Chat Improvements in 2.3.2

SmokeYaSs wrote:
Good to see something like timestamps after yrs of waiting.

I hate coming back from being afk possibly for half a day and then having to figure whose messages might still be worthy replying to.

So, good Sir, it seems YOU might be the disesase that is plaqueing the game...

SmokeYaSs wrote:
But i have to admit that for a for a 5 min job its taken a bit too long for my tastes just as someone mentioned before.

When it takes you half a day to press the exit button... See above...

SmokeYaSs wrote:
Now im just waiting for a way to finally turn on and of your 500 public tabs for trading.
And no im certainly not talking about 1 by 1 manually.
Each time you switch leagues for as much as 5 minutes and want to avoid being spammed about trades in the league you just left... yeah gl spending 20 min on this stuff first.
Just add a damn button to make it 1 click already thats just another 5 min job.

Thx in advance for that one already.

He actually has a point here...


The only two improvement I would like to see now are gameplay related:

1. Make checkpoints for softcore labyrinths. Every stash should be one. I'm a casual, my friends are, too. We rarely play 1-2 hours at a time because kids, wife etc. Doing the lab in those circumstances, or failing a run after you sent your family away shopping and having to do it all over again... Not gonna happen often, not gonna happen in new leagues coming up. Checkpoints solve the problem. You still have to start the fight anew, but you don't loose an hour of painstackingly unfun work in the freaking torturous and horrible labyrinth.

2. Give us an option to choose the map layout we want to play. Zana can give you any map in any maplevel. So the tech is there. My suggestion: One slot determines the tier, you need a tier 13 map to play a tier 13 map. The other slot determines the layout and the enchantments (which should scale up to the tier of course!) So I can play a tier 13 Tropical Island if I so desire, I just need two maps (tier 13 and the Trop. Island).
Makes mapping more fun, gives a sink for low tier maps, I can only see upside from that.

Sincerely, a now active again t_golgari, who actually likes prophecies and the challenges in this league a lot!!!
Last edited by t_golgari#2414 on Jul 15, 2016, 5:11:11 AM
Snarky retort towards the fact that topic wasn't introduced at game's conception.
Demand in passive-aggressive tone to remove big part of the game because of my personal preferences.
Im honestly surprised they dont auto-lock dev/CM posts immediately, looking through these comments shows how garbage the community is.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
vio wrote:
current system is pretty clear,

@ is the player

if the arrow pointed to the player @<- it was a incoming message
if the arrow pointed away from the player @-> it was a outgoing message

feeling like a nerd among casuals by realizing this was a problem to most ...

I play this game for 2 years or maybe even a bit more, and i hate this arrow shit... Never made much sense to me and always messed them up and got confused to which message is which. So i had to reread messages... I studied programming(c++) for a little bit and was the best or second best from my group. I was explaining the tasks and programs we had to do to the rest of my group, but whenever there was a cin or cout i always forgot which << or >> is the right one. Stupidest thing imho. Because usually < and > have a different meaning, which is "greater than" and "smaller than" (idk the english way to pronounce it). And it's just not straight forward when it comes to messaging. While you can NEVER go wrong with "From" and "To". I never even ONCE got confused in World of Warcraft (where they use the same model). This IMPROVEMENT is as good as the timestamps imo. It makes the chat a lot more intuitive and easier to recongnise (atleast for me, the rest can suffer if they don't like it. the same way i suffered those 2 years with a chat like that, lel).
I might be an asshole, but at least I am toxic.
Last edited by HuLiGaN_Ku4k0v#0473 on Jul 15, 2016, 5:39:49 AM
Shagsbeard wrote:
This game has a chat interface? I totally forgot!

I used to have 0 friends in PoE as well. Now I have one that plays in a completely different league... Add me? D:
Well THAT is a friday's news. I always wondered why that guys in the chat keep writing really stupid stuff until I realized it was me writing it 5 minutes ago :D
I came here to drink milk and kick ass...and I've just finished my milk.
WB, Reave, Decoy Totem, Enduring Cry nerf; Determination buff confirmed.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Sad thing seems to be this is how GGG thinks trading works....
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
You forgot the "That player is currently offline"


"That player is AFK"


"That player does not exist"

or the best one

"That player is on your ignore list" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Note:I am not hating on anything, just making jokes)

Other than that, changes look great, easier to see what you sent and what they sent. I am honestly excited to see some improvements the chat window :D

Last edited by Naliaa#4313 on Jul 15, 2016, 6:44:36 AM

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