all melee skills with eq attack speed.....that would be boring af... no1 would play anything other than eq.....

Imagine all melee skills with eq attack speed.....that would be boring af... no1 would play anything other than eq.....

And how will slower harder hitting attacks help u with reflect??? when that would clearly 1 shot u instead of chipping away hp.... makes no sense

I did mention that physical attack speed builds had it easier with reflect, so it would need tweaking for this to work with slower attacking builds of course.

And you are sooo wrong about the first part.
Having builds that attacks at completely ridiculously unnatural speed is what I find boring, it's ridiculous how it's boring.
Gaming that makes sense and choices that matters ( picking high AS or actually slow hitting builds ) is what makes a game interesting.

MortalKombat3 wrote:

There is a class, that favours slow attack pace - Slayer!
Sadly, he still offers attack speed bonuses (imo they all should be removed and replaced with other bonuses of same power), and while his leech mechanics is cool, being tied to life and attacks make him inferior in ES caster meta of PoE.

Well one ascendancy class isn't quite enough is it ? :S
Especialy since - as you sad - it also does give quite a bit of attack speed.

herflik wrote:

(Armor doesnt help at all with such hits, evasion is RNG).

well fortify, endurance charges and arctic armour helps but .... yeah, reflect would definitely hurt.
Just out of curiosity, what build is it ?
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 5, 2016, 12:48:00 AM
Fruz wrote:
Hey there,

I was thinking about what to do next league ( a bit burnt out this league already ), and I noticed something ...

It's not the first time, but basically .... the way to go, is basically to stack crazy amount of attack speed to increase the DPS.

Appart from earthquake ( which is a very good thing imho, too bad the skill is still broken compared to the rest of melee skills ), for all attacking builds, stacking attack speed until the character animation is completely unnatural and ridiculous is the way to go .............

So it would be great ( I think ) if we had couple of ways, actual optimized enough ways to have nice damage without needing to go with a lot of attack speed.

For example, a support gem ( mutually exclusive with multi strike ) that gives you a LESS attack speed modifier ( let's say 40% ), for a more damage modifier ( let's say 50 or 60% maybe ).
Those numbers are nothing like tweaked or anything of course.
Thing is .... this would make EQ even more OP than what it actual is :///, so there would need to be a balance around this too.

Or a gem that would increase dmg / maybe AOE at the cost of a short windup maybe ?

Since the armour formula only works in one way ( afaik, mobs have a flat physical reduction %, and not atual armour values, but those would be kinda meaningless given how much dps it's possible to reach now ), there is no point it going slow hitting attacks, since tons attack speed gives more dps at the end ...
Reflect is also better to deal with if you have armour and are on a high attack speed physical build ( easier to mitigate than if you were slow hitting ).

If you have examples where slow hitting builds are better than with high attack speed ( apart from EQ ) that I missed, please go ahead and throw them here, I'll edit this post.

I would really like to build an attacking toon that isn't having very unnatural animation and going again with very high attack speed ( and isn't earth quake ).

The last thing this game needs right now is more MORE MULTIPLIERS . Who wants to play slow attack melee builds anyways ?
I would not care less for people that think that nobody likes build that attack slower that fucking stupid 5+ attack / sec builds.

However, I will quite myself because the guy above seem to have not actually really read the OP :

Fruz wrote:
For example, a support gem ( mutually exclusive with multi strike ) that gives you a LESS attack speed modifier ( let's say 40% ), for a more damage modifier ( let's say 50 or 60% maybe ).

Totally the same thing than a random "MORE MULTIPLIER", good job.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 5, 2016, 4:21:06 AM
This is an artificial problem, nobody is stacking a shit ton of attack speed just because it's better then "slow attacks".

People stack shit ton flat damage/increase/more/elemental add-ons/ect damage first, then they add a shit ton of attack speed and crit.

People are attacking super fast while smashing monsters with trucks. Since at some point NOT having an attack speed multiply your attack is less efficient value wise for vast majority of builds.

This is like people saying there are still "glass-canon" builds when everyone end-game runs around with 10k+ hp buffer with multiple ways to reduce damage + flasks and other mechanics while one shotting entire maps.
Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Nov 5, 2016, 4:43:17 AM
The increase attack speed has gone over the top, like the overal damage modifiers, I am aware of this.

Only very fast attack speed does seem very unatural and ... kinda boring imho, when it's all that you see or almost.

So it's not an ideal solution, but some option to get advantages over attack speed would be welcome I think.
It being sustain, maybe a move speed boost after hit, or some reflect protection, or some more damage that they would not need to take from somewhere else, those are just ideas but something would be nice.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Fruz wrote:

herflik wrote:

(Armor doesnt help at all with such hits, evasion is RNG).

well fortify, endurance charges and arctic armour helps but .... yeah, reflect would definitely hurt.
Just out of curiosity, what build is it ?

