[2.3]Kinetic Blast - 6k+ Life w LC and Block - Build dead in 2.4.
Here's an 8 min video of me rambling about the build and mechanics while doing a map if you're into that Didn't want to spend 30 ex on Skyforth so i decided to attempt a solid well rounded Life based wander without them Initial idea was to go Inquisitor so i don't have to spend ton of exalts on a wand, but Templar based tree didn't work for me because i felt i was too stretched for points Decided to go Deadeye because it also gives ton of dmg and really good AOE and it turns out this Deadeye chick is pretty fucking good You decide if the attempt was succesful
First of all excuse the potato quality and lag, OBS has been wrecking my FPS, i tinkered with the settings but whatever i do have frame drops and stuttering while using it 1:36 gorge speed run to prove build can measure up to t1 builds in terms of clearspeed "Nice gorge run scrub, but i bet your damage falls of super hard in red maps since you don't go Inquisitor masterrace" - random redditor no1 Elemental Equilibrium + 40% phys reduction Watwerways - Bloodlined 2:47 "Ok but that map only had 1 real damage reduction mod, i but your damage sucks in enfeeble + EE red maps" - random redditor no2 Enfeeble + elemental equilibrium Wasteland - Bloodlines - Also double boss "Ok i get it you have damage, but i bet you die in any damage mod map since you're playing a shitty life based version instead of ES masterrace" - random redditor no3 Vulnerability, -max, ele weakness, 101% extra damage as cold Shipyard "I can't think of a hypothetical joke question for this Palace map but here you go a t14 even though i don't run them much, nothing special as far as mods go" - Me Palace i guess it shows that less recovery doesn't make you have that much mana issues, eh, also lagfest of a bossfight Abyss powerpoint presentation Just a random double packsize t15 to finish of the red map collection, not full run cause it takes too long to backtrack and find all the mobs Anyways i don't run t15s cause they're not worth it compared cost, maybe Core if you skip the bosses because they take a lot of time but i dont like skipping bosses Quite pitiful double Malachai Core attempt don't do it :D Uber Atziri powerpoint presentation attempt not really viable unless you can dodge everything, probably easier with ES based wander Abyss with a twyzel Clear speed and efficiency relevant for pretty much any build you do but most of the info is about Wander
Strengths and weaknesses
STRENGTHS - Clears faster than 99% of the "insane clear speed" or "extreme clear speed" builds posted on the forums - Has more survivability than 99% of the "super tank" "extremely tanky" builds postend on the forums - Scales damage insanely well with gear - Damage doesn't fall of in red maps WEAKNESSES - Can get fucked by certain map mods(reflect, hexproof, immune to status ailments) - Bad vs Volatiles compared to ES builds(have been hit by a volatile for 10k damage in triple damage mod red maps before) - High tier bosses without adds like Uber Atziri or Core Malachai are probably impossible unless you're Mathil, having to slot in PCOC in your links comes at a big DPS loss and 6K life is usually not enough to survive burst damage so you'd have to dodge literally everything
Deadeye - to supplement shit weapon with so much damage - to give amazing aoe Nodes: Normal lab: Powerful Precision - this node enables you to save passive points on pierce nodes while giving you a huge crit chance boost - from extensive testing Pierce + Powerful precision is nearly 100% chance to pierce, i very rarely notice a projectile returning, it's maybe 1 in 20 Cruel lab: Far shot - very good multiplier, not much to say Merc Lab: Endless Munitions - more AOE and a ton of accuracy both flat and on the traveling nodes, a no brainer Uber Lab: Both fast and deadly and Rupture are ok choices - while the bleed on the Rupture doesn't do much due to low flat damage on our hits, it's 40% crit multi vs bleeding enemies is nice on tanky bossfights and probably beats Fast and deadly in raw damage, however it does nothing vs trash mobs - Fast and deadly gives you a huge chunk of attack speed which lowers your attack animation, proj speed for better ofscreening and reliable damage vs all enemies, albeit less than Rupture I went with Fast and deadly because it feels smoother, i never noticed the Rupture effect, however i noticed Fast and Deadly effect as soon as i respecced to it
Gem setup and reasoning behind my gem choices
