Scion Ascendancy Feedback
Sorry, I didn't mean the node n°1 fused with n°2. I meant the node n°5 fused with n°4, which is close to what you suggested, but lets the player get the passive point of node n°4.
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" I see that makes sense. " It was actually really interesting when there was only 6 points, but now that everyone gets 8 the scion cant keep up.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" Concept is good but the way it was implemented is not, something they could do is when unlocking a mini asc let scion pick 1 node of that asc class instead of giving general bonus. It could lead to Some broken combo so it may be wise to limit it to the first 2-3 keystone so the last Inés becomes unavailable. That bring said i will rather see scion getting its own tree say: Gemling branch (jewels area, effect, etc) Atribute/skill points branch Buff branch (self buffs and or auras) self found league fan |
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" The underline cuts into guardian too much IMO.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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I saw a really awesome idea on reddit some time ago. It would be cool if they made at least part of her tree something to do with building around vaal skills. Would definitely make her feel unique and give an alternate way of playing the game. The addition of channeling spells also has some kind of potential for ascendancy specialization.
Although starting nodes are relatively powerful/efficient for what they offer I still find it boring as the "ascendant perk". Not sure if this is the one I read specifically but has the general idea: Good topic though...needs to be discussed. Last edited by Prizy#1622 on Aug 30, 2016, 4:18:37 PM
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After you get your points in necromancer (or whatever) the points are useless. Starting point from another class so you can pick up 4 useless nodes?
Ill be moving my melee totems over to my scion when i get a respec. Hierophant totems are really bad, -8% damage per totem seems broke. If i add 32% damage i dont gain 7000 dps, why does it take 7000 for this terrible skill. Last edited by Chadwixx#5277 on Aug 30, 2016, 4:20:21 PM
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" Guardian is a buffbot, scion could be the selfish vertion with things like: Auras Increased area is converted to increased effect At 25% efficiency Increased effect of buffs on you +1 to suport gems self found league fan |
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This wouldn't help me sadly, slayer and templar starting points don't benefit my bow build at all.
Just let us take a third "mini ascendancy". Last edited by Raudram#2463 on Aug 30, 2016, 4:46:02 PM
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" Link your tree.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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I think her ascendancy's should be a lot stronger, rivaling the original ones they aim to represent BUT come at a penalty.
So she would be the only character that actually gets penalty's from ascending. This fit's her "jack of all trades" status. For example, the original dead-eye pre-nerf she had was perfectly fine, just add a -20%% all resis and -10%life/es to that ascendancy node. Now take into consideration that you would have two of those negative downsides stacking on your character. Which also fit's her "specialized" roll.(requirement to fill in negatives with gear or solid passive tree pathing) The berserker one could have had like -80% leech rate can no longer instant leech and 5%extra damage taken while keeping it's strong point of actually granting global leech.(would require speccing into leech nodes or gear to make-up or deal with it), probably add another buff to warrant the inability to instant leech. etc etc I don't really see why those perks can't be strong in general, but also very taxing on the character that wishes to use them. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes