Developer Questions and Answers

Can you make it where the HUD elements can be changed or resized?
Is there a reason you've embraced powercreep as a design goal when it's clearly not sustainable?
I feel like there's a bit of a disconnect between GGG and the community on a few small issues. I'd really just love to hear any updates on the following topics:

-in-game trading improvements
-Chat system "--> <--" (this dumb arrow system)
-guild stash logs
-"last online" log for friends list.

^^ these may seem like simple issues, but when you play this game several hours a day the phrase "quality of life" becomes quite literal.

Have any of the original D1 or D2 developers reached out to you or anyone else on the team to show appreciation for the game you have created and it's impact on their legacy? If so can you share the story?
Last edited by miasma23#1405 on Jun 28, 2016, 8:48:10 PM
do you have plans to release in Korea

Enjoy this game a lot of Koreans
At this point, in softcore, many people can just spec themself with pure movespeed or pure attack speed and do just fine. Moving super fast and oneshoting the screen while ignoring most mechanics. Ever since the release of ascendancy, the people are now making ridiculously stronger and faster builds.

Is there any plan to "slow down" the game with it's current speed meta?
Are you planning to release more Fated Item unique upgrades? If so, any teasers about which ones? An upgraded Quill Rain would be highly amusing, if lag inducing. *dakka dakka dakka*

The implementation of currency tabs has been wonderful! Is there any plan to move forward from that? Perhaps allowing a currency tab to be simply a Thing the character has access to, for auto-pickup of money, use of currency on instance items like strongboxes, or faster trade?

Are there plans to allow trade implementation during Labyrinth breaks(Aspirant's Trial stash rooms, for example). Additionally, are there plans to streamline trade so someone can trade with you without needing to form a party and join the same instance?

*general statement of approval/applause for Prophecy*
Chris and the GGG team,

Path of Exile is by far the most enjoyment I got from a free-to-play game and even more than some paid ones. I've played for a while and have gotten an understanding of where issues lie within the game. I am just a causal player so most of the community can probably agree with me on these issues. Trading seems like a hassle, with the introduction to public stash tabs it made it so we can make a little more money on good items we found. However, when most of us have saved up some currency and want to upgrade our gear we go to and more than half of the people on there are either afk, do no even reply, or not logged in. This makes it frustrating as we want to get on with playing the game. Now for the question: what improvements can we see in the near future? I saw some recommendations for a master in our hideout to where it acts like the middleman. PLEASE GGG this is probably the best idea I have heard since I started playing and we as a community would very much like to see this a reality. One last question, what do you think about automatically picking up currency? Most people see a wisdom scroll and just pass over it or an alteration or chromatic or whatever and I believe that this could help on the people who like to solo the game and craft their gear.
If my barrage hit a target with Projectile Weakness, and poison was applied from the hit, does the "increased damage taken from projectiles" also applies to the poison damage?

(in another word, does projectile weakness double-dips the poison/bleeding/ignite?)
Was the new exp curve supposed to discourage yellow tier map chaining and encourage red map farming? Or was it just a response to streamers hitting 100 in ridiculously short times?

As far as I can tell from the numbers, the new curve seem to lessen the exp gap between red and yellow maps making yellow maps even better (relatively) for end game farming, and is discouraging me from playing prophecy any further...
Last edited by AridZephyr#2739 on Jun 28, 2016, 9:06:36 PM

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