LillyKittens Idea for PvP
Honestly the majority of people who did that in D2 where level 80+ when you were level 20. They put on their enigma, tele'd to you and one shot you. Then laughed straight to the bank. It rarely felt tense because it could rarely be considered a fair fight.
I feel like the second you go hostile, people are going to leave and not deal with you. Or by the time you catch up to them, the map is already finished. Or someone will stay behind while 5 ppl enter the map, go hostile a few seconds later, then go with some uber meta OP build and kill a person or 2. These kind of things generally only work if you know its going to happen and your okay with it. If not, more people will probably just solo and not worry about that aspect of the game. Cut throat leagues are different because everyone opts into that type of gameplay. So its fair if someone just rips you apart and takes your stuff. It would have to be something like that where players would opt into a PvP environment. |
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" Then I can just team up with 6 people I know well and get a free IIR/IIQ bonus ? If I get an exalt, can I just AltF4 my way out ? What's the point of pissing 5 people off for the jack shit average currency from a map ? That might be my personal opinion, but a random guy turning against me when I just try to do my shit makes me more livid than happy. And for the "PoE is cutthroat so everything in this game should try to piss you off"... fuck this mindset, fuck this so much. A game is supposed to be enjoyable in terms of gameplay, without having in mind the tone of the game itself. Realism and lore stops where enjoyable gameplay begins. Darkest Dungeon and This War of Mine have enjoyable gameplay despite their dark and unforgiving tone. I don't call someone stealing your portal or your Cadiro deal enjoyable gameplay, but some people like to defend this kind of shit with "it's cutthroat, so fuck your game experience". I have memories during the early stages of this game when trying to level a melee character... 30% of hits miss because the mob moves before you hit land, 30% of hit miss because shitty accuracy, 30% of hit miss because of desync, combine it all with shit attack speed and damage and congratulation, you make people not want to play your game. But people are all about "I love the leveling experience, you're a fucking random dude with no powers at all trying to survive yay !" And I'm just thinking fuck off already, what parts of the gameplay landing 1 hit out of 10 is enjoyable. All in all much talk for nothing, just wanted to throw this around. |
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" [Removed by Support] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now excuse the sarcastic theatrics, I have just seen so many of these diehard PvP threads in games I play I am on the verge of having a physical allergy to them. So let me get this clear, you want to have the power to backstab your party, in a game where people boast builds with 2M+ dps and have them lose their currency and gear on death for some shitty IQ/IR boost for being in a party? [Removed by Support] PvP died in PoE because its an arpg and people who play arpgs do not want to PvP. What you are asking for would literally destroy this game and I am not exaggerating by any means of the imagination. Can you for a moment consider the amount of griefing that this would result in? How about the fact that this would make this game strictly Solo/Co-op instead of any semblance of multiplayer it currently has? When you extort developers for PvP and get it, don't expect that you will be given the right to interrupt the gaming experience of others to feed your own habit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Removed by Support] What you want is to pwn noobs here and we don't need that. This would be a waste of time and resources. This idea was born from the casual Diablo arpg experience without from the looks of it an understanding of how much time and currency people put itno gearing characters in PoE. ~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it! ~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation. ~ Build smart, build S-mart! Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Aug 8, 2016, 7:56:29 PM
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so basicly you want d2 hostile feeling without losing anything....
that was the point of hostile a full geared pvp guy was hunting you for evertyhing you had Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53 |
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" +1 I used to play City of Heroes a game which was without a shadow of doubt a PVE game, people cried for pvp, they got pvp and no one played it (they just farmed achievements) yet it obviously took a lot of development resources and effected the PVE side of things due to skill changes etc. I don't get the whole 'I want PVP in this game' If I want to play PVP i'll play a game centred around PVP, if I want PVE I'll play a game centred around PVE. Clearly if people care dabout PVP in this game it would be more popular it isn't so any further development is just a waste of resources that could go into improving the gameplay experience of the 99% of players who ignore PVP. Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Aug 8, 2016, 7:56:51 PM
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Can't say I'm a fan of it, but with one or two tweaks that might be feasible (though still I wouldn't fancy it).
