Essence Metamod Crafting

Chris and team, I hope you boost the drop rate of essences significantly as a mitigant to this late change (nerf) to essences. Otherwise the claims of 'making rates great again' rings very hollow.

Last edited by mrpetrov#7089 on Aug 22, 2016, 5:08:19 AM
So now we are just left with essence spam and you call it crafting? How to make rares great again? You could at least find a middle way... Very disappointed again
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Last edited by Kiri2k#7960 on Aug 22, 2016, 5:33:57 AM
Well there goes any motivation for me to do more crafting than outside of using masters.

I was really excited by the thought of a "Crafting League" where it would be possible for the non elite to craft awesome items. Currently using exalts to add mods for me is a no no because its too expensive for me to risk my currency. This new Essence League had added a whole new level of excitement not only for me but the silent majority.

I find using the excuse that powerful items will be too readily available to be a weak reason to nerf Essences. The elite few always corner the market in powerful items anyway, so by having crafting allow more to be made, would make the non elite able to compete. Also using people in standard will be butthurt is also not a good reason in my eyes as GGG have always said their main focus is on moving the game forward not stagnating it due to the standard league

The leagues are 3 months long and many people only play these, so by making crafting more accessible would have been great. Now i find myself about to go into another league where i can play the whole 3 months without using the awesome new "ESSENCE" feature because it is no longer awesome.

I feel this is an opportunity lost. Perandus with all of the uniques readily available was one of the best leagues in recent memory, precisely due to the fact that the uniques normally out of peoples reach became obtainable for all. Did it upset people? Sure it did. The very vocal minority that couldnt make currency off of uniques.

This Essence League was billed as all about making crafting accessible for all with a bold new mechanic. If it didn't work or was too powerful then not rolling into permanent or watering it down afterwards (like all the other leagues mechanics rolled into core game) would have been seen as the norm.

By nerfing the mechanic before the league even started because the player base got excited is a real shame. I think the person before me said it best

> Fun detected!
> Fun denied.
Hello. My name is sikker, and I did not understand the original post.
What changed? What was done? Do I need to worry?

Or in other words: was the only change that
"Our solution is that Essences will ignore master metamods when rolling an item."
Last edited by sikker#5501 on Aug 22, 2016, 5:43:34 AM
mrpetrov wrote:
Chris and team, I hope you boost the drop rate of essences significantly as a mitigant to this late change (nerf) to essences. Otherwise the claims of 'making rates great again' rings very hollow.


Exactly what i said in my thread, that fanatics flooded with shit. I also mention that essences packs should be more then few per each map we join, so we can actually use them for craft and not as pure trade currency.
It seems we not gonna see essences for craft everyone, bcs fanatics hate craft.

Kiri2k wrote:
So now we are just left with essence spam and you call it crafting? How to make rares great again? You could at least find a middle way... Very disappointed again

So much this! Plus add to that fact that essences gonna be rarer then we think, at least max tier essences for sure. So, we just get another "coins" and another rng time wasting + scam material to make rich ppl more richer faster, bcs its gonna be high speculated currency.

Punkdog wrote:
However, I am likely to NEVER own high tier rares, as I don't have RNG raining me with luck, nor do I spend 50%+ of my time sitting in my hideout trading back and forth. The original concept of essences presented to us was literally the push someone in my position needed to even contemplate tossing away their few, lucky exalt drops towards crafting an item, let alone grinding for level 8 masters (Something I still do not have, as the crafting does not benefit me with such heavy RNG involved still). That said, GGG have made thier stance known and all we can do is go with the flow, salty as some may be.

Same feeling, i also never own high tier rares, dont have RNG at all in any league that i play for 4 years, never crafted any decent rares, so much tired from trading bullshit, etc.

I wanted to make few characters if i could craft GG rares, as GGG offer "making rares great again" and i could play more PoE if my dream achieved, but it seems my dream still just dream, not gonna happen.
Actually it make essences league just standard without anything new... thats even more bored then prohecy league if max tier essences wont be ultra common drop rate. We just got new flip currency that adds nothing.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 22, 2016, 5:46:51 AM
You could always lock items that have been crafted by an essence?!
If it is so easy to create mirror worthy gear with it, make it not trade able?! It should be no problem to have essence crafted items bound to your account, it would "force" ppl to craft themselves with the essences instead of not using the feature and just selling essences and buy gear. Ever since the removal of the Eternal Orb i felt that there is something missing in PoE and that my Nr.1 Goal in PoE that i had ever since i started playing (creating a mirror worthy rare) isn't ever going to happen.

