Severe Server Problems

Ey, ppl, they give you F2P game with awesome content, they do what they can to fix servers issues and yet you complain? Think kids, it happens even to the best games...
Cryonist wrote:
I'm so sad right now that i'm considering convincing my wife to come back.

Don't do anything stupid out of spite. Deep breath. Don't make spur of the moment decisions that you'll regret next uptime
Voting for reset the league!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GGG TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Everyone should be rolled back until EVERYONE can play.
Oh I was in and having fun, then I was out, and now I'm stuck out. Come on guys, why didn't you stress test this? This is basic server operation 101. Stop making milk crate servers a "feature" and spend some money on some hardware. Servers from 2013 ruin all the admittedly very nice visual and performance updates I've seen during my short time in the game. Basic problems downsize your achievements elsewhere.
Reset will be nice. Some people will be in a4 before i finish a1 :(
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
seriously ....I get a disconnect and cant get back in to the game so that others dont get disconnects ... 58k players queue and not getting a single player lower in 10 minutes... Why the hell cant you patch 2-3 days before a league start when it is so essentially important for players to get a quick start in a league to be making some currency ... everyone who is lucky to be able to play the first 2 days without DCs will be super rich and everyone who ges dced will have to pay those guys prizes. There RNG strikes early.
Funny to say that every damn twitch streamer with a ton of viewers can play and deoesnt get thrown out...
Streamers doesnt get DC rigged AF FeelsBadMan
Go play overwatch! New Season has started!

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