Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

are atziri/sulfur flasks calculated in the damage? or do i need to turn them on somewhere in the program?
ign: DreamsofIllusions

Dis sheit AV called baidu says you a bad boy.
Awesome program, it really helps in theorycrafting.

I understand that minions are currently not yet implemented, but could the Necromantic Aegis keystone at least be made to correctly remove the bonuses from the equipped shield from the character? It would help a lot while checking life, resists, and defence bonuses with summoner characters.
Bug report:

When using Chance to Ignite, my ignite damage goes down, even comparing to no gem at all.

It seems the tool is understanding that will ignite more often from non crits, and as such, reduce DPS from ignite through crits (makes sense).

However, only the highest ignite stays on target, so even if I ignite 80% of the time from non crits, the crits will still ignite for a higher damage. In reality, its impossible to lose dps (unless my understanding of the game isn't correct).

0% chance to ignite, 5% crit is higher ignite dps than 50% chance to ignite, 5% crit.

I don't believe that to be accurate.

Absolutely awesome tool none the less, I use it everyday, it is a magnificent planner, thank you for developing it :)
polo2005 wrote:
are atziri/sulfur flasks calculated in the damage? or do i need to turn them on somewhere in the program?
There's no support for flasks currently, although I hope to start working on that soon. In the meantime, you can simulate the effects of most flasks by various means. Silver Flasks (Onslaught) and Diamond Flasks (Crit Chance is Lucky) have options in the Configuration tab for their respective effects; others can be simulated by adding their modifiers to an equipped item using the "Edit..." feature.

CruelFish wrote:

Dis sheit AV called baidu says you a bad boy.
Yup. It's been detecting that for as long as I've been checking; the irony is the binary that's triggering it (Path of Building.exe) has less code in it than any of the others...

Antmanton wrote:
I understand that minions are currently not yet implemented, but could the Necromantic Aegis keystone at least be made to correctly remove the bonuses from the equipped shield from the character? It would help a lot while checking life, resists, and defence bonuses with summoner characters.
It sounds easy, but it's actually devilishly difficult to implement. My calculation code doesn't process keystone modifiers until long after the shield's modifiers have been processed, so it'd take a fair bit of tinkering to get this happening. I'll give it some thought though.

Ildurnest wrote:
When using Chance to Ignite, my ignite damage goes down, even comparing to no gem at all.

It seems the tool is understanding that will ignite more often from non crits, and as such, reduce DPS from ignite through crits (makes sense).

However, only the highest ignite stays on target, so even if I ignite 80% of the time from non crits, the crits will still ignite for a higher damage. In reality, its impossible to lose dps (unless my understanding of the game isn't correct).

0% chance to ignite, 5% crit is higher ignite dps than 50% chance to ignite, 5% crit.
That's working as intended. The ignite DPS shows the average ignite that would be applied by a single hit, whether by crit or non-crit; so increasing the chance to ignite on non-crit naturally lowers the average ignite DPS (although not by much, for most builds).

It's true that with many setups, the target would almost always have a crit ignite on them at any given moment; the issue is the program has no way of knowing if that will be the case. And in cases where the target won't always have a crit ignite, the DPS calculated by the program will be more accurate; it will still understate the DPS over time, but there's no easy way of deriving a more accurate number.

Regardless, I've already added an option to cover the case where crit ignites are always present: in the Configuration tab, you can change the "Ignite calculation mode" to "Crit Damage", which causes the program to ignore non-crit ignites entirely. I've found that it doesn't make much of a difference for most crit ignite builds, though.
Openarl wrote:
polo2005 wrote:
are atziri/sulfur flasks calculated in the damage? or do i need to turn them on somewhere in the program?
There's no support for flasks currently, although I hope to start working on that soon. In the meantime, you can simulate the effects of most flasks by various means. Silver Flasks (Onslaught) and Diamond Flasks (Crit Chance is Lucky) have options in the Configuration tab for their respective effects; others can be simulated by adding their modifiers to an equipped item using the "Edit..." feature.

CruelFish wrote:

Dis sheit AV called baidu says you a bad boy.
Yup. It's been detecting that for as long as I've been checking; the irony is the binary that's triggering it (Path of Building.exe) has less code in it than any of the others...

Antmanton wrote:
I understand that minions are currently not yet implemented, but could the Necromantic Aegis keystone at least be made to correctly remove the bonuses from the equipped shield from the character? It would help a lot while checking life, resists, and defence bonuses with summoner characters.
It sounds easy, but it's actually devilishly difficult to implement. My calculation code doesn't process keystone modifiers until long after the shield's modifiers have been processed, so it'd take a fair bit of tinkering to get this happening. I'll give it some thought though.

Ildurnest wrote:
When using Chance to Ignite, my ignite damage goes down, even comparing to no gem at all.

It seems the tool is understanding that will ignite more often from non crits, and as such, reduce DPS from ignite through crits (makes sense).

However, only the highest ignite stays on target, so even if I ignite 80% of the time from non crits, the crits will still ignite for a higher damage. In reality, its impossible to lose dps (unless my understanding of the game isn't correct).

0% chance to ignite, 5% crit is higher ignite dps than 50% chance to ignite, 5% crit.
That's working as intended. The ignite DPS shows the average ignite that would be applied by a single hit, whether by crit or non-crit; so increasing the chance to ignite on non-crit naturally lowers the average ignite DPS (although not by much, for most builds).

