Detailed Atlas Mechanics

Snorkle_uk wrote:
Ill be unlocking the entire thing and then vendoring up the maps I dont like until they become something I do like, just as I always have. Thats the way I play now, its the way I like to play and it makes the most sense economically for me to do that.

ZenEnott wrote:
How do you even set a second account? Is that allowed?

You need a new email adress. GGG is ok with mule accounts.
facelessman122 wrote:
cipher_nemo wrote:
Regardless of being tier specific for drop rates (eg: you could just do Gorge for tier 9 and get only Gorge drops for tier 9 maps, but other tier drops are unaffected)...

Toma_Hawk wrote:
While Casual/ Unaware Players will mess up their Atlas.
IronSteel wrote:
4. Run ONLY gorge/canyon/waterways.
5. Don't even bother touching any of the other 97 horrid maps in the pool, or you'll ruin your account forever.
You are all running with the assumption that the rest of us want to run only quick-clear maps and nothing else. How naive and narrow-minded that opinion is. The rest of us enjoy content and would be bored to tears running quick-clear maps over and over again.

No thank you, I will unlock my entire Atlas and have fun doing it. Because adding percents to map drop or choosing specific maps for certain tiers doesn't really concern me. I'm not here to progress as fast as possible through end-game with my characters.

Pretty much agree with this. I don't need to be super efficient, couldn't care less about racing to Lvl 100

True. I guess even gorge-run-players would open entire Atlas just to feel up new maps, new bosses.
But the IDEA that doing any map would not be SMART for your chosen playstyle ripping my heart to pieces. I want to play all maps in any order and I dont want to REGRET for it.
Xirgu wrote:
one thing I am not sure about..
say you optimize your mapping so only a certain t12 and t13 drops, buying them, and the 4 t1s that are always open are the only othe roptions..
now rng determines a map drops.
people are assuming this will mean one of the above drops, which might be wrong.
it may also be rng says a map will drop, then a second roll gives the Tier, say t4
then it picks from the maps u have open,
I really dont think if a t4 was to drop but you only have t13 open, this will magically change into t13.
ggg will likely either " nothing drops" or a t1 drops which is the only map u have of a tier equal or below what the drop was supposed to be.

it is quite common when u are running t12 for t11 -t9 to drop, will all these be converted to t1 by the game?

ya this is the question. As far as I can tell theyre saying maps drop per tier, so if you have nothing unlocked between T2 and T11 when the game would normally have dropped a map in that range you are surely either getting nothing or a T1, theres no way its going to upgrade itself. But which is it?

PsOfOs wrote:

Yes,that's how you "ruin" your atlas.
I think i'm gonna open whole atlas on main account and have a second to only farm t14 - t15 bosses and shaper.
GGG had a very nice idea with this atlas thing but once again it's more beneficial to trade and not run the whole content than complete the atlas.
I don't need t2 - t9 maps and now i can completely skip them.
That's poor design imo,no motive to actualy run the whole content.

you can already skip T2-T9 maps. Go into your item filter and add a line that hides T2-T9 map drops. It will effectively stop them dropping for you, only difference is that if you do that right now you are not messing up your T10+ map drop quantity the way you will in Atlas. So actually this tactic will be hurt by these changes, its more beneficial to use this tactic right now via item filters.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
We'll just have to wait and see if not opening t2-9 on atlas results in more t10+ drops,or is the same like hiding them with filter as you say.
I have a feeling that though logic says it will be the same,it won't be.
It's GGG we're talking about here..
And imo there shouldn't be a bypass to atlas. The right thing would be that in order to run a map for the first time,that map should have dropped for your character. Then you could buy them.
What's the point of a new map progressing system through discovery if i can just buy a t15 and skip the whole thing?

cipher_nemo wrote:
You are all running with the assumption that the rest of us want to run only quick-clear maps and nothing else. How naive and narrow-minded that opinion is. The rest of us enjoy content and would be bored to tears running quick-clear maps over and over again.

No thank you, I will unlock my entire Atlas and have fun doing it. Because adding percents to map drop or choosing specific maps for certain tiers doesn't really concern me. I'm not here to progress as fast as possible through end-game with my characters.

Yeah, see...Here's the issue I have with that theory. I want to progress at a reasonable pace, meaning I want to actually complete the Atlas, fight the overtuned bosses at the end, and die a little more inside when they drop vendor trash. Problem is, under this "completely new" system it sounds like that's going to be just as absurdly impossible to achieve as it currently is. The main complaint among people like me who want a natural progression is that next-tier maps just don't drop. The theory was that Atlas would fix that problem and allow for a steady progression from one tier to the next. Instead, we have a system that all but laughs in your face as you actively poison your own drop pools.

Literally all they need to do to fix this system is to remove the "drop any previously-completed map" bullshit. If someone is running a T10 map, they should be limited to getting T9-11 drops. That way you have a realistic chance of progressing to the next stage, or you can stay where you are until you feel ready to move on.
This is a buff™
Two problems I see right offhand:

Atlas Map Mechanics wrote:
It isn't a place to physically store maps

It should be. Each map location should also be a container, but only show the quantity on the tooltip when you mouse over it. Let us take the damn maps out of our stash.

Atlas Map Mechanics wrote:

Shaped versions of that map will now start dropping. Unshaped versions will not drop for you any more.

This is a huge glaring issue. If I 'shape' a tier 1 map (level 65?), it - and ALL SUBSEQUENT drops of this map are now level 70. This is great for my level 80 character, but all new characters I'm bringing up now have to deal with a tier 1 map that's a level 70. Or I have to trade for un-shaped versions of that tier 1 for the character to run until he can manage whatever tier 2s I have not shaped.

There should be an option to put a tier 1 'shaped' map in the map device and have the shaping removed - from THAT MAP. An inexpensive option - f/e: Tier 1 + two transmutes = remove level increase. Double this for tier 3 (four trans), double again for tier 5 (8 trans), ect. So that characters I'm leveling up can run the map without the +5 level.

AkuTenshiiZero wrote:

Literally all they need to do to fix this system is to remove the "drop any previously-completed map" bullshit. If someone is running a T10 map, they should be limited to getting T9-11 drops. That way you have a realistic chance of progressing to the next stage, or you can stay where you are until you feel ready to move on.

Simple fix here would be to have the same limits below as above. Currently you can have +1 drop from normal mobs, or +2 from rares(?) or bosses. The same should apply to maps below the LEVEL of the one you're currently running. So if you're running tier 5 or level 70 (shaped) normal mobs should be limited to dropping tier 3-6 or level 68-71 (-2/+1). Rares and bosses -1/+2.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Aug 24, 2016, 5:10:22 PM
So if I never ran lower tier maps and started running t10 and up (buy them), does that mean that i wont see any drops lower than 8 (excluding t1 ofc)?
BlaqWolf wrote:
This is a huge glaring issue. If I 'shape' a tier 1 map (level 65?), it - and ALL SUBSEQUENT drops of this map are now level 70.[..]

So don't Shape tier 1 maps. The choice is yours. What is your high-level character going to do with a Shaped t1 Map anyways? That's still only tier 6.
This is really not a problem, considering the limited nature of Shaporbs.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Aug 24, 2016, 4:59:04 PM

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