Everyone who played D2 knows the strive for getting that BIS max rolled Item.
I think that PoE got a lot more casual over time, which isn't necessarily a bad thin in my book!
A lot of aspects of the game that were reserved for top players and/or just to expensive for most player finally starts to be part of the game for more players. I really like that!
Even if it means taking another big s*** on trading. :/

No mater what you guys will decide in the end, i cant wait to craft my items myself and possibly loose a ton of currency through doing so. D:

Thanks for the detailed post!
sikker wrote:
Hello. My name is sikker, and I did not understand the original post.
What changed? What was done? Do I need to worry?

Or in other words: was the only change that
"Our solution is that Essences will ignore master metamods when rolling an item."

Yes. The change is only relevant if you were planning on using "prefixes cannot be changed" or "suffixes cannot be changed".

Edit: Possibly this also applies to "cannot roll" type master mods.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Aug 22, 2016, 6:12:17 AM
A simpler solution would might have been once an essence is used it wipes out the masters mod and is replaced with the essence roll.

So you would get that meta mod only once. If you tried to apply the crafting mod again it would say you already have this type of mod...
Haanns wrote:
Well there goes any motivation for me to do more crafting than outside of using masters.

I was really excited by the thought of a "Crafting League" where it would be possible for the non elite to craft awesome items. Currently using exalts to add mods for me is a no no because its too expensive for me to risk my currency. This new Essence League had added a whole new level of excitement not only for me but the silent majority.

I find using the excuse that powerful items will be too readily available to be a weak reason to nerf Essences. The elite few always corner the market in powerful items anyway, so by having crafting allow more to be made, would make the non elite able to compete. Also using people in standard will be butthurt is also not a good reason in my eyes as GGG have always said their main focus is on moving the game forward not stagnating it due to the standard league

The leagues are 3 months long and many people only play these, so by making crafting more accessible would have been great. Now i find myself about to go into another league where i can play the whole 3 months without using the awesome new "ESSENCE" feature because it is no longer awesome.

I feel this is an opportunity lost. Perandus with all of the uniques readily available was one of the best leagues in recent memory, precisely due to the fact that the uniques normally out of peoples reach became obtainable for all. Did it upset people? Sure it did. The very vocal minority that couldnt make currency off of uniques.

This Essence League was billed as all about making crafting accessible for all with a bold new mechanic. If it didn't work or was too powerful then not rolling into permanent or watering it down afterwards (like all the other leagues mechanics rolled into core game) would have been seen as the norm.

By nerfing the mechanic before the league even started because the player base got excited is a real shame. I think the person before me said it best

> Fun detected!
> Fun denied.

+1 this guy!
Well said, special i love part "I find using the excuse that powerful items will be too readily available to be a weak reason to nerf Essences. The elite few always corner the market in powerful items anyway, so by having crafting allow more to be made, would make the non elite able to compete." Exactly! Elite or better say scammers ALWAYS getting BIS GG gear in every league without big problems, so why making it avaiable to everyone makes it bad? Whats a shitty excuse to not make happy 99% players who play the game and 1% scammers that dont care at all. Why you GGG so care about scammers and never think about players?

Also such double mind in GGG office, where they say they always focus and balance game around ONLY NEW LEAGUE, as its their main part, but then when they need bullshit excuse they always mention about how they scared not ruin Standard... choose one.
Or make Essence League items non trade-able after league ends, account shared only or something like that if you so cared about Standard.

Darkmixxer wrote:
You could always lock items that have been crafted by an essence?!
If it is so easy to create mirror worthy gear with it, make it not trade able?! It should be no problem to have essence crafted items bound to your account, it would "force" ppl to craft themselves with the essences instead of not using the feature and just selling essences and buy gear. Ever since the removal of the Eternal Orb i felt that there is something missing in PoE and that my Nr.1 Goal in PoE that i had ever since i started playing (creating a mirror worthy rare) isn't ever going to happen.

Everyone who played D2 knows the strive for getting that BIS max rolled Item.
I think that PoE got a lot more casual over time, which isn't necessarily a bad thin in my book!
A lot of aspects of the game that were reserved for top players and/or just to expensive for most player finally starts to be part of the game for more players. I really like that!
Even if it means taking another big s*** on trading. :/

Agree, if mirror worthy gear in new league so scared you, just make not trade-able after league, so everyone will be happy, why not?
Why only scammers should actually craft (not rng bullshit) and play with BIS gear every time, but not players? Is it bcs you limited us to become scammers?

At least gave us real craft if you not gonna make essence ultra common drop rate.

Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Let me see if I understand correctly: you're worried that Essence crafting is too predictably useful, meaning a lot of curency would be directed towards it, resulting in a different economy.

So you'd rather just make it yet another lottery ticket.

Story of PoE crafting.

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