Difficulty Levels in 3.0.0

goodbye normal.. now everyone will start in Cruel
generally dangerous
I couldn't be happier to read anything since I started playing. There is a big difference between doing three acts three times when I started, and doing 5 acts twice. There will be more changes of scenery and less repetition which leads to an Atlas with more changes in scenery and less repetition.

However you work out the balance, I am sure you will get it right eventually.
Barivius wrote:
I couldn't be happier to read anything since I started playing. There is a big difference between doing three acts three times when I started, and doing 5 acts twice. There will be more changes of scenery and less repetition which leads to an Atlas with more changes in scenery and less repetition.

However you work out the balance, I am sure you will get it right eventually.

Just imagine back when there were two acts, they had 4 difficulties. Had to do 2 acts 4 times each.
Thank you! This is a must.

I expect that the length of some acts would be redone to match the 10 acts that there will be vs the 12 that there are currently, the end result being that the length of some areas of act ONE to act FOUR will be slightly increased to reflect this, or rather act FIVE will be much more lengthy.
IGN JimansNotSummoner
Last edited by Jiman#2422 on Sep 26, 2016, 6:02:29 PM
"You guys have said that you'd remove Cruel eventually once you get too many Acts."

Chris: "We've decided not to do that." (recently said this.)

And now this...


But good that you went back to the original plan. Cruel needs to go. :P
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*

Edit: but this manifesto at this time without saying much else seems rather random though.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
Last edited by Jerle#2906 on Sep 26, 2016, 6:19:04 PM
Longest manifesto i've ever read.

More seriously, that's nice. Bye cruel difficulty.
Bring back Ruthless Kappa
"You did move, but there was no time at which you were moving, because your movement took 0 time." - Mark_GGG
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
"Acts" are unnecessary as long as linear progression is just that, and not a re-hash of old content with new mechonix.

If the point of, say, The Coast is to introduce players to a bunch of grouped-up mobs that have a blue pack thrown in with a area boss that does a lot of burst, but hey guess what... the gear you currently have can be utilized in combination with ur l33t skillz to defeat said boss, but then you turn around in 3-4 hours of gameplay and make it so current gear and current skill isn't enough to beat Tinevan, substantial extra physical damage, and leapers, then people get discouraged fast.

This non-linear growth is detrimental to the game.

Having a truly linear, one-off progression system whereby players Deal With The Bandits once, it's a meaningful choice, they never see those (some dead/all dead) guys again, take what they learn from the Alira fight, and when they get to the next 3-pronged fork in the road (Help the Vaal Undersoul/Hinder the Vaal Undersoul/Steal the Heart of the Eternal), they know they need to be on they tippee-toes.

Repeating content is just bad design and is indicative of a group of individuals incapable of elucidating a fully-fleshed out background story, and reeks of amateurism.

Have you played any other ARPGs? Respecting traditions and wanting to appeal to your core fans isn't "bad design" or "indicative of a group of individuals incapable of elucidating a fully-fleshed out background story". Respecting the format of prior ARPGs (such as Diablo II) is the very reason this game drew so many disenfranchised Diablo fans to it. So the thing you're complaining about exemplifies the design choices that let this game grow so large that there's an active forum for you to complain on the first place. Huh.
I wonder how this is going to affect the feel of leveling, all acts seem like they are probably going to take a while longer to progress through if thats the case. The entire idea of balancing the game soo you end up in the same place with the same experience and gear while removing an entire difficulty is going to be interesting to see.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.

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