1) Everyone gets a default PvP setting Friendly/Hostile, Friendly is set by default. This continues as now, abilities do not affect other players. Can't be overridden externally, only the player can change this. This is the case even if others in party are Hostile. 2) party leader can set a PvP flag; On/Optional/Off, like the loot flag FFA/Timed/PA. Off is as now. Optional - see 3). On means it's enabled and everyone joins as Hostile. When you get a party invite you see the loot and PvP flags. Maybe even have an extra warning to click through if PvP is set On. 3) Optional means each person in party must opt in or out of PvP, i.e. Friendly/Hostile, when they join the party. If you're Friendly you can't attack or be attacked - basically it's like party play now. Maybe make it so that this setting is locked while they're in party. And they can't change without first leaving being invited back. So fine, join hostile, everyone knows... but no backstabs. More importantly, no way to ruin PUGs or rotations. <edit> the idea of increased IIQ or IIR for Hostile parties is superficially appealing but open to such abuse I'd say can't be allowed. For example, "Hostile" bot parties and multi-boxing. Looking for a mature guild to play with? Courtesy, Integrity, Fair Play. I understand this is a role playing game, but I don't think the best role to play should be shopkeeper. - AlteraxPoe Last edited by Varana#3018 on Aug 8, 2016, 8:33:39 AM
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OP, don't listen to all the mad kids talking about how PVP is a waste of resources or your idea would ruin the game etc... They are wrong and simply displacing their own dissatisfaction with past experiences to your thread. Pay them no mind.
PVP is the only true endgame, as it is always changing and growing, regardless of what PVE content GGG creates. PoE has the most customization of characters out of any game, thus giving PVP way more potential than current MOBAS. I learned more about mechanics doing 6 months of PVP than I did smashing mobs for 3.5yr+ You are right to brainstorm and come up with ideas that could better endgame/QoL, however I don't think the hostile button would be adopted by most. We, instead, need to focus on balance, and then Content/QoL. If PVP is something that interests you, please post in the Proposed PVP supporter Pack thread in the PVP Discussion part of the forum so we can start to capture the numbers. This was proposed to GGG as funding by supporters that would not impact PVE content, as the money was raised solely for PVP fixes/updates/QoL. 🎆🎆 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Aug 8, 2016, 8:49:28 AM
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I see they moved your post to pvp feedback from General discussion. However appropriate, I believe this section has been called the "The Graveyard" ;)
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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" that is a really bad argument. pvp died because GGG didnt care about it. and lld was a bad idea. pvp is all about late game. who the fuck would like to pay 120ex for lvl 28 dagger to be top 1# of a pvp ladder? only few try hards. many players have really gg gear in this game and we(they) have nothing to do. like zombies people are collecting alt arts, having 20+ builds which is centered around killing same mobs, beeing reflect immune and leech enough to tank boss damage. this game has the best theorycrafting potential ever. and pvp is all about theorycrafting. GGG misses this potential. they need very high amount of resources to fix this for sure, but they should give a shot when they have power for it. i also agree that they should focus on graphic engine/performance issues of core game has. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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"I used to play zone pvp in city of villains/heroes during issue 12, it was simply an awesome pvp experience. It also had a significant fanbase on the 2 most populated servers, much larger than the current poe pvp scene. Then unfortunately the imcompetent developer responsible for powers and balance decided to give special attention to pvp with issue 13 and managed to completely wreck it in 1 glorious patch. I'm not saying coh was ever a great pvp game, for that there was way too much trust given to the client side. The game engine would never be fixed enough to not be easily exploitable, so it would have never been suited for competitive play. But for just goofing off in zone pvp, absolutely awesome, I still miss it. |
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