Prophecy Challenge Statistics

i have 34 completed so far but im probably like many others that dont bother completing the rest atm until the leagues almost over. that said i could go for 40 pretty fast
cipher_nemo wrote:
Sure_K4y wrote:

The RNG has indeed been weighed to some degree. As far as I am concerned, there still is something left to be desired. Eventhough I have 2 lvl 90 characters at this point, I still get stuff like "kill rare x/y) for uniques, quite a few kill monster x with weapon/item y equipped (upgrade prophecies), and generally pointless stuff like frogs/rats which pretty much represents the "least worst" prophecies. Also, I still get the "ambitious bandits" chain quite often. So, as far as the lvl 90 bracket is considered, it is more like a mystery to me, that I am still hoping to experience for myself. This far I can safely say I have exceeded the realms of "poor RNG", for that matter...

Message receive: RNG is still random, lol. Hopefully I'll experience more of what AbdulAlhazred did instead of what you did.

Once you achieve level 90 and complete that challenge, I think GGG should change it so that you never get the more worthless prophecies. You're already at end-game, so why waste time on junk?

The issue is not that RNG does what it does, the issue is the "event horizon", for lack of a better term.

Obviously there are balancing concerns in play here. If you get a guaranteed chance-orb success, or a guaranteed 6-link every couple days, it sure would be somewhat nice, but it would also be something that does not provide that satisfying feeling that you otherwise may have had. With that in mind it clearly makes sense, that, no matter your level, there will always be "filler prophecies" which you will want to get out the way, so you can spin the prophecy-wheel-o-fortune once more.

The negative aspect at this point is, that when you put in effort to get these prophecies done to save coins, you have effectively wasted valuable play-time, whereas sealing these prophecies means that you've effectively wasted currency. So, once you get something that you do not want to have, be it because there is no benefit for you, or be it because it is detremental to your progression, or be it because you're missing a key item, you're in a lose-lose situation.

This lose-lose situation is where prophecy went wrong from the get-go, and it still does to this day. Even reducing the costs for sealing certain prophecies is not much of a remedy, because a lose-lose situation is what it is, and the player is *forced* to make an uncomfortable decision either way. This is the most outstanding and noteable flaw this league has, and at some point it will start to become annoying. That's not what I'm here for, I don't play to get annoyed time and time again.

In comparison to prophecy, the perandus league had one thing going for it, and that was freedom of choice. If you did not like what Cadiro offered, you could simply move on, without any negative side-effect whatsoever. Talisman worked differently, but even talisman was less progression-intrusive in comparison.
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
Last edited by Sure_K4y#1656 on Jul 8, 2016, 9:23:21 AM
Shagsbeard wrote:
Holding steady at 11... not that I'm trying to get higher. I just play. If I happen to get a challenge completed, says more about the "challenge" than it does about me.

Same here i have just been playing. Not trying to complete anything.

Btw darkshrine league was the best league.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jul 8, 2016, 12:56:32 PM
I was VERY happy I didn't like the pet and could just relax after 24 and take a break this go around...might actually be the first "race season" I give a try for a real reward.
It sounds like Prophecy is even more painful than Perandus was; I guess I picked right when I considered how annoying Perandus was versus Talisman.

Also, yeah, looking at that chart... It seems fewer people are trying compared to Perandus. While the EXACT date has shifted, GGG *has* given us a decent look at around a little over a month into each league:

Talisman Stats @35 days
Perandus stats @45 days
Prophecy Stats @33 days

As one can see, there were a substanially higher number of players who hit both 36 and 40 on Perandus, and I doubt that the 36% longer time can explain the ~100% difference, especially when the values for challenge counts 5-12 in particular (where MOST serious players will fall) was actually a lot closer.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Last edited by ACGIFT#1167 on Jul 9, 2016, 8:58:50 AM
I've noticed a few people mentioning that the 300 map challenge is hard to do,_Wolfpack%27s_Den

Why not buy a bunch of these?
ACGIFT wrote:
It sounds like Prophecy is even more painful than Perandus was; I guess I picked right when I considered how annoying Perandus was versus Talisman.

Also, yeah, looking at that chart... It seems fewer people are trying compared to Perandus. While the EXACT date has shifted, GGG *has* given us a decent look at around a little over a month into each league:

Talisman Stats @35 days
Perandus stats @45 days
Prophecy Stats @33 days

As one can see, there were a substantially higher number of players who hit both 36 and 40 on Perandus, and I doubt that the 36% longer time can explain the ~100% difference, especially when the values for challenge counts 5-12 in particular (where MOST serious players will fall) was actually a lot closer.

Those graphs are percentages, not absolute numbers. So the high left side for Prophecy could indicate new players who are trying out the game.

That said, for me personally, after Talisman (32/32) and Perandus (36/40) I'm burnt out. I got to A3 Cruel and thought "Do I want to bother with this any more?" The answer was "no."
Running heists fully zoomed in... because
Completed 36 after Killing Argus in uber lab, went to Izaro second phase and horribly misplayed and got one hit death smashed...
is there any post league prophecy challenge statistic? it could be useful if

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