[2.5] CoC Vortex Elementalist *Insane dps* 2-3 shot Guardians - Shaper down! [Video Inside]
please help how do achieve like 8,4k ES??? I have only 5k with aura activated and with good ES stuff...
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What about lvling, and when u start use vortex, im mean lvl ? |
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" Play with any other skill (Firestorm, fire traps, chaos skills, anything..) until you can wear CastOnCrit gem (lvl 38), find some more-or-less good gear with crits, 5-6L body and start playing with vortex.. nothing special here. |
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I recently leveled up with Vortex.
You run into a group, Vortex and everything dies. Some changing support gems to it but didnt go 4L+ before 62 (6L Shav). It felt more fluid than Firestorm or other channeling skills. |
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I managed to reach lvl 84 with my coc vortex cold->fire occultist. It's the first time ever in this game when i reached so far. I'm runnin Assasins Mark and Warlords Mark. I've not done Merc Lab yet. I got Wicked Ward +100 ES and Profane Bloom ascendancies. Some cheap 100% hit dagger. About 7000ES (without discipline). About 40% crit chance by default, nad 6 max power charges procced by orb of storms and AM fairly fluidly. I'm doing lvl 71 and 72 maps so I'm overleveled yet without Warlords curse I'm having some problems with survivability. Then again with current set up and without flammability damage is lackluster. Sooo I need some help with further passives, gear, curse set up etc. I'm thinking of dropping whispers of doom (5 passives) and get some damage (but no idea from where) and ES, maybe mana reservation near Vaal Pact. But then again running 3 curses WM, AM, and flammability/enfeeble, and getting 12% added damage sounds cool. I'm just stuck... |
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" - Are you sure about your passives? It has visible difference with OP's version - less spell-damage.. - Craft better dagger with spell-damage, like this one: - Find \ Craft \ Buy better 6L body - Conc. Effect gem (on last 6 link) will give you more spell-damage - it will heavy boost your dps (if you will be able to compensate -100% crits). - Find a better shield with spell-damage (+spell-crits will be also good) - Amulet can be replaced with something like this: But you will loose stun immune.. (not a big deal actually, with +% hp nodes and Cast Then Stunned trigger you can minimize your chances to get a deadly stun-lock) - Belt can be replaced with something like this: More Fire damage, life-leech from fire, armor. But.. zero ES. - This flasks will boost your dps & survivability. (don't forget about shock removals) - Find a better Pyre ring with Burning damage, 35% is not that expensive.. - Allocate 1-2 more sockets for jewels and find better jewels for it. (x% Spell-damage with Cold Skills \ x% Fire damage; inc. Global Crit. Multi \ inc. Crit. Multi with Cold Skills; x% Area Damage) - Drop your 18% Cold Damage passive skill - it is not working at all. - Drop your +1 curse from passives and take spell-damage nodes - this build scales around it. - .. or better rebuild your tree to match OP's version. - Replace your Occultist with Elementalist and get extremely high dps boost. - Respec to Low-Life version and get Pain Attunement node - this will boost your dps above madness. Do you know about madness, exile? But you need a Shavrone 6L for this.. So.. you have a big room for a changes in your character. Try it. UPD: Ah yes, forgot about curses.. Assassin's Mark + Elemental Weakness setup is working very well.. UPD2: Use Elemental Equilibrium. Seriously.. -50% resistances will gives you HEAVY dps boost. UPD3: If Vinktar bottle is too expensive for you - use Vaal Lightning Trap on bosses, shock status boosts your damage (like x2 or even more). UPD4: Level 21, 20% gems will be good too. And 40% Inc. vortex damage enchant on helmet is also good. Last edited by bSun0000#3204 on Feb 3, 2017, 8:02:36 PM
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" No I'm not ;) I started this build before finding this thread. Up till now I was thinking that Elemental damage would be the biggest dmg gain for vortex since it affects cold,fire and ignite. So, cold damage really does nothing? So it's just base vortex cold damage converted to fire and then affected by: spell, elemental, fire, area ? Since I'm too poor for Shavrones I have to stay CI for the time being. Why is the elemental weakness better than flammability? Swapping the Occultis for Elementalist, hmm I really like those +100ES with vaallike recharge but guess gonna have to try it. I'm thinking now of dropping Curse, ES and fire nodes North of witch area, and allocating those in melding, starting witch spell dmg and travel to Templar area. I'm not sure about Shadow's Fangs of the Viper and Coordination though, so I stick to the route to Vaal Pact through True Strike. Thank you very much for advise. UPDATE: Hmm i used POE planner and made my build as it is, and like in this thread (but without LL) and i get default 214% increases (mostly spell, then ele, some fire) and 242% (mostly fire, then ele, some spell) in my build. What makes spell damage so much better? Last edited by zygiert#7291 on Feb 3, 2017, 5:11:36 AM
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" Pretty same values, but ele. weakness gives you -% resistances for all elem. damage - more healing from Vinktar bottle. " Double dipping. If i'm not misunderstanding something, plain fire damage does not gives you additional burning damage with Vortex (Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time stat). " You can look at your dps on tooltip, spend one regret and watch how it will work. DPS will stay the same.. |
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I think there is some misunderstanting on how the vortex works. I used the regret and with cold +18 passive removed i went from 6400 to 6150 on tooltip.
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