It's true that with many setups, the target would almost always have a crit ignite on them at any given moment; the issue is the program has no way of knowing if that will be the case. And in cases where the target won't always have a crit ignite, the DPS calculated by the program will be more accurate; it will still understate the DPS over time, but there's no easy way of deriving a more accurate number.

Regardless, I've already added an option to cover the case where crit ignites are always present: in the Configuration tab, you can change the "Ignite calculation mode" to "Crit Damage", which causes the program to ignore non-crit ignites entirely. I've found that it doesn't make much of a difference for most crit ignite builds, though.

Thank you very much!!

The real problem is when you have no crit (5% from base) and you add chance to ignite.
Lets see this problem: I attack 2 times per second, so, with 5% crit, I have on average, an ignite every 10 seconds (give or take). Which leaves 6 seconds of not ignite. That should be 0 DPS ignite.
If I add chance to ignite to my skill, I now have 50% chance to ignite, which means I get on average an ignite per second, and now I (on average) stacking ignites, leaving me with 100% ignite uptime, which will always be a dps Increase over 40% ignite uptime. Even more so if you consider that the 5% crit will still be up, so every 10 seconds (on average) I will have a more powerful ignite.

I'm a programmer as well, and I know this is a bit complex to simulate properly, you would need to take into account the igniter skill APS and check for ignite uptime, and only then multiply by the different ignite sources DPS. Ignite Uptime, that's the feature it is missing.

I would offer you my help, but I think you have this mightily covered! Congratulations for this tool, it is indeed invaluable.

edit - And thank you as well! Thank you for your time :)
Last edited by Ildurnest#3833 on Feb 4, 2017, 3:55:16 PM

Hi! I'm getting this error continuously when I'm working with Viper Strike, is it a bug or perhaps this skill is not supported? It's updated to the latest version. I will be glad to provide more info if needed. Thanks!
Ildurnest wrote:
The real problem is when you have no crit (5% from base) and you add chance to ignite.
Lets see this problem: I attack 2 times per second, so, with 5% crit, I have on average, an ignite every 10 seconds (give or take). Which leaves 6 seconds of not ignite. That should be 0 DPS ignite.
If I add chance to ignite to my skill, I now have 50% chance to ignite, which means I get on average an ignite per second, and now I (on average) stacking ignites, leaving me with 100% ignite uptime, which will always be a dps Increase over 40% ignite uptime. Even more so if you consider that the 5% crit will still be up, so every 10 seconds (on average) I will have a more powerful ignite.

I'm a programmer as well, and I know this is a bit complex to simulate properly, you would need to take into account the igniter skill APS and check for ignite uptime, and only then multiply by the different ignite sources DPS. Ignite Uptime, that's the feature it is missing.
Yes, I'm well aware of the complexities involved here. Calculating uptime for ignite is beyond the current scope of the program, and in my opinion it's not worth the time to come up with a way of calculating it anyway. I'll explain why.

Builds that rely on ignite are usually either non-crit (probably with EO), or full crit (50%+ crit chance). In the first case, the DPS calculated by PoB is correct. In the second case, even with ignite on Average Damage mode the DPS will only be slightly lower than the DPS of a crit ignite, and of course you can always change it to Crit Damage mode. So in both of those cases, there's no question of uptime, and the current calculation method works fine.

The only case where PoB's calculation will be off is for semi-crit builds, which is where uptime calculations come in. The problem is, not only is calculating uptime difficult under ideal conditions, but real-world factors (like the need to move during combat) will affect the calculation in ways you can't hope to account for. So even if PoB manages to give you a DPS calculation based on uptime, it still won't be accurate. So why bother going to all that trouble, when the DPS currently calculated by PoB probably isn't that far off anyway (and for other ignite builds, it'll be spot on).

Lazael666 wrote:
Hi! I'm getting this error continuously when I'm working with Viper Strike, is it a bug or perhaps this skill is not supported? It's updated to the latest version. I will be glad to provide more info if needed. Thanks!
This will be fixed in the next update. The error only occurs if you don't have a weapon equipped that can be used with your main skill; it wasn't specific to Viper Strike.
Lazael666 wrote:
Hi! I'm getting this error continuously when I'm working with Viper Strike, is it a bug or perhaps this skill is not supported? It's updated to the latest version. I will be glad to provide more info if needed. Thanks!
This will be fixed in the next update. The error only occurs if you don't have a weapon equipped that can be used with your main skill; it wasn't specific to Viper Strike.[/quote]

That's it, thank you very much.

If you don't mind, I would like to comment about a new feature: sometimes I like to spend a lot of time in the program just creating some builds with items that I already have in-game, I already know that I can do ctrl+c on them and create a custom item (this is really nice btw) and if I'm unable to log-in in the game but I need to use the same item then I can just go to a previous build, copy the same stats and create another custom item for the build that I'm working on. What if we could use some kind of library of custom items? Perhaps next to the button "Create a Custom" it would be "Reuse a Custom" or in the bottom menu "Import from: Rare Templates" add another option like: "Import rares from: 'Name of the Build'". Using a rare template is great for some situations but here I'm trying to use the exact item that I already have and going back and forwards among every build looking for specific stats can be a bit annoying.

Best regards
bug report: it bugs out when i mouse over Kondo's Pride

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