7L Blade Flurry - Ashrend, Gull & Flow Untethered - No Unrealistic Buffs/Abyssus -3mil DMG vs Shaper

Almighty Guardian Hydra has fallen - T16 Lair of the Hydra

Updated End Game Gears
T16 Facerolling Mino Cow- Minus Max Res, 41% Spd and 104% More DMG - 1080p 60fps


T16 Hydra Map - Almost Die, God Bless Spell Dodge! 1080p 60fps

I guess u gave up on bor?
There is a lot of information this guy seemingly does not want to be transparent with us.
IceLancerSR wrote:
I guess u gave up on bor?

I'm still using it. I believe it is my best choice for my helm slot at the moment.
Nothing beats it compare to previous helm setup such as offensive helm, Rat's Nest or even the defensive helm, Starkonja.
Double legacy BoR is really strong. It gives superb raw HP as well as raw physical damage that depending on setup can easily defeat Rat's Nest. If you have the budget, it can improve your build termendously.

It seems a lot of people mistaken BoR is only good for block build but to me, I find it BoR is a pretty versatile item.
Deadpeng wrote:
There is a lot of information this guy seemingly does not want to be transparent with us.

Stop being dramatic.
I wish i could fit 6L into ..somewhere ..and use my leg. kaom :P
I cant see ur hp pool anywhere?
IceLancerSR wrote:
I wish i could fit 6L into ..somewhere ..and use my leg. kaom :P
I cant see ur hp pool anywhere?

My apologies on that. Last updated HP is on mid April on the Build Capability section. I haven't decide to finalize my build, so I don't update it yet. However, the current HP is lowered to 5.6k+ from 6k (due to higher offense setup)
I will update my stats when I got the time to play.

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