[Tool] PoE-TradeMacro

Facing a slight issue here, the macro isn't reading the quad tab properly even though I checked mark the box, any way to work around that as its really annoying to point to the tab but still have to search manually.
So I feel like an idiot.

Last night was the first time I tried using this. I had a few stashes of items I wanted to clear out. I like to think I have a slight idea on rare pricing, but for the most part I'm clueless. So I started cranking this thing out. Had a stash of rares at priced at 1 Jeweler. TradeMacro had everything at 1 Alt. So I cleared the whole stash and vendored everything. Moved onto my Fusing Stash. Again, all Alts. Then I started looking up a few things. TradeMacro was listing the base items with no mods. whoops. oh well. no idea what I lost.

tl;dr - This thing isn't quite the best for rares, huh? Need to search up each item to compare it seems. poeprices.info seems a bit wonky as well.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Idk guys why but i get too many Virus alerts
with this program past 2 days
and now even mozila tells me that is virus a there
something wrong...
Ksenistis wrote:
Idk guys why but i get too many Virus alerts
with this program past 2 days
and now even mozila tells me that is virus a there
something wrong...


Nothing is wrong. Feel free to not use it though if you can't trust that.
Westwood1121 wrote:
So I feel like an idiot.

Last night was the first time I tried using this. I had a few stashes of items I wanted to clear out. I like to think I have a slight idea on rare pricing, but for the most part I'm clueless. So I started cranking this thing out. Had a stash of rares at priced at 1 Jeweler. TradeMacro had everything at 1 Alt. So I cleared the whole stash and vendored everything. Moved onto my Fusing Stash. Again, all Alts. Then I started looking up a few things. TradeMacro was listing the base items with no mods. whoops. oh well. no idea what I lost.

tl;dr - This thing isn't quite the best for rares, huh? Need to search up each item to compare it seems. poeprices.info seems a bit wonky as well.

That's pretty much correct, either try trusting poeprices or use the advanced search where you can select the mods that you want to include (ctrl + alt + d).
himurakenshn wrote:
Facing a slight issue here, the macro isn't reading the quad tab properly even though I checked mark the box, any way to work around that as its really annoying to point to the tab but still have to search manually.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you confusing this with MercuryTrade/Trades-Companions feature to show item grids and point to the item that someone wants to buy from you?
AlexOwnzAll wrote:
Yeah! that's exactly what I meant, only for alt+regal since it's very easy to tell what affixes there are and should be wayyyy easier to implement compared to chaos spamming.

Is this something involved where I cannot easily add this, since I know you are very busy doing more important changes? Are there any tutorials about how to do something similar like this on youtube or ahf forums or something? It seems like there would only be 2 things I'd need to do:

1) Check if a certain affix (let's say increased maximum life) is contained inside the results of your script at a certain range and if so, play a sound. I believe you are storing the final affix data as "AffixInfo" right? So I think this would be written as:

IfInString, AffixInfo, "increased maximum life, Prefix, 70-79"
open C:\Users\nameofuser\Music\gongsoundforcrafting.mp3
Sleep, 1000

2) not sure if necessary but I think I would need some way to have it continually be checking if affixinfo has those certain affixes as I'm crafting. so might need to put step 1 inside a loop or maybe step 1 would resume checking if the If condition is met after the sleep 1000, not sure.

1) Something along those lines, although I'd rather use RegExMatch instead of IfInString.

2) While this probably isn't an issue since there's no real game automation and interaction with the game I'd be cautios with something like that. Should be fine as long as you don't prevent yourself from further crafting the item in the case that you hit some desired outcome to not overwrite it.

Check resources\ahk\ItemInfo.ahk and look for the function HighlightItems. It's an example of a function that uses ItemInfo to parse your item, get access to all the parsed data while preventing ItemInfo from creating/showing the tooltip so that you can do your own stuff with that data.
Then take a look at Custom-Macros.
Last edited by Eruyome#0662 on Dec 21, 2018, 7:32:10 AM
Is a meme or some shit that when you launch it, it says uninstalled battle.net?
Icemasta wrote:
Is a meme or some shit that when you launch it, it says uninstalled battle.net?

Check if you need to install it again :)
I would love to see an option where we can filter search by age of post limit. so, if i only want to see recent posts, i could put it as 0 hours 7 days.

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