To start with a disclaimer: a lot of gems work with a wander and sometimes it's even hard to do math to see what gives most real time dps because tooltip doesn't account for resistances etc. Also for example builds that rely on diamond flask to get crit capped might have a naturally lower tooltip because it asumes the build doesn't have 95% crit when it realistically has My gem choices aren't just optimized for damage, they're chosen to fit into the build as i like them and to fill the role i need them to fill Main 6L in order of priority: Kinetic Blast - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Pierce - Weapon Elemental Damage - Added Cold - Increased Critical Strikes I use inc crit strikes so i don't have to use diamond flask and can use silver flask instead, Onslaught granted by silver flask gives you 20% movespeed which i value more than extra damage from for example Added Lightning I use added cold to have more freeze and therefore more reliable procs on Herald of Ice because its how i sustain Power charges First 4 links are absolutely mandatory on any Kinetic Blast build that uses pierce mechanic First 4L Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Wrath My way of sustaining power charges Wrath gives more damage than Hatred because wands have low flat physical dps per hit therefore percentage scaling from hatred is not as good as flat additive from Wrath Second 4L Frost Wall - Spell Echo - Faster casting - insert whatever utility gem you want here, decoy totem is good option use this combo for frost wall, its by far the smoothest way to cast it and it creates enough walls to get good "shotgunning" on bosses, you can kill most bosses including t14 and Abyss Kaom in a matter of seconds with this(Daresso and Malachai have much more ehp and phases that prevent them from being burst fast) Third 4L(Utility) Flame dash - Vaal Haste - Ice golem - Increased duration First 3L Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal call - Tempest Shield To prevent burst damage and get some extra block Second 3L Frenzy - Power Charge on Critical - Increased Critical Strikes If you absolutely have to run a "Hexproof" or "Immune to status ailments" map because it rolled really well your Herald of Ice curse on hit setup won't work Use this to sustain power charges Also use it on prolonged bossfights to maintain them(i mostly forget cause dmg is already OP)
Passive tree progression
26 Points take the proj nodes for leveling, you will respec to life/evasion later 40 Points After getting that wand cluster you can start Kinetic Blast 60 points 85 points This is roughly what you start farming dried lake/low maps with This is roughly lvl 80 tree This is roughly what i plan to have by lvl 95 Vaal Pact is something that's needed but depending on your damage you probably won't have to take it before level 80 so take it when you notice you're dropping from reflect or take it early if you wanna be extra safe Respec out of it when doing Lab/Uber Lab
Help Oak in normal - 40 life Kill all in cruel - skill point (attack speed is a valid choice but you already get so much traversing the tree, i'd rather take the point and get another health node or something) Help Alira in merciless - +1 max power charge
This is how i leveled and it felt smooth all the way through, hit lvl 70 in 1 afternoon: I used Frost Blades + Molten strike with following unique weapon progression until lvl 31(normal dried lake): Dual Last resort -> Shiversting Other gear i used: Goldrim, Wanderlust, Lochtonial caress, Meginords girdle, Dual Blackheart rings, Karui Ward(swapped for Karui charge fated version at 24) At level 31 i equiped: Twyzel and Storm prison wands(yes i dual wielded wands) for that Power charge generation and equiped some low lvl rings with flat physicial and resists I used Vaal Power Siphon - Weapon elemental - Added Cold - Increased critical strikes and leveled in normal dried lake until 40 I also spent a fuck ton of time in cruel dried lake(i think until 62) Vaal Power siphon is amazing for clearing Dried Lake and i was getting almost 500 mill exp/h in Merciless while using it Take one jewel slot and use Chill of Corruption to boost your soul generation In my tabula i used: Kinetic Blast - LMP(Swapped for GMP later) - Pierce - WED - Increased crit strikes - Reduced mana Reduced mana cause you dont need 6th damage link and it helps to not have to constantly spam mana flask You will need mana flask on bosses even with mana leech until you get high enough level and decent mana pool so your leech rate is high enough I swapped Lochtonial caress and Wanderlust for rare pieces somewhere in cruel but Goldrim, Karui charge, Meginords and unique wands i used until maps
Gear and my reasoning behind my choices
