[2.6] Crystal - Crit Freezing Pulse - 307k-410k DPS, 10.5k ES, CI, Occultist

Thought i post an update:

lvl 86 - 8.5k ES, 88k HO dps

current gear:

still working on haku lvl 7 to craft that es% on my ring

Thinking about upgrading my chest to an ~800 ES one but ~5ex currently *d'oh*

Dropped my first tier 11 map today but feel still a bit squishy. Getting stuned sucks balls. Miss my skyforths from standard lol
loardpcm wrote:
Thought i post an update:

lvl 86 - 8.5k ES, 88k HO dps

current gear:

still working on haku lvl 7 to craft that es% on my ring

Thinking about upgrading my chest to an ~800 ES one but ~5ex currently *d'oh*

Dropped my first tier 11 map today but feel still a bit squishy. Getting stuned sucks balls. Miss my skyforths from standard lol

Can you link your tree? How the hell did you manage to get 8,5K without shield ?
Bozzom wrote:
loardpcm wrote:
Thought i post an update:

lvl 86 - 8.5k ES, 88k HO dps

current gear:

still working on haku lvl 7 to craft that es% on my ring

Thinking about upgrading my chest to an ~800 ES one but ~5ex currently *d'oh*

Dropped my first tier 11 map today but feel still a bit squishy. Getting stuned sucks balls. Miss my skyforths from standard lol

Can you link your tree? How the hell did you manage to get 8,5K without shield ?


Hope this works otherwise i removed the privacy settings on my character tab, check out sir_smoke_a_lot.

Oh, i'm at 9.2k ES after taking Wicked Ward asc points. Going for Vile Bastion asc points today. I want to test this.
Last edited by loardpcm#1572 on Mar 9, 2017, 1:10:28 AM
Is it good with SCION in current legacy league (2.6)?
Can you write some pros/cons for scion and how it compare to witch?

Dont want to play witch, i want something unique (like scion) but dont want to fail with bad character
I already wrote in my guide at end of Ascendancy section (quote below):
crystalrgb wrote:

Another option is Scion. She has both Power charge (Assassin node) and Frenzy charge (Raider node) generation in ascendancy. But also less ES. No dual curse either.
Here is the tree (around level 89): Poeplanner.
Still, it is quite fun build with a lot of DPS.
It had 301k DPS with just golem and reached 478k with 4 power and 3 frenzy (553k with Vaal Haste on top).
This is quite similar to Occultist, if we had frenzy generation (2nd blasphemy or poor chance with Overcharged on tree, 4 points needed, meh).

It is good. In short it's less ES (I got now 9k versus 10.5k).
She can have more damage about 330k base then with power and frenzy charges at 550k tooltip DPS.
I sometimes play Scion but 9k is not very safe.
IGN: VanessaXY, Hideouts: 1729744, Build: 1746064, Witch CI
Last edited by crystalrgb#6497 on Mar 12, 2017, 1:35:13 AM
Hey there, relatively new to poe and this guide is awesome, thank you for your effort. I don't know if anyone mentioned this before but i realised that upgrading fire damage properties on jewels etc adds more damage than cold damage since cold to fire makes fire spell damage type more stronger than cold spell damage.

I have tried to make this build produce the output you illustrate, but I can't make it happen, despite my numerous advantages.

First, I am playing this with low life, so I use pain attunement. Second, my wands are better than the ones you have. In fact all my gear is better. My character is Pharanavi if you would like to check my stuff out.

I had the free reset and used the tree you provided -initially. I then changed it up a little to incorporate low life and the first snow jewels. I'll be buying a presence of chayula soon, but I want to make sure that it is what I want to use, so right now I am using the eye of chayula. I have switched amulets many times, and I do have some amazing amulets, but the damage boosts I would get from them are not significant. Being stunned drives me up the freaking wall.

I have also spent about 70 or so regrets changing my tree around, on top of the free reset. The first snow jewels are beyond amazing, and I couldn't recommend them more. However, I have experimented with many different jewels. All in an attempt to try and pin point why your damage is so much higher(per ratio) than mine. The first snow jewels proved to be better than any other jewels I could find.


The gems I use are - FP, Controlled Destruction, Added Cold, Faster Casting, Cold to Fire, & Echo.

I was using the Critical Strikes gem before I switched to Faster Casting. The damage is just higher.

I use clarity(lvl-7), discipline, herald of thunder/ice, and warlord's mark on blasphemy.


