ZiggyD Showcases Five Map Bosses from Atlas of Worlds

Wait...A boss with a clearly defined attack pattern, and a vulnerability period in which they stop attacking? What is this madness? Where's the endless stream of 10000% speed attacks, the full-screen AoE spam, how did GGG manage to design a fair boss fight!?!
This is a buff™
It's honestly amusing to watch this terrible build taking so long to kill these bosses.

Really looking forward to destroying everything in standard with crit reach poison ts while essence league is a snorefest.

Gixxerdude wrote:
Bamzyniigata wrote:
How a guy who dies on each videos can be credible ??!

GGG change your mascot , ask to a good player streamer ( there is a lot) !!!

Every videos the line between Path of exile and diablo 3 becomes thinner !

How's about you go back to Blizzard games Mmmmmkay?

Bad joke dude, ZiggyD really is a terrible choice of streamer if you want to show off the real level of the bosses in this expansion.

I'm really hoping that killing the shaper was _impossible_ with the build ziggyd has been using to showcase lately, because it's really a bad build and I want a challenge. This is a new endgame expansion, so the shaper should be a little above the level of uber atziri.
Last edited by codetaku#0468 on Aug 26, 2016, 8:51:18 AM
watch out for precinct map's PRICE :D :D rip rip rip
thew goat is nice. but the portal maze is imo a bad design the same way old ticket was bad design with its portals
Muldeh wrote:
666lol666 wrote:
I like most of the new bosses but I don't unserstand why stormflay had to be removed for some stupid rogue exiles? Stormflay wasn't to strong and wasn't to easy, a well babanced boss. I don't get it......

She wasn't interesting though.

6 random rogue exiles is going to be awesome. Some combinations will be really dangerous, and you'll never know what you're going to face - but they'll also be a lot more rewarding than a regular map boss.

So will these exiles drop maps?
LBGxValor wrote:
can u srsly find someone else to do ur job for u? ziggy garbage has the top 10 most annoying voices on the planet and im sick of listening to him talk and talk when i and many others dont wanna hear him we just wanna c the content..... so pls do it urself thx

[Removed by Support]

Yes, amdin, yes, I know... I'll be quiet now...
Last edited by Alexcc_GGG#0000 on Aug 26, 2016, 9:42:27 AM
No matter what GGG adds to the game, there is always, always, fucking always fuck tons of salt. Perhaps GGG should roll back to the 2013 version so all these salty fucks can pretend they have the perfect game of the past.
I really cannot stand how delusional GGG is over the Atlas specing thing and claiming they're gonna magically balance maps all of a sudden. This does not look like they're doing very well at that so far and historically they've been terrible at balance. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I just can't feel PoE is worth sinking money into, because it's always been free-grade instead of pay-grade and it looks like it always will - it's getting worse over time lately if anything. They just can't manage to be realistic about the consequences of design choices and they ignore anyone who points out the elephant in the room. How are we even supposed to work with them when they won't listen?
People who don't like the Labyrinth are not a minority: Be heard - say you don't like it in your signature. Don't leave complaining about lab to others - GGG needs to see how many people dislike it. Ascendancy must be gated on true ARPG content, not a poorly-crafted internet Legend of Zelda wannabe.
Wesdrawsblood wrote:
t_golgari wrote:
That is EXACTLY what I was afraid of. No maps anymore where you can just have an easier time and relax a bit.

None of those bosses can be done with ANY mods that increase AoE, because the arenas are small as f**k.
The Gorge-boss has a one-shot mechanic, nice!!!!!
The ideas with the Rhoas nests and the switches is nice, the portals are a really funny gimmick. But hell no, as a casual player I wanted to see some more laydback stuff.

And all of them are basically unkillable as a melee character. Fun and interactive gameplay!

I don't understand it: We tell GGG basically every day in every available forum: We don't like clusterf**k mechanics.

And all they give us is clusterf**k mechanics! Or oneshots.

On a bright side: I love the new tilesets, I really hope when they say we want to balance the old and good maps with the old and hated maps they don't just make the nice maps worse and the bad ones stay as they are. I would like to play a torture chamber (sans boss of course, see clusterf**k), but I can't justify the blood pressure increasing that stupid layout has on me!

You are the first person I've see ln ask for this in the 2 years I've played

Where have you been when Malachai was introduced? Or at basically any newsarticle about boss mechanics and fps-drops??
Very nice

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