Prophecy Challenge Statistics
Prophecy League started 3/6, so these stats are after one month
Perandus League stats after 6 weeks (ie roughly 50% more play time) People who state the league is terrible/dead etc because of these statistics are clearly talking out of their arses. |
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" Currently on 35 challenges, all done solo , I've only ever offered stuff in 820, never taken advantage of it. I bought one map (and Abyss for 20c) and alted it until I got twinned, every other map was self found for the twinned challenge (many were completed due to the prophecy) |
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40 done ez
p.s bring back old exp plz ggg |
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Exping seems rather slow, I had terrible luck on map pool and leveling after 85 basically stopped. I would like some incentive in terms of exp on map mods. I would like to run heavy maps rather than spend couple hours doing some easy ass blue maps.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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" I have to agree here. While there are prophecies out there which can be used to great effect under certain circumstances, most of them do not f♪♫♫♪ng matter at all, once you entered merciless difficulty, and/or started mapping. Even the fine-tuning that was done to get the prophecies more in line with what players actually need/want/have to do from lvl 70 onwards, did very little to remedy the inherent disease of this league, which is "backtrack, or pay, or both". If I do not want to do a certain prohecy, because there is no benefit for me at all, or I simply can't do it, because I need a specific item/event for it, I have to pay to get it sealed. This might seem like a "lazyness-fee" to some degree, but in the long run it devolved into "insult added to injury" for me. It's like saying "Well, you just had bad luck at the price of 1 coin, now you need to remove it for the price of another x coins". To top it all off, the player actually has very little control over the timing of when these prophecies occur, which makes matters even worse, when you have prophecies that just won't freaking proc for the love of god. I can remember when ZiggyD uploaded a podcast about this league relatively early on, saying that this league would be the best so far, in terms of design. Don't get me wrong, there are many good ideas here, and I congratulate Rory for putting this together, but the backtracking sucked from day 1 onwards, and it still does. I stopped counting how many times I killed the council by now, eventhough I did not even want to farm them to begin with, but removing council related prophecies is too darn expensive, let alone that it wouldn't make much sense. So you have to do those runs, to prevent your prophecy-screen from getting messed up. Case in point, this league is either keeping me from doing what I want to do, or it's making me lay down greatly increased amounts of coins, just to be able to enjoy it's unique features, while actually playing the core-game somewhat properly. To me this league has become some kind of shopping cart, with a will of its own, unless it's being fed with coins. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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" If you don't want to run the council just sell the keys or prophecies for chaos then you can turn the chaos into silver coins if you need more. You don't 'have to' do any prophecies. As an example the Feral Lord V prophecy sells for around 6c, it costs around 14/15 silver to seal, 6 chaos will buy you 50+ silver coins (prices from standard) Volkuurs key sells for around 20c. Honestly if you are getting that many keys for the council you can make a ton of whaever currency you want. |
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" I don't need to remind you what needs to be done in order even acquire a full "council-set", or a single part of it in the first place, do I? Let alone that selling those keys basically means, that you always have to go like 98% of the way to the council anyways, and selling those keys means denying myself the shot at the reach of the council, which sells for much more... Yeah, I don't "have to do" any prophecies at all, like, I might as well play standard and simply kiss the current league good-bye, or I could simply not show my face anymore until the next challenge league starts, right? Get the picture already? No? It's really simple: The things that I like about this league's unique mechanics do not outweigh what I don't like. League mechanics, by the way, are the sole incentive to play leagues for lots of players to begin with. Plus: I seldomly play standard at all, as in: Me playing standard is a rare exception. That being said, your argument of me, or anyone else for that matter, being able to sell things on the market, completely misses the point of what I actually consider to be annoying. Let alone that progress in poe is not measured exclusively in currency. -The fact that playing the game makes the player generate currency over time does not make my point of view any less valid. -Backtracking remains backtracking, no matter the reason, no matter the benefit. And believe me: The benefits are not that overwhelmingly good, all things considered. -quite a few prophecies proc inconsistantly, no matter what. -Backtracking to look for a certain type of rare monster in an area that is otherwise pointless to visit at all, is the absolute worst. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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So I'm in the 30% bracket. Glad I'm not in the lower half of players, lol.
And grats to those in the 30s and at 40: lots of gameplay to get there so quickly. Less than 5% of players. It's an exclusive club. ;-) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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This league has just felt like a long boring grind in my opinion...I'm at 25 "challenges" (feels more like busy work) and feeling pretty brain dead, I've made 4 builds in this league and still cant manage to make grinding the remaining challenges feel like more than a chore. I do like the proph mechanic and the new end game bosses, just feel like there wasn't much creativity put into the challenges. This will be the first league I wont go out of my way for 100% challenge completion. That aside...think GGG is doing a great job with new content and performance stability.
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yea that fucking make sense
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