This gear is not something you absolutely must have however once you have the cash, most of it is pretty much BIS, and other things are just too useful not to have, however you can swap it out as you see fit and as your budget allows There is only 1 combo i highly recommend: Crown of Eyes + Rathpith + Rumi's This synergizes extremely well and gives you a huge chunk of damage and very good mitigation vs both attacks and spells My reasoning behind gear is: Get damage where it's efficient to get damage and get defense where it's efficient to get defense Crown of eyes is a very efficient DPS item that is also boosted by Rathpith that is very efficient Defense item Lightning Coil if your gear can handle the resist loss is the best mitigation chest for Life based builds You could make argument for Kintsugi but Kintsugi doesn't work well with Block because block counts as being hit This setup and Rumis gives me: 64% block without nodes/Tempest shield and 53% spell block That alone is way higher than the whole dodge cluster and thats why i went with it You can also boost it to 70% block 57% Spell block with couple of nodes and tempest shield Lightning coil puts a pretty big currency strain on your jewelry since you need a lot of resists on them especially if you want to be elemental weakness capped like me so until you feel you're ready to invest into the build just go with either Belly of the beast or rare Evasion chest I used absolute garbage gear until lvl 85 and to farm mid tier maps Rest of the gear is pretty straightforward: Boots with life and res, jewelry with life, %WED and resists, Amulet can also have %spell damage and crit multi so i prioritized that as its a big damage slot You can get the build going for around 2 ex budget and it will perform well, however if you want to reach my level of clear speed and survivability, you're looking at aroughly 15 ex investment including the 6L cost and some expensive jewelry pieces like i have Prioritize getting good resist jewelry for Lightning coil over getting %Weapon ele dmg rolls I had so much damage that elemental reflect became issue so i ended up dropping some damage nodes You could isntead just take those couple of dmg nodes until and if you're willing to spend more Reason i bought a really high dps wand was also so i could drop some dmg, as i said, there's plenty of dmg on the tree nearby to take, i always leave options in my build for more life or more damage adjust it as your gear allows Good gear -> take more life and movespeed Bad(low dmg rolls) gear -> take the crit multi and projectile/wand damage nodes Jewel mods in order of priority: - %Maximum life - %Spell damage while holding a shield - %Projectile damage/Area damage - %Damage - %Resistances if you need them My jewels are like 15c a piece with life, proj damage and res, i needed res on them to get elemental weakness overcapped, but if you like to go Mathill style and don't care about all that jazz, you can get insane damage from jewels Flasks: - Life of Staunching - Rumis - Basalt of Heat/Warding - Silver of Heat/Warding - Alchemists Quicksilver of Adrenaline Don't use more than 1 life flask, your leech gives you enough of life back and it's waste of flask slots, i actually considered not running any life flasks but instant 1k life back on button press is hard to ignore
Gorge/Canyon farming gear 1:15-1:20 min maps
NOT OPTIMAL IN HIGH MAPS - low mitigation and damage isn't good enough to always oneshot higher lvl mobs so the MS is wasted Even without my build being omptimzed for Queen of the forest i get 245% MS when i pop all my flasks with this setup
Map mods
Mods you cannot do: - elemental reflect - no leech(extremely rare) Mods that are really annoying and i reroll them unless it rolls double packsize with them: - Hexproof - Immune to status ailments(also dangerous survivability wise because no freeze, would not do in combo with triple damage mods) Mods that just slow you down a bit but are still annoying in certain conditions: - Blood magic(lose large chunk of damage) - No regen(have to run mana flask or vaal clarity on tanky bosses like t14+) Everything else is fair game and rather easy
Is this build HC viable? - I don't play in HC leagues but i prioritize not dying on any build i do, i enjoy leveling to 95+ the most and i build my build to sruvive majority of content, this build can handle most map bosses easily, exceptions are obviously very dangerous stuff like Daresso and Malachai and can handle most map mods if you spend money on gear, i'm currently going for at least lvl 97 with it(95 atm) to "finish off" my tree and any build that can get to 95 in sc without dying can get same in HC, i have exactly 1 death since i capped my resists(lol) and entered maps and that was to a disconnect Is this build Uber Atziri viable? - I killed Uber Atziri over 200 times on various builds and i can recognize when the damage is sufficient and the build has damage to do it, so if you're feeling extra ballzy and don't care about dying go for it, however i don't recommend it adn don't encourage to do it with this build If your priority is bossfarming there are better suited builds to do it, i designed this around maps and doesn't prioritize single target and