My defenses are 10.3k ES.

My damage with full everything, 7 power / 4 frenzy charges is 422k.


Even though 422k is a lot and is higher than your damage, how it is that my damage isn't much much higher considering my gear?

What is confusing the hell out of me is that I should have infinitely more damage.

I have pain attunement, I use herald of thunder and ice, and I dual wield void batteries. What in the world is going on? LOL

(Also. The rings you have, I did try using and I really LOVED them, but I do not understand how it is you can wear them. I can't cap my res' without wearing my rings.)
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
Hi, mostbrilliant2.

mostbrilliant2 wrote:

Second, my wands are better than the ones you have. In fact all my gear is better.

Well no, no it's not. And there is also your main problem. You're using Void Batteries.
I already posted few times why those are bad. And how good wands look like.
Simply put, where Void Batteries have 80% Decreased spell damage, a good wand would have Increased (by same amount). As I tested them, they give half of DPS with no charges and similar DPS with max charges. So IMO if you put that amount of currency they cost into good rare wands, you'll end up with better DPS and even free some tree points aiming at more power charges.

2 Snakepits are the best rings you can get here. No rare ring can increase damage and cast speed so much. So you loose like 60% more damage and 18% more cast speed when not having them. Well it's not easy to cap resists. But I said in guide, you need like two high resists (40% or more) on all gear parts to have them.

Next main problem is that you use 4 jewels and only 1 rare. I use 6 and all are rare with 3 stats for DPS (multiplier is best even twice on each). Like I mentioned in the guide, those give a lot more DPS. Not sure why it's not working for you.

But whatever, what's good for you or for low life, won't be good for me.

And lastly, your damage isn't bad at all, it's good. I don't see it going much higher. It's already very high. I made everything I could (for the price) to maximize DPS. My tree is also focused on not spending points for anything else than DPS or ES (yours not so much). I had a Scion variant of this build, she had 550k DPS with 4 power and 3 frenzy charges (but less ES).

Some smaller remarks, my gloves and amulet also give more DPS, yours don't. I don't mind stuns. Next, you don't have level 20 (or 21) on few gems and on some even no quality at all?
I didn't have more damage with Faster Casting. I think you should really use Increased Critical Strikes, because now you have 100% reduced critical strike chance from Controlled Destruction. What's your crit chance in character page? Maybe also that's why it's not working with jewels. I got it above 50%, and crit multipliers give the most DPS increase then.

Yeah First Snow is probably great, so is The Green Dream. But neither of them is good for endgame bosses. Charges aren't easy to get, and more projectiles also means more spread (they don't hit, I think 3 is max for single target).
IGN: VanessaXY, Hideouts: 1729744, Build: 1746064, Witch CI
Last edited by crystalrgb#6497 on Mar 25, 2017, 5:43:34 AM
Well no, no it's not. And there is also your main problem. You're using Void Batteries.
I already posted few times why those are bad. And how good wands look like.
Simply put, where Void Batteries have 80% Decreased spell damage, a good wand would have Increased (by same amount). As I tested them, they give half of DPS with no charges and similar DPS with max charges. So IMO if you put that amount of currency they cost into good rare wands, you'll end up with better DPS and even free some tree points aiming at more power charges.

My statement , that my wands are better, was not a statement in ignorance. I tested many different rare wands, all of which were over 10 ex, and none of those gave me the boost that the batteries did. If they had, I would be using them.

Next main problem is that you use 4 jewels and only 1 rare. I use 6 and all are rare with 3 stats for DPS (multiplier is best even twice on each). Like I mentioned in the guide, those give a lot more DPS. Not sure why it's not working for you.

Initially I wasn't low life with this character. I just do what gives me the output. I started this character years ago as a freezing pulse character, but sort of abandoned it. I decided to give her another shot. In fact, my tree was nearly identical to the tree you provide.

I am not tied to low life at all. I would far prefer to be CI. I have a 900+ es chest that I could be using, and when I was experimenting I was able to get this character with around 15k es. I wasn't using first snow at this time. However, my damage was lower, at around 150-190k. As I was unable to use the heralds and pain attunement.
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
Ah OK. I didn't realize you had so much currency for testing this character.
I wrote the guide sticking to my approach of spending 1-2 exalts (max 3) for each gear item.
Wow 15k ES seems awesome. I'm guessing this and current DPS should deal with all end game content.
IGN: VanessaXY, Hideouts: 1729744, Build: 1746064, Witch CI

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