LillyKittens Idea for PvP


[Removed by Support]


Now excuse the sarcastic theatrics, I have just seen so many of these diehard PvP threads in games I play I am on the verge of having a physical allergy to them.

So let me get this clear, you want to have the power to backstab your party, in a game where people boast builds with 2M+ dps and have them lose their currency and gear on death for some shitty IQ/IR boost for being in a party?

[Removed by Support]
PvP died in PoE because its an arpg and people who play arpgs do not want to PvP. What you are asking for would literally destroy this game and I am not exaggerating by any means of the imagination. Can you for a moment consider the amount of griefing that this would result in? How about the fact that this would make this game strictly Solo/Co-op instead of any semblance of multiplayer it currently has?

When you extort developers for PvP and get it, don't expect that you will be given the right to interrupt the gaming experience of others to feed your own habit.


[Removed by Support] What you want is to pwn noobs here and we don't need that. This would be a waste of time and resources. This idea was born from the casual Diablo arpg experience without from the looks of it an understanding of how much time and currency people put itno gearing characters in PoE.

[Removed by Support]
PvP died into poe ( did it really die ? no. ) [Removed by support]

Pvp is challenging and fun in this game, [Removed by Support]

It's still alive in this game even without dev support, this shows how much potential it actually has.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Aug 8, 2016, 6:58:22 PM
It was its just fucking stupid.

Every scrub a discharger, coc discharger or Mjolnir discharger.

Every other scrub a crit ranged build,Pathfinder,Vortex and/or trapper.

PvP at the moment has the lowest skill barrier I think I've ever seen in a game. To say its currently a challenge is an overstatement. I don't even think it'd qualify as challenging if your name was Corky and you had no arms.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Aug 8, 2016, 6:08:09 PM
Ageless_Emperion wrote:

[Removed by Support]


Now excuse the sarcastic theatrics, I have just seen so many of these diehard PvP threads in games I play I am on the verge of having a physical allergy to them.

So let me get this clear, you want to have the power to backstab your party, in a game where people boast builds with 2M+ dps and have them lose their currency and gear on death for some shitty IQ/IR boost for being in a party?

[Removed by Support]
PvP died in PoE because its an arpg and people who play arpgs do not want to PvP. What you are asking for would literally destroy this game and I am not exaggerating by any means of the imagination. Can you for a moment consider the amount of griefing that this would result in? How about the fact that this would make this game strictly Solo/Co-op instead of any semblance of multiplayer it currently has?

When you extort developers for PvP and get it, don't expect that you will be given the right to interrupt the gaming experience of others to feed your own habit.


[Removed by Support] What you want is to pwn noobs here and we don't need that. This would be a waste of time and resources. This idea was born from the casual Diablo arpg experience without from the looks of it an understanding of how much time and currency people put itno gearing characters in PoE.

[Removed by Support]
Honestly, this "comment" of yours is so rediculous and condescending, [Removed by Support] And don't get me started at the little "99% PVE" note. Just because it's mostly geared towards PVE doesn't mean that PVP can't or shouldn't exist, because at the end of the day, PVE and endless mapping gets boring as fuck. There comes a time when people get bored of the PVE experience, they either quit playing the game entirely, or become one of the "cool AFKers" standing around Town, showing off alt-art and Demi-god's gear.

Also, if you're going to be this completely unpleasant on forums, forums for people who WANT PVP to be a fun way to see your characters' weaknesses and strengths and learn more about the game, maybe you should just stick with something that's capable of single-player. Better yet, play something where PVP is barely even a focus at all. Maybe you'd like D3, just go play that and leave everyone alone. I understand PVP isn't for everyone, I'd say that applies to me in about 90% of the games I play. [Removed by Support]

Let me tell you, the PVP community in this game, the REAL PVP players (not phonies who spec Pathfinder and EA/LA and just use it to stroke their puds at how good they aren't - did I mention I don't care if this shit gets edited?), have been the nicest, kindest PVP community I've seen in a game yet. PVP means something to us, and that something is different for everyone. And for me, that something is a second chance. I all but abandoned the character I use for both PVP and PVE, until I went into Arena and saw that I had my place in it and that I actually enjoyed PVP quite a lot. It's been my home, almost.

So you can piss and moan all you want about how little you like PVP and show everyone what an insecure casual you are, but for the rest of us, we all want to see PVP balanced to the point of it being fun again. The last thing we want to do is deal with some bitter know-nothing who may as well have just summarized his inane, rambling comment by saying "I think I'm better than you all, and here's why!"

[Removed by Support]
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Aug 8, 2016, 7:00:09 PM
Last edited by Aodui#3921 on Sep 1, 2017, 11:41:00 AM
I think if anything, Cutthroat could work as a map mod that overrides other map mods and has a high drop-rate attached to it. Then players could could queue up for fighting against a player in a cutthroat map, and each tier has its own level cap for hostile players and shit. If a hostile player is killed, they drop better items or whatever, then they're booted out back to town and can queue again.
I think it'd be a good, non-intrusive way to introduce PVP without having it be an absolute necessity, something that players could just potentially unroll from the map.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
what's sad is this thread was moved here from general discussion and that's the only reason it got any responses, now no one is reading it so you're just talking to yourselves ;(
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the end of all, to be honest it kinda match the current state of pvp with some old zombies killing each other over and over again while beeing ignored by everyone else.

My girlfriend offered me Overwatch as an early birthday present, it's a fucking blast.
hahaha, yeah I've heard good things about overwatch

Casta always tells me I'm Reinhardt and I need to play it lol
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
Well if you are Reinhardt let's do everyone else according to the build they are the most famous for.

Rup would be Widowmaker
Rlowe would be Mei
Markuz would be Genji
Lapiz would be Reaper
Haunt would be Pharah
Shin would be Lucio
Kalhium would be Junkrat
Mulla would be Winston
Vhlad would be Torbjörn
Firebrand would be Zenyatta
Libri would be Bastion
And I would probably be Tracer.

Shit. I was turret camping with that guy a lot during the beta weekends.

But actually I played the most as D.Va, rushing in and doing self-destruct, then running away all naked and wimpy. Sooo many multikills. I heard they nerfed the hell out of it before release (only played beta).
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.

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