Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]
Wow, I guess that reddit post attracted some attention! I'll do my best to reply to all the suggestions/bug reports; sorry if I missed anyone!
First, I'll cover some common questions: Are you planning to add support for flasks? Yes. There's a bit of work involved though, so I'm not yet sure when I'll get around to it. What about minions and minion skills? Minions are mostly unsupported at the moment. Minion calculations (particularly damage) are a major pain, as there's no way of verifying the outputs in-game. I'll need to set aside a fair bit of time to get them working. In the meantime, I am considering enabling the summon skill gems though, so you can at least calculate mana cost/cast time. And onto the rest! "Currently the program doesn't automatically calculate the stack count. To set it, you need to select Wither as the main skill in the side bar, then select one of the options from the dropdown below it. I know it's not very intuitive; I'd like to get automatic stack count calculation working, but it's not straightforward to implement unfortunately. "As far as I can tell, that error is caused by the presence of incorrect DLL versions on your system. I've no way of knowing what the culprit is unfortunately; I'd suggest searching online for that error code (0xc000007b) for some possible solutions. " 1) I didn't think many people would bother creating new items by pasting existing items into the item creator, as opposed to using the item templates. I'll add a check for that. 2) What do you mean exactly? Are you referring to the items JSON from the character API? The program supports importing directly from the API; you don't need to deal with the JSON files. 4) It's normal for the program's damage calculations to be off by half a percent or so, as the game's rounding scheme is hard to account for. Anything more than that, and there's likely a problem. "The latest update adds an "enemy at Close Range" condition to the Configuration tab for Chin Sol. I'm looking into a solution for Point Blank (and Far Shot/Powerful Precision), but no ETA yet. "Since you asked so nicely, I'll look into it! :) "Golems are only supported to the extent that their buffs work; there's no calculations for the golem stats (refer to the answer on minion skills at the top of this post). The mana cost of a skill is already calculated and displayed in several places; are you referring to something else? "The program doesn't do leech calculations currently (although it is planned). If I get around to adding those calculations, I'll add the leech mods where appropriate, as I see little point adding them if they don't work yet. "The multiplier stats on jewels will be fixed in the next update. I'd rather not add every single affix to them, as they're only meant to approximate the jewels that you'd use, and the UI is already cluttered. You can always add them manually if needed, using the item editor. Factoring in multiple totems/projectiles/mines etc is on the TODO list. "That's a known issue; the program currently lacks support for Unicode, which makes importing from such accounts difficult, although not impossible. If you know the URL encoding for a non-latin character (eg %C3%BF for "ÿ") you can substitute it for the character in the account name, and the import will then work. Easiest way to find the encoding is to search for the account name in google, then look at the encoding in the search URL. "This is already shown when mousing over the points display. "I'll be adding an option for the Ash debuff in the next update. The debuff from Scorching Ray is automatically applied if you have that skill in your build. You'll need to select Scorching Ray as your main skill in the sidebar, then select the stage count, if you want more than 1 stack to apply. "I haven't added support for the per-aura modifiers from Guardian yet. I'll look into it when I get the time. It shouldn't be too hard though. "Good point! I'll add it to the TODO list. "This is the first report I've seen of this. I use a 4 monitor setup myself and I haven't seen this issue. I'll play around more when I get the time, and see if I can reproduce it. "I can't reproduce this. The 2H nodes seem to be working fine with that setup. Note that they are physical damage nodes, so they only increase the Physical increased total, and not the All Types increased total. "Good suggestion. I'll look into it when I get the time. "The program itself doesn't normally require elevated privileges to run, but it sometimes requires them when updating itself (specifically if part of the runtime needs to be updated, and at present the update that's applied after installing does update the runtime). Even then, ideally it would only require it when running in a normal installation (as the runtime files are installed to C:\Program Files\Path of Building) but currently it asks when in a standalone installation too. That's something I'd like to fix, but it's a little tricky as the component that asks for elevation (Update.exe) isn't designed to be updated itself. I'm also looking into producing a true offline install mode that doesn't force an update check when being run for the first time. "Fixed in the next update. "The skill tree search can already use Lua patterns, which are a limited form of regex. They're not terribly useful in this case though; I'd like to provide a better solution if I can get the time (not likely any time soon though). I can easily add that condition, as it's specific to one node. It'll be in the next update. "Those passive nodes seem to be working fine. Note that they are %increased Evasion, not flat evasion. Good point about the %inc Evasion from Tree stat. I'll fix that, since it's not consistent with the number shown in the Calcs tab. "I don't really feel it's necessary for the jewel templates to be 100% complete, as they're only intended to be an approximation, and you can always add the modifiers yourself if you really need them. However If you can make a case for a given modifier being sufficiently useful, I'll add it to the template. The same applies to the other templates as well. I think the Elreon chaos craft may be a bit too niche, but I'll consider it. "The program doesn't currently do damage calculations for Decay, so there's no point adding the mod yet. Support for Decay is on the TODO list. |
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Hi, cool app, lots of fun.
Trying to make a char who uses a lot of attribute jewels and when trying to custom make a rare jewel there doesn't seem to be any of the attribute prefix/suffix or for that matter any resistance ones. Oh I just read the above reply about complete jewel mods. The only case I can make for it is that I have a lot of % stat increases and it would just be easier for me to have the app calculate it for me rather then inputting an approximation and adjusting it whenever I swap out a % increasing/decreasing jewel. Another edit; I see I can add edit it in myself to the jewel mods. cool cheers Last edited by Mammatus#4838 on Dec 1, 2016, 1:40:00 PM
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The latest update seems to have broken something with Avatar of Fire and the new Ngamahu's Flame Mace. I've had 42k dps pre-update and now its down to 22k. Speccing AoF (100% conversion) now results in a loss of DPS against a target with 0 res using Elemental Focus and Weapon Elemental Damage.
The average damage is about half of what it was before, so I guess the damage conversion isn't stacking to 100%. Last edited by Rashonski#6482 on Dec 1, 2016, 3:04:28 PM
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something with evasion and/or the added damage with evasion on a dreamfeather build is weird can someone figure out what exactly is going on with those dps values? my char is dualwielding dreamfeathers and uses cyclone I wear queen of the forest chest some high evasion armorpieces and use the grace aura If you look at the revenge of the hunted cluster on my skilltree you will see that the last node in that cluster (evasion and life 8 inc eva 4 inc life) would give me 27.4 total dps if you look now on the last specced node in that cluster (evasion and life 8 inc eva 4 inc life) u will see that unspeccing it would loose me 13.7 dps skilltree | |
Nice tool.
Is there any way apply ignite with cold damage? (Hrymburn, Pyre). Seems to be app is ignoring that explicit of unique's and there is no 'force ignite' option. Or I am missing something? |
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Great tool! A lot of fun :)
Would be great if you could add essence mods to the item section, like +3 fire bow, Decay weapon, attack speed gloves and so on :) |
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Sweet, always willing to test out some new PoE goodness.
Hopefully I can break something and return here to moan about it. Looks pretty decent so far, look forward to the improvements! |
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Thanks for your work! I just finished planning the build i'll play as a starter in Breach, i liked the item management very much! Keep up please! Emmit got some competition here!
A build that only has might is not mighty.
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Hi. Great app!
The dual strike gem doesn't seem to be working: ![]() So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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Tool seems to think herald of ice and thunder have 0% base crit, they have 5%
IGN: Volki