defense vs hard bosses Is this build good for Uber Lab farming? - Not really, i did Uber Lab couple of times without dying but it's not particularly great, you'd have to use Power charge on crit in your links and it has too much aoe so not killing stuff to get extra keys is hard lol, it's also a Vaal pact build without much regen so you risk dying to traps even if you respec out of it If your priority is Uber Lab farming there are better builds for it, check out the Juggernaut section However if all you care is doing it few times for good boot/glove enchant you can do it without too much trouble, just remember to respec out of Vaal Pact Can this build do double Core Malachais? - Don't care, didn't try, probably not, waste of time Is Crown of Eyes really necessary? - No, but unless you have sick wand it's gonna boost your damage a lot, it constitutes roughly 1/4th of my total damage(a lot of spell dmg on jewels and gear) and gives a nice chunk of leech and accuracy, overall a very efficient item once you hit red maps For gorge meme speedfarming you can use Devoto's for Extra 20% MS Why block over dodge? Acro + Phase acro gives 40% dodge 30% Spell dodge and requires 4 point investment Putting on a Rathpith Globe which gives decent life and large chunk of damage for Crown Of Eyes and pressing a flask button(Rumi's concoction) gives 60%+ Block 50%+ Spell block depending on rolls Is Lightning coil necessary? Not for mid tier maps at least, but once your gear can support it it's best phys mitigation chest you can use and phys reflect becomes much harder to do without it, you can use resist jewels until you can afford good jewelry I don't care if i die, i just wanna go superspeed, can this build be faster? If you wanna speed farm mid tier maps all day you can use Devoto's, Queen of the Forest and Evasion shield, replace rumis with Jade flask, spec into acrobatics and enjoy your 250% MS However in red maps any damage reduction mod is going to make your damage pitiful without COE unless you have absolutely sick wand(350+ dps) and good jewels (when i say pitiful i mean not optimal and not good compared to damage with coe, if you're fine with clearing a bit slower you can take garbage gear in to red maps just make sure you have 5,5k+ life, you can see my Abyss map with twyzel to roughly get the feel of what kind of damage you'd do) You'll also lose a lot of survivability, do not recommend for t12+ maps, however its probably the fastest gorge/plateau setup Can this build be done on a budget? - Yes, i used roughly 2 ex worth of gear until lvl 85 or so BUdget recommendations: - 5l Belly of the beast or rare evasion chest - at least 200 dps wand(doesn't even have to be phys) can be found for couple of chaos - Rat's Nest - Facebreakers - Rare shield with as much res you can get - Just focus on life + ele dmg jewelry, get as much res as your budget affords All gear good enough for t8-10 maps can be bought for 1-2 ex total including 5l cost, thats something even a casual player can afford and he won't be concerned too much with highest tier content anyways IGN JustifiedF Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Aug 31, 2016, 2:00:47 AM Last bumped on Sep 4, 2016, 3:30:06 AM
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I feel like this build could be a lot better if the tree wasn't all over the place. The tree could definitely better optimized.
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OK there are 2 major issues i have with that statement:
First one is: "A lot better" Are you implying my build has "a lot" of room for improvement Point me to a wander build, and yes i will accept mirrored gear standard wanders that performs "a lot better" in red maps similar to those i posted Give me at least 30% better clear times, if you can't provide at least 30% improvement i can't admit that the build can be "a lot better" Second issue: You just seem to throw it out that you don't "feel" like the tree is optimized but you give no example tree that is optmized better If you give me an example tree that has same damage, movespeed, survivability and also gets leech nodes and flask nodes i will admit to being wrong, but i spent hours trying to find more efficient nodes while fitting everything in and i respecced quite a lot while leveling dependent on how i felt about my damage and survivability Your criticism is not constructive or very good and that's why i attacked it, don't feel personally offended, it's not an offense to you, it's just the way i look at things If you're gonna tell me i'm wrong you better tell me how not to be wrong so i can actually improve my tree and make my build better IGN JustifiedF
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i am lost to see how the tree was all over the place. very nice build, i will try it if my duelist KB fails.