Fortify on ranged character isnt so easy to get except for ascendency class.
Endurance charges - tried it, didnt help to much either.
I stick to high evasion and dodge on the end, having like 75% chance to evade then 75% to dodge and then arrow dancing for even higher chance (though I think something is wrong because I get often hit back with my reflect). Also use flasks to further mitigate the damage. Artic armor isnt good, I dont feel diffrence when using or not using it, since it mitigate only when you dont move.

My build originaly was focused on heavy bleed damage (and still is but not fully like before) and is based on split arrow skill.
Overally I deal up to 182k damage with a single hit, with around 3 attack speed per second, bleeds from that go for around 1,5 mln dmg per second.
Anyway you an imagine, 10% reflect is 18k damage back in my face, armor doesnt help much versus it. So without doing something to reflect such builds are not viable (if you plan to level above 90).

If I had to suggest suppot gems for this I would go with:
1)This skill can hit only one enemy. Up to 100% more damage.
2)Give possiblity to charge skill for up to 4 charge levels. Each %attackspeed% of second you get one charge level with is up to 150% more damage. (So if you have 2 attacks per second, you will get each 0,5 sec of charge 150% more damage, up to 2 seconds of charge for +600% more damage, 200% more than if you would attack normaly with the skill).
3)Charge the skill for one second for quaranted critical strike. Increase critical damage mutiplier by up to 49%.
Last edited by herflik#4390 on Nov 5, 2016, 9:31:09 AM
herflik wrote:

Fortify on ranged character isnt so easy to get except for ascendency class.
Endurance charges - tried it, didnt help to much either.
I stick to high evasion and dodge on the end, having like 75% chance to evade then 75% to dodge and then arrow dancing for even higher chance (though I think something is wrong because I get often hit back with my reflect). Also use flasks to further mitigate the damage. Artic armor isnt good, I dont feel diffrence when using or not using it, since it mitigate only when you dont move.

My build originaly was focused on heavy bleed damage (and still is but not fully like before) and is based on split arrow skill.
Overally I deal up to 182k damage with a single hit, with around 3 attack speed per second, bleeds from that go for around 1,5 mln dmg per second.
Anyway you an imagine, 10% reflect is 18k damage back in my face, armor doesnt help much versus it. So without doing something to reflect such builds are not viable (if you plan to level above 90).

If I had to suggest suppot gems for this I would go with:
1)This skill can hit only one enemy. Up to 100% more damage.
2)Give possiblity to charge skill for up to 4 charge levels. Each %attackspeed% of second you get one charge level with is up to 150% more damage. (So if you have 2 attacks per second, you will get each 0,5 sec of charge 150% more damage, up to 2 seconds of charge for +600% more damage, 200% more than if you would attack normaly with the skill).
3)Charge the skill for one second for quaranted critical strike. Increase critical damage mutiplier by up to 49%.

I did loose my EHC toon on reflect ( I was stupid, going without swapping much because it was okay and not calculating that the Pninsula boss would be different .... ), and I had over 50 / 60% evade + arrow dancing too ....
Not sure exactly how it works.
And not full physical crazy high dps either.

So yeah, something should be done about reflect in that case.
I like the possibility of charging a skill if needed.
But that makes some encounter like Atziri just a no go I think, stop moving for a second or 2 and .... :/

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 5, 2016, 10:21:38 AM
I made a thread about it couple years ago actually. Was doing slow hard hitting Glacial Hammer with staff and gave up in merc. Main issue was not the damage, this was pretty nice, but the accuracy. I was not RT obviously and swinging and hitting the air resulted in me getting happily smacked by the monsters around me. I didn't encounter any problems with reflect but I was too early in the game progress to have issues with that. I imagine I would kill myself instantly later on though. I never liked super fast hitting builds but this was the direction GGG took unfortunately. EQ gave me some hope to be honest as it was hit hard once, kill and move on but players kept on stacking attack speed and reduced duration on it and it was back to fast hitting. Animation time plays a role here too, some monsters are so fast moving that before you can execute an attack you are getting hit multiple times. Something would have to be done about life leech for slow hitters to. Stun is an issue here, getting your slow attack interrupted means you are exposed to hit while trying to smack again.

So for support gem I would think something like: You can not be stunned while attacking (your attacks can not be interrupted?), your attack speed is 1.2 (for example), increases and reductions to attack speed don't apply to supported skill. Each level of skill would also give some attack damage/accuracy/crit.

Would love to play Glacial Hammer again with crit staff but don't want to go the Multiwank/Hegemony route...

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