Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]
"That's intended, although a little counter-intuitive. The extra ignite chance makes you more likely to inflict ignite, but the average DPS of each ignite will go down (as more ignites would be non-crits, rather than crits); so you'd end up doing more damage overall. If you'd prefer non-crit ignites to be ignored you can always use the "Ignite calculation mode" option in the Configuration tab. |
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I just stumbled on this through Reddit (Thank you to those kind people who advertised on your behalf) and I'm quite impressed by this tool and by the size of your balls in taking on the nightmare that is PoE's damage calculation.
That being said, are there any plans, in accordance with those recent posters who were curious as to your current "to-do list", to implement the following? forget about 1, I can just fiddle with "enemy's resistance" to make it happen. 2). "DPS" based on mine laying speed/mine arming speed for mine-based skills and trap throwing speed/cooldown reduction for trap-based skills. I have often been curious as to how much damage I was dealing by plopping down a Detonate Mines totem and laying on the mines. 3). Proliferated double-dipped ignites/poisons. By lowering the resistance of an enemy, killing the enemy, and proliferating that ignite/poison to a nearby enemy who also has their resistance lowered, you gain a higher damage value than if you had simply applied that ignite/poison to the first enemy. 4). Enemy block/dodge, which would impact player DPS. 5). Is the enemy immune to additional damage from critical strikes? e.g: map mod or Brass Dome. 6). "Is this PvP", e.g: enable t-values on skills. Very few people would use it, and fewer people would understand it. The only upside is that GGG won't touch the mechanics because they've disavowed PvP's existence, so once you add it, it's there forever. But it'd be nice to have for those of us who actually bother with it. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard] ~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) Last edited by Epee#6344 on Feb 23, 2017, 5:47:39 AM
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"1) You'll find no mention in the changelog because it's been supported since the program was first released; it's factored into the Effective DPS Modifier just as enemy resistances are. 2) For mines, I have no idea what the base laying speed or arming times are, and I can't seem to find that information anywhere. Doing traps based of cooldown is doable, but I'm not sure how useful that information would be in practice; I wouldn't display it by default. 3) Are you 100% sure this happens? Knowing the mechanics of DoTs, I'd be amazingly surprised if that actually occurred. A DoT exists as a stat on the enemy that causes them to take X damage over time. How much damage they are actually taking from that stat at any point in time is determined by their resistance. A DoT proliferating simply applies that DoT stat to nearby enemies; at no point would the resistance of the "source" enemy be considered. 4) What enemies have block or dodge? Unless you mean in PvP, but I'll address that for #6. 5) Simulation of map mods is likely to happen eventually; most of them aren't hard to do. Not sure when I'll find the time though. 6) Adding support for PvP damage calculations isn't exactly straightforward; I'd need to implement the scaling formula, all the different overrides for various skills, and modify effective DPS calculations to take into account all the defence mechanics that only players have. It'd be a lot of work for a very small benefit. I won't say it'd never happen, but it won't happen soon. Sorry! :/ |
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just a pretty small request, but I noticed that the bleed damage is calculated for a non-moving enemy, could you add a "Is the Enemy moving?" option for Configuration? It isnt really that important, since bleed dps x6 isnt difficult to calculate, but it would be convenient. Last edited by Blakaraz#6763 on Feb 23, 2017, 7:36:28 AM
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"Easily done. It'll be in the next update. |
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Hi Openarl, glad to see my thread on reddit attracted some people to this awesome tool!
I can't find support for magic flasks, is it in the app? Some pathfinder/QoTF/dreamfeather builds rely on those :) Real life made me quit the game lol
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" Nice, Thanks a lot! :) |
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sorry everybody if this is a stupid q.
but when i unzip the whole files and launch the ".exe" file, it opens a new screen that says "press any key to continue" then i press smt and then it goes away and nothing happens. What kind of noob am I? Thank you |
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" Run the installer from the releases page. Don't try to use the master zip file. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
I can't figure out how to put on a helmet enchant.
Also is there a way to add a corrupted effect? Specifically +1 to gem level on body armor. |
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