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probably because not a lot of people don't value flask nodes and i stretched quit far to get them, but imo they're worth every point
you use 5 flasks and they buff all of them by 30% which is huge survivability and a large chunk of your movespeed i'd understand if he'd provided some feedback about which nodes he thought were inefficient but i heavily dislike that kind of criticism where someone acts superior without even providing an argument also the routing down near duelist looks weird because i wanted to use leech nodes even with a pure phys wand i used i sometimes noticed dropping about 2k life on an elemental reflect rare if my rumis was down and without reliable leech thats up 100% time you probably wouldn't kill yourself to reflect but you'd be dropping really low and open yourself up to get whacked by a random mob to death I recently upgraded my wand so i took the remainder of the leech cluster Vinktars was an option but imo it's too unreliable to depend on entirely and i'd still want leech nodes even if i used it and it would require me to drop a defense flask IGN JustifiedF
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Your build seems really interesting, so i'm lvling a ranger right now, will probably give a few feedbacks later. How much crit chance do you have with this gear ? Is it really important to dps, or just to sustain your charges ? If i'm res capped, should i go for diamond rings, and could maligaro's be a good choice ? And for the wand, i need max pdps I guess ? Good wands are pretty expensive, so is Obliteration a cool option before i craft one ? And finally, about the chest, do you feel like 6L is mandatory or is 5L enough ? I guess if I take Maligaro's and diamond rings, I could drop Inc Crit Chance without too much trouble. |
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HI, very good questions, looking forward to some proper feedback :)
First of i recently swapped back to maligaros and im gonna take the crit multi nodes to compensate reason for that was gore effect was lagging me a lot so i wanted to get rid of it before that i had ~87% tooltip crit chance with facebreakers at 5 power charges with maligaros i have ~93% crit chance tooltip with 5 power charges this tooltip doesn't take into account extra pierce chance from Powerful precision which doesn't show on tooltips, it counts as if i only had 50% pierce chance from Pierce gem any tooltip over 90% will mean you're esentially at the crit cap so with facebreakers i was a little under and could have used extra 30% from 1 diamond or a better rolled wand with higher base crit but it was such minute difference that i didn't bother i wanted to get ele weakness overcapped cause i like doing red maps a lot and i roll them for high packsize so i often do ele weakness maps, therefore i didn't prioritize diamond rings You don't want max pdps on the wand, i just wanted at least some pdps so all the phys leech from COE and tree isn't completely wasted and that at least a portion of my damage isn't screwed over by resists a wand with too much pdps might cause issues in phys reflect maps and you don't want to add another map mod to the list of "cannot do" there's already enough there a solid 200 pdps wand with or without some extra elemental damage is gonna do just fine even in red maps, i level to 93 using a 218 pdps wand i picked up for 2 ex(you can get a 200 pdps wand with 10 crit for less now) 6L is absolutely not mandatory but will boost clear speed, for 6L i would remove added cold and look for a wand with high cold damage to compensate(something like 180 pdps with decent cold roll shouldnt be too expensive) Dropping inc crit strikes would put too much strain on your gear to have crit rolls everywhere to get crit capped or would require diamond flask, i personally value movespeed + defense flasks over diamond if i can ptimize my build without it I would say if you're not autistic like me and going for 95+ and potentially 100 and are gonna spend 90% of your time in mid tiers don't concern yourself with 6L at all I just like added cold because its ton of surviviablity boost in red maps by freezing everything that doesn't get oneshot immediately IGN JustifiedF
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We need 1 uber and twin core to see your clear speed when you do boss . After we can tank build .
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After we can talk about tank build
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i dont give a fuck about doing uber and i haven't seen a core drop in this entire league over 2 lvl 95 characters and 1 lvl 93
i didn't design this build to fight Uber/T15 bosess Also i sell all my t15 maps and buy more t13s cause better exp/h T15 dont have good mob density and are too expensive for what they give, especially at this point in the league when market is flodded with ilvl gear You wanna farm Uber? Pick a blade vortex or bladefall mine build And doing shit like twinned malachai is just for boosting your e-peen I care about getting to high levels and being efficient, t15 are not efficient and risk vs reward is not there IGN